Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 649: : 2 heads afraid

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In the past, there were seven immortal gates suppressed, even if the monsters had the strength to destroy Tujiao City, they did not dare to act rashly. The two sides formed a delicate balance without interfering with each other. Now that this balance has been broken, the monsters are planning to flee the Nine Provinces Continent. Naturally, they will not be polite to the human monks, and they will kill when passing by Tujiao City, which is not difficult to understand.

Seeing Tu Jiaocheng suffered heavy casualties, and the monks present were gritted with teeth. For many years, there has not been such a tragedy in the mainland of Kyushu. It's just that they don't dare to act rashly, because the strength of the monster beast is too strong, and it is still a loss here when it really fights.

In fact, this is a situation where the monsters are afraid of hitting the wolf with a stick. The monsters did not dare to attack immediately. They escaped earlier, and they did not know what happened behind Yinfeng Gorge, for fear that this was a trap set by the human monks. , Just to lure them into being fooled, when they were entangled by these monks, several heads swarmed up, and they had no chance to run.

The current situation is completely reversed from the previous one in Yinfeng Gorge. The high-end combat power of the monster beast includes General Chuanlin and Huibeizi, both of which have the same strength, while the monk has only Wuyin and Yuchai. Two real people are the early monks of the golden core.

However, on the low-end combat power side, there are only more than 30 monsters, and there are nearly 500 disciples in the foundation building period, which occupy an absolute advantage over the monster beasts. A part of the late foundation building cultivators can also be separated to support the two golds. Elder Dan, the fight really started, except that it was a bit more violent, and it was not certain who would win or lose.

For fear of being seen by the other party, the real Wuyin rushed to shout: "Bold monsters, you heads think that your cultivation is not easy, so they didn't kill you all. Unexpectedly, you didn't want to repent and caused such a tragedy in Tujiao City. , It's not a pity to die."

General Chuanlin was very unconvinced, and said, "Huh, it's really a horrible argument. Could it be that you are only allowed to kill monsters, so we monsters can't kill human monsters?"

"It was you who repeatedly indulged your subordinate monsters to besiege Tujiao City, and we couldn't bear it before we slammed into Yinfeng Gorge. We have already judged whether it is right or wrong." Wu Yin Zhenren said.

General Chuanlin sneered: "You human monks are really cunning. Our six demon kings lived well in Yinfeng Gorge, and never took a half step out of Yinfeng Gorge. You suddenly came to kill our countless demon children and grandchildren. Now, I’m thinking of putting all the blame on our monsters. Why should we really want to inflict the crime? Muji, with our strength, it’s boring to fight here. It’s better to compare the two of us. If You can beat me, what you say is what you say, if you lose, don’t stand up in front of me."

At the beginning, General Chuanlin had one enemy and five not let down. One of them was a real Wuyin. If he fights alone, it is estimated that the real Wuyin can only be passively beaten. Madam Wuyin naturally wouldn't be fooled, and said, "General Chuanlin has a good calculation. There are so many people on our side, why should we fight you alone?"

"I think you are scared? Hahahaha..." General Chuanlin laughed.

The two had a verbal battle, and neither of them did anything. Graybeard and General Chuanlin had guessed some clues. It seemed that these human monks did not dare to fight with them. It is estimated that those heads did not follow. But they didn't know what happened in Yinfeng Gorge, thinking that those heads would come back sooner or later, even if they saw the clues, they didn't dare to take a chance.

General Chuanlin was a little more impulsive, and said in a low voice against the gray beard: "I think they seem to be bluffing, gray beard, do you want me to go up and charge?"

Huisizi is still more cautious, shook his head and said: "I think it's better to forget it. Now it is a situation where the fight is completely lost. It is no better than Yinfeng Gorge. The strength of the monks is unrestricted, and they occupy the home court advantage. The monks will only get better The more we gather, if the two of us are injured, I am afraid it will be difficult to flee the mainland of Kyushu with our men."

The monsters are not afraid of hard work, they are afraid of the tactics of the human cultivators. If these golden core cultivators don’t fight with them, but only interfere with them at the back, they can make it difficult for them to move a group of monsters, and they will not be able to get out of the Kyushu Continent for three to five years. Outside this is the territory of human monks. Once they gather enough Jindan monks, they will counterattack. At that time, they have only a dead end.

"Then what shall we do? Is it so sullen to retreat?" General Chuanlin said.

Huibeizi said: "We can't even keep the Yinfeng Gorge, so we still care about this? You will leave with your subordinates first, and I will be responsible for the break, so as not to be bitten by them."

General Chuanlin is inferior in intelligence to Gray Beard. The two of them rely on each other's decision to cooperate. Seeing that Gray Beard has made up his mind, he had to take the thirty fifth and sixth-order monsters to leave first, and Gray Beard The cultivator in front of him stood upright, blocking the monk in front of him~www.readwn.com~ Seeing the monster beast on the opposite side took the initiative to retreat, the cultivators present became more courageous. When it was burned, the cultivators on the scene burned with anger, wishing to smash these monster beasts into pieces. It's just that the gray beard stands in the front, no one dares to act rashly, this is the ruthless demon who blocked the three heads by himself.

Seeing the monks in front of him about to move, the gray beard smiled and said: "Everyone, it is not our monsters that indiscriminately kill innocent people, but you have wiped out the Yinfeng Gorge and killed my countless demon sons and grandchildren. These monsters are home to home. It’s normal to meet Tujiao City on the way to escape. It’s normal to vent your emotions. Tujiao City is such a big city and we are not many in number. In fact, we didn’t kill many monks. Since you are not willing to work hard, it’s better to let us go. How about a way of life?"

Afterwards, before the monks could answer, the gray beard sneered and said: "If you don't pursue this matter, I will try my best to restrain my men before I leave the Kyushu Continent. If you have to kill them all, then we are. There is no end to death. Not only will you not be able to live, but in the future, all the cities I pass by will be killed without leaving the chickens and dogs. By then, the world of immortal cultivation will be overwhelmed. Don't blame me for being cruel."

If it's just the front, the monks present might still not succumb, and you want to slaughter the city if you vent your emotions? How can there be this truth in the world? But with these latter words, many monks have excuses. Yes, if these monsters are annoyed, they will kill them. In the future, the world of cultivating immortals will be charcoal, and they don't know how many people will be killed.

These hundreds of monks fled from Yinfeng Gorge all the way to here, like a bereaved dog, their future was lost, and they had no goal in their hearts. They didn't have the courage to fight desperately. Now they have an excuse not to fight desperately. Who is willing to take the initiative to die?

Drunken gourd

Drunken gourd

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