Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 682: : Ziyan City Mojia

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Xiao Yuhan was not surprised by what they were talking about, because she had seen even worse conditions. Yu Mengmiao broke through the foundation-building period a few years ago. It took less time than Qingyang, just two brothers and sisters. People are so outrageous, is there any reason?

After talking about his own affairs, Qing Yang asked, "Brother Xiying, are you here to book the boat too?"

Fairy Xiying sighed: "Yes, Kyushu is turbulent, and the right way does not exist. For more than two thousand years, my Lingxi Valley has been incompatible with the Blood Demon Cult. Can’t afford to hide? Both of you are going to venture out?"

"Yes." Qing Yang and Xiao Yuhan said.

"That's right, our seven immortal gates are in the same spirit. When we go outside, we should take care of each other. With two companions, we won't be lonely along the way." Teacher Xiying said.

Qing Yang nodded and said, "Senior Master Xiying is right, we really should be like this! The boats are running out, and the two seniors don't miss the business. Let's say goodbye."

Judging from the past of discovering treasures in the secret area, the character of Master Xiying is still good, but he can continue to deal with it. It takes several years to walk from Ziyan City to Zhongsha Region, and there may not be any dangers. With acquaintances as the company, safety is more guaranteed.

Of course, people's hearts are sinister, especially for immortal cultivators. It is impossible for Qing Yang to be completely unsuspecting others because of his character. The necessary precautions are still there. However, compared to the immortal cultivators outside, Xiying, who was also born in the Seven Great Immortals of the Kyushu Continent, is more trustworthy.

After leaving Wantong Pavilion, Xiao Yuhan returned directly to the inn. Qingyang was idle and had nothing to do, and together with Wang Chenggu, went to the market of Ziyan City to hang out to buy some things he could use and sell some at the same time. Sundries that you can't use.

Ziyan City is worthy of being the window of the mainland of Kyushu to the outside world of immortality. The square city is also more prosperous than other places, and it is even more complete than the inner square city of the seven immortals. Many strange things can be found here. turn up.

Some time ago he successively killed the three monks sent by Young Master Lingxu to hunt him down. Later, he killed Hu Xiaobei and others. Coupled with the harvest in Yinfeng Gorge, Qingyang has a lot of things to need. sell. Although many of them are invisible, but I am about to leave here soon, even if someone sees something, can I still chase myself?

But it’s not easy to sell them all. Those low-level items are easy to sell, and higher-level items are not easy to sell. In the market, there are almost all monks below Qi refining, and foundations are rare. Someone wanted it, but he couldn't bear it, so after shopping around for a long time, Qing Yang had sold half of the things on his body, and there were still a lot of things left.

In the end, Qing Yang also lost his patience, and found Wang Chenggu and said, "Do you know where the best craftsman in Ziyan City is?"

Wang Chenggu said: "There are many low-level craftsmen in Ziyan City, and there are fewer who can satisfy the predecessors of foundation building. The best of them is the Mo family. The Mo family is one of the large families in Ziyan City, which has been passed down for thousands of years. He has always been known for being good at refining tools, and he has a lot of contact with the Seven Immortals."

Mo family? Have a lot of contact with the Seven Immortals? Qing Yang couldn't help but think of the brother Mo Rong who helped him refine the Yufeng Gourd when he was in the Qingfeng Palace, and his surname was Mo. I don't know if it matters.

The reason why Qing Yang asked the refiner was to use this opportunity to refine a defensive spirit weapon. The Lin armor on his body was just a top-grade magic weapon, which was not commensurate with his current cultivation level. After leaving the mainland of Kyushu, there are definitely many dangers, and we must prepare in advance.

The snake skin shed from the mid-jindan piebald green snake that I obtained from Huaqingyaodong Mansion is an excellent material for refining defensive spirits. According to Qingyang's estimation, it is estimated that it can be refined into the best defensive spirits. Device. It's just that the skill refiners and alchemists in Dacheng are very average, and I don't know whether this Mo family can meet his own requirements.

Forget it, I don't want to have that much, let's go take a look first, Qing Yang nodded and said: "Okay, let's go to Mo's house, you will lead the way."

Then Wang Chenggu led the way towards the Mo family in Ziyan City. Mo family was not far from Fang City, and the two of them reached the place in only half an hour.

The Mo family deserves to be one of the big families in Ziyan City. The Gaomen compound covers a huge area, covering thousands of acres at a glance. According to Wang Chenggu, there are several foundation-building monks in Mo Jiaguang. At first, the Liang family, the big family of Yuling City, didn't know how many times it was older.

In the front yard of the Mo family, there is a row of many shops. There are shops specializing in selling various magical and spiritual artifacts. They are divided into categories and have various grades. On both sides are workshops and shops for refining magical and spiritual artifacts. With the people before the workshop, business seems to be very good.

Qing Yang went to Mo's shop first, and didn't see any dazzling things. At least 90% of the shelves were magical artifacts~www.readwn.com~ and spiritual artifacts accounted for less than 10%. , Especially the high-level spirit weapons, even none of them were found.

But this is also normal. The hundreds of thousands of cultivators in Ziyan City are almost all low-level cultivators in the Open Vessel Realm and Qi Refining Period. There are only a thousand monks and foreigners, and the consumption of spiritual artifacts is extremely limited. Although high-level spiritual weapons are expensive and profitable, they can’t be sold for three to five years. It’s better to sell low-level magic tools. The more the number, the profit will naturally go up.

After watching for a long time, but couldn't find anything satisfactory, so Qing Yang went to the refining workshop next to him, found the Mo family who was in charge of the reception, and put forward his own request.

There are not many foundation-building cultivators in Ziyan City. The Mo family usually rarely visits the foundation-building cultivator. Seeing that Qingyang is the foundation-building cultivator, the requirements are relatively high. The Mo family dare not neglect, so they invited Qingyang into the VIP first. Room, two foundation-building cultivators came together soon.

The two are somewhat similar in appearance. They seem to be two brothers. Both of them are silver-haired, red-faced, and wrinkled. They look very old, but they are strong and steady. The cultivation base in the middle stage of foundation construction, the walking room has its own momentum.

The Qing Yang in front is not very familiar with it, and the one in the back is Senior Brother Mo Rong, the top refiner of the Qingfeng Temple Refining Institute. Although the two had only dealt with each other once, Mo Rong was very familiar with Qingyang, who refines Yufeng Gourd. Seeing that it was Qingyang, he said in amazement, "Junior Qingyang, why are you?"

If I was really an acquaintance, the matter would be easy to handle, Qing Yang said, "I passed by Ziyan City and wanted to refine a spiritual weapon, but I didn't expect Senior Brother Mo Rong to be the Mo family member of Ziyan City."

Mo Rong smiled and said: "So, where is it that you don't meet in life? Does Junior Brother Qingyang come to Ziyan City at this time, do you also want to go to the open sea?"

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