Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 680: :Zhongsha domain

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Seeing that the two seniors were noncommittal, Wang Chenggu went on to say: "The farthest one can be reached in the south is the Zhongsha Region. The Zhongsha Region is also a group of islands, but the number is much smaller, so the Zhongsha Region is inferior in this respect. Dongsha region, but it is said that this middle sand region is only a transit point, and further south there is a wider continent, and there are also higher-level immortal cultivators, but these news are from the little humanity hearsay, and I have never been there. Far, I don’t know if it’s true or not."

A wider continent? A higher-level cultivator? Qing Yang couldn't help but fascinated, and it took him a long time to say: "How far is this middle sand region from Ziyan City?"

Wang Chenggu said: "Zhongsha is about seven million miles away from Ziyan City. The spirit ship needs to sail for seven years, and the distance is not very close. If the senior is just to avoid enemies, there is no need to go so far along the way. There are still many islands suitable for monks to live in. Basically, there are monks living. Monsters do not dare to harass easily. If nothing else, there are quite a few within hundreds of thousands of miles near Ziyan City. You can choose the one you like."

This Wang Chenggu also saw that the two seniors were easier to talk about, so he said a few more words, but Qingyang and Xiao Yuhan had already decided to leave the Jiuzhou Continent, so naturally they would not choose to live in seclusion near Ziyan City. Those small islands are sparsely populated and lack resources. They simply can't support the cultivation of high-level monks. Without the cultivation resources, is it impossible to be a pirate like Sang Fan?

Qing Yang hesitated for a long time, and said, "Senior Sister Xiao, I have decided, so I will go to this middle sand area to have a look."

Xiao Yuhan nodded and said, "I also think this Middle Sand Region can go, Junior Brother Qingyang, I'm afraid we will continue to walk all the way."

Qing Yang didn't have any opinion on this. Regardless of whether he saw Xiao Yuhan's character or not, the two were quite familiar with each other. At least, Qing Yang believed in Xiao Yu more than those monks who had never dealt with before. It's colder, not to mention that he must take the same spirit ship to go to the Middle Sands. Whether he wants it or not, the two will definitely travel along the way.

Qing Yang didn't struggle with this problem anymore, took out a few miscellaneous pills from Hu Xiaobei and Hong Shenghe, and gave them to Wang Chenggu. These things are of no use to Qing Yang. It is too troublesome to put them on the body and take them to deal with them, but for the low-level monks like Wang Chenggu, they are rare good things. Wang Chenggu was overjoyed. This senior is really overjoyed. It was too generous, and just asked a few words and gave so many things.

Wang Chenggu finally suppressed the excitement in his heart, and hurriedly put the things into his arms, then raised his head to look at Qing Yang, he knew that Senior Qing Yang would definitely have an explanation.

At this time, I listened to Qingyang’s confession: "You don’t need to follow these two days. Go and help us find out where the spirit ship from Ziyan City to the Middle Sands is parked, and when will the most recent trip leave? How much is it? Come and report as soon as you have news. Even if these are your errands for the past few days, there will be rewards if things are done."

The thing Qingyang bestowed on Wang Chenggu just now, although he didn't come and take a closer look, he can roughly judge it with a rough estimate. It is almost worth a piece of semi-spirit stone. This is his income for several months before, Qing Senior Yang gave the rewards casually, and said that this was only the cost of running errands in the past few days, and there were rewards when things were done. This is really developed.

There is a saying that money can make ghosts grind, and Qingyang's rewards are in place, Wang Chenggu is also very vigorous in doing things, and he has repeatedly ensured that the news will be delivered within three days, and then he left the inn.

Of course, it was impossible for Qingyang and Xiao Yuhan to completely believe what Wang Chenggu said. In the next two days, the two also went outside to inquire about the relevant situation. After two days of visits, they found that Wang Chenggu was talking about everything. In fact, there are no tricks in front of them.

On the third day, Wang Chenggu sent the news back on time. The spirit ship from Ziyan City to the Central Sands was organized by a company called Wantong Pavilion. There were not many spirit ships on this route. There were a total of four The spirit ship is opposite each other, and on average it only travels every four years.

Recently, a spirit ship has just returned. According to the practice, it usually takes a year to repair. However, the recent rise of the Blood Demon Sect and the drastic changes in the mainland of Kyushu have left more monks. Therefore, the people who board the ship have already booked almost. As long as the people are full, The spirit ship will depart early.

In other words, if you can’t catch up this time, the next one will have to wait until at least four years later. Qingyang and Xiao Yuhan are unwilling to stay in Ziyan City, so after receiving the news, the two will follow Wang Chenggu. Go to Wantong Pavilion to book a spirit ship.

Ziyan City is very large, and Wantong Pavilion's merchants are laid in another urban area. Wang Chenggu took Qingyang and Xiao Yuhan and walked for nearly two hours before reaching the place~www.readwn.com~Wantong Pavilion. They belong to the local business, and they mainly do the transportation of people and goods. In addition to transporting monks, they also bring some goods that are relatively short between the two places on the way, and directly wholesale them to the local business to make some profits.

Because of this, the shops of Wantong Pavilion are relatively remote, and there are not many people who usually come and go. The person in charge of reception here at Wantong Pavilion is called Guan Shi Zhao. He is an old man in the middle stage of foundation construction. People are like a spring breeze, and at first glance they are people who are accustomed to doing business.

The spirit boats of Wantong Pavilion are clearly marked, and there is no need to bargain. There are three hundred and fifty spirit stones for each person. This spirit stone is not a large number for the foundation-building monks, even if it is bitten by some Qi-refining monks. Clenching your teeth is acceptable. After a little chat, Qingyang and Xiao Yuhan each paid the spirit stone to Guan Shi, and obtained two signs, which was regarded as the location of the spirit ship.

The three hundred and fifty spirit stones seem to be a lot, but in fact it is not much compared to the seven years of the spirit ship walking on the sea, because the spirit ship also needs to consume the spirit stone, and the huge spirit ship only depends on the true essence of the monk. Driving is not helpful at all, so there is a spirit stone driving device on the spirit ship, and the spirit stone provides energy, and the monk can only use it to assist.

It takes at least ten spiritual stones to sail a day on the spirit ship, which is more than 3,000 yuan a year. The salary of the chief, steward, and crew on the ship requires almost so much temporary in a year, which means that it takes seven years. The cost of a spirit ship is more than fifty thousand spirit stones.

It takes at least one hundred and forty people to earn fifty thousand spirit stones, and the total number of positions on a ship is two hundred, and Wantong Pavilion actually does not earn much. This time because of the drastic changes in the mainland of Kyushu, there are more monks going out. In the past, when the ship was dispatched, there were not enough customers to make up a hundred guests. Most of them were made up for the loss by the profit of bringing the goods back and forth.

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