Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 651: : Discussing countermeasures

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The bells spread over hundreds of miles, and the entire Qingfeng Temple was immediately lively. Everyone could hear what the rapid bells meant. They rushed towards the main peak of the Qingfeng Temple, and some even ignored the sect. The limitation of being unable to fly inside, driving a spiritual weapon.

The first to arrive was the Jindan elder. There were originally ten Jindan elders in the Qingfeng Hall. After the deputy head of the Qingfeng Sanren broke through, he became eleven. They are not counted as Qiyun and Wuyin, but the nine who stayed in the school. Eight people came, and only the original deputy head, the pure real person, disappeared.

Seeing the seriously injured Wuyin Zhenren and dozens of foundation-building disciples behind him, Wusi Zhenren was taken aback and said, "Brother Wuyin, what has happened? The moment you come back, it will sound the giant peak of the main peak. Zhong? Where is the head brother? What about the other disciples of foundation building?"

Seeing the other Golden Core Realm brothers, Madam Wuyin finally felt a sense of security. Thinking of what happened in Yinfeng Gorge, he couldn't help but said in a sad voice: "Junior, we are the only ones who came back alive. The rest is over, boss. Also died in Yinfeng Gorge."

Hearing the words of Makoto Wuyin, all Jindan cultivators present changed their expressions. Majestic Qiyun is the eighth-layer Jindan cultivator, so how could he die or die? What about other schools?

Wusi Zhenren couldn't help saying: "Who can kill the head in the Nine Provinces? Could it be that the Seven Great Immortals have infighted, and other sects are going to unite to destroy our Qingfeng Temple?"

Real person Wuyin looked miserable, and said: "Other schools are more miserable than our Qingfeng Temple. In this operation, the seven heads of the army were almost wiped out. The 16 Golden Core cultivators at the time of departure were only me and the real person of Jinding Pavilion Yuchai. After coming back alive, only less than 500 disciples of the eight hundred base building are left."

The words of Makoto Wuyin immediately frightened everyone present. This was beyond their expectations. Majestic Qixia, who has the highest cultivation level among the sects, on the sixth floor of the Golden Core, said: "How is this possible? The monster in Yinfeng Gorge. When did they have this kind of strength? If they had solved the strength of the seven masters in one fell swoop, they would have killed Tujiao Mountain long ago, how could they have been hiding in Yinfeng Gorge? Did they find a foreign helper and set a trap in advance? ?"

Seeing everyone's eagerness, Wuyin Master didn't dare to neglect, and quickly told everyone about the journey of Yinfeng Gorge.

At first, the Seven Great Immortals pushed the Yinfeng Gorge flat, without encountering the slightest obstacle. This was expected. After that, in a melee in the valley, Mrs. Symphony killed the two golden core elders. This is also reasonable, so There can be no death in a big battle.

After the seven heads set off separately, they didn't understand, but the truth also made sense, but after going there, there were three heads missing, which was a bit unexpected. When the real person Guhong revealed his true face, everyone suddenly realized that someone was behind the calculations.

For his own selfishness, Zhenren Guhong did not hesitate to kill the three heads and several other golden core elders, and even his junior brother Man Lin also killed him. It was really cruel.

Everyone thought it was a tortuous enough to get here, but I don’t know that there are still some changes. It turns out that Gu Hong was also used, and Gu Hong calculated others all his life, and eventually died in other people's calculations, but he planned for decades. Someone made a wedding dress.

What was even more unexpected was that behind all this was the remnants of the Blood Demon Sect. Huang Ming was also a member of the Blood Demon Sect. After a great battle, the Jade Hoe blew himself up and died, and the Qiyun died after the death. Mr. Wuyin and Mr. Yuchai escaped with their disciples.

It was originally a tenable battle, but because of the selfishness of some people, the death and injury caused heavy casualties, the entire Kyushu Continent's late Jindan monks were almost wiped out. What's more serious is the resurgence of the Blood Demon Cult, and even the emergence of a master of the Nascent Soul Stage. Under the circumstances, the Seven Great Immortals will really be over this time.

In the process of the elder Wuyin's narration, other disciples of the Qingfeng Temple at the foundation construction stage also came one after another, and hundreds of monks stood noisily in a large area. But when Elder Wuyin finished speaking, the scene suddenly calmed down. The whole thing was too tortuous and beyond their cognition. Unexpectedly, the Blood Demon Cult, who didn't dare to show up like a mouse crossing the street before, had such a big one in secret. The forces, now that the head is dead, where should the Qingfeng Palace go? What should they do?

The elder Jindan present was also worried, but as the elder in the door, he naturally couldn't show his timidity in front of so many people. Madam Qixia pondered for a long time, and then asked a few questions about some of the details that were not detailed, and waited to confirm all the details. , Then said: "What should be said, Junior Brother Wuyin has said, let's make an idea together."

As soon as the voice of the real Qixia fell, Elder Wusi said: "There is no balance between the righteous and the devil. My Qingfeng Temple must not watch the remnants of the Blood Demon Sect resurrect~www.readwn.com~ Not to mention that the senior brother just died in their hands. We are still righteous people if this hatred is undefeated."

A golden core elder next to him also agreed: "Yes, our seven immortals gradually prospered through the elimination of the Blood Demon Sect. If the Blood Demon Sect re-emerges, it is probably us people who cannot be spared the most. Killed the remnants of the Blood Demon Sect for a lifetime, and if you finally get along with them, wouldn't you be ashamed of the ancestors of the Qingfeng Palace?"

At this time, another golden core elder said: "However, the blood demon sect is powerful, and we are not opponents. They not only have the veteran leader of the late golden core, Huang Ming, but also the spiritual blood who has just broken through the Nascent Soul. , How do we really have the chance of winning in the fight?"

Elder Wusi disagreed, and said: "How many golden core monks can the Blood Demon Cultivation cultivate in hiding in the dark these years? How many people like Master Huangming can have? Even though the heads of our seven great immortals are dead , But the remaining Golden Core cultivators all add up to more than one hundred. As long as everyone works together, the Blood Demon Sect will definitely not get any benefit."

The elder Jin Dan next to him also said: "Yes, that spirit blood real person made a temporary breakthrough with the blood demon gu. There must be a lot of sequelae. Otherwise, how can the real person Wuyin and the real person Yuchai leave easily? Yes, we have organized all the seven great immortal gates and the golden core monks of the medium sect, which is enough to fight the remnants of the Gorefiend Sect."

The former Golden Core monk said: "That's what I said, but who knows if everyone is of the same mind? The seven immortal gates have always been fighting each other, and there are many internal contradictions. It can still hold everyone together. Now that the heads of the various factions have been wiped out, who has this ability? If there are a few more traitors like Real Man Huang Ming in the team, they will turn back at the critical moment, won't everyone else be dragged down? ?"

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