Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 693: : Blood Skeleton

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"Pirate ship? What pirate ship?" Someone didn't know why.

Someone disdainfully said: "I don't even know this? Pirates are evil monks who specialize in blocking roads, robberies, murders, and treasures at sea. The spirit ship they usually travel on is the pirate ship."

Qingyang also knows about the pirates on the open sea, because the open sea is vast and not as closely connected as the monks on the mainland. There are countless islands in the sea, and there are many suitable for monks to live in. You can hide in a place and you can’t find it. , Is a holy place for evil monks.

Many monks who like to get something for nothing, cruel, evil and bloodthirsty cultivators, or cultivators who have offended people in other places, like to run outside the sea. Such monks gathered more and gradually formed a powerful force. They formed groups to go out to kill people, steal treasures and block the way. They were called pirates by past monks, such as the Cyclops that Qingyang encountered before. Sang Fan, the ecstasy, has been a pirate in the open sea.

The spirit ship sailing in the open sea, in addition to preventing monsters from attacking, pirates are also a scourge that must be guarded against, because the pirates in the open sea are generally composed of evil cultivators. They are cruel and bloodthirsty. Once they fall into the hands of pirates, they are It is difficult to survive.

It’s just that relative to the number of monsters, the number of pirates in the open sea is very small. Under normal circumstances, it is difficult to encounter. I did not expect that this time the attack of the monsters was just repelled, and the pirates would come right after. I don't know if it is a coincidence or they are not lucky enough.

The spirit ship was getting closer and closer to everyone. Only then did they understand why Guan Shi recognized this as a pirate ship, because at the forefront of the spirit ship, there was a conspicuous flag on which was embroidered with blood red. Skeleton, what is it if it is not a pirate ship?

In a blink of an eye, the pirate ship was less than a hundred feet away from everyone, but he didn't have the intention to stop, and even rushed directly at the crowd. The monk does not have the strong physique of a monster. If he is hit by a pirate ship head-on, he will lose half his life if he is not dead. The monks present were suddenly hit by the spirit ship and swept down everywhere.

Until then, the pirate ship stopped, the light curtain fell, and a group of monks stood on the bow, looking down at the monks in the sea.

Qing Yang glanced at the pirate ship. There were hundreds of monks on the pirate ship. Among them, there were more than 20 in the middle of the foundation building, and there were also five or six pirates in the later stage of the foundation, which was higher than the proportion of passengers. There are hundreds of others behind the spirit ship, all in the Qi refining period.

The leader is a consummate cultivator who is not inferior to the money master. The cultivator does not know if he has practiced a special technique or what is going on. Only the skin and bones are left on his head. There is no hair on his head. , Plus the blood-red face, it looks like a red skull on his head from a distance.

The strength of this group of pirates is about the same as them. If everyone has a chance to win before the monsters attack, they have just gone through a fierce battle. Most of the people are unhealed, and the Lord Qian is even more unconscious and wants to win. There is almost no possibility.

What Qingyang could see, that Guanshi Zhao could also judge. Master Qian was unconscious, he could only bite the bullet and put on his head. He took a few steps forward and stood in front of the pirate ship. Guanshi Zhao clasped his fists and said, "Everyone. Fellow Daoists don’t know how to call them.

The bald monk hugged his arms and looked condescendingly at Guan Shi Zhao, with a slight sneer on his face, and said, "Under Blood Skeleton, didn't Guan Shi speak so knowingly? What else can we do as pirates? Of course it's killing people, stealing treasures, blocking roads and robberies. NS."

As soon as the bald-headed monk spoke, the pirates on both sides echoed the roar of laughter, as if the boss's words were really so ridiculous. The other steward was flushed with anger. He obviously hadn’t heard of a blood skull. He pointed to the blood skull and said angrily: “I have never been a pirate who has the courage to cross the ocean for hundreds of years. Friends are so sure, you think you will eat us? Are you not afraid of Wantong Pavilion's revenge?"

"What is Vantone Pavilion? This is the world of our pirates. After we succeed, where can we hide from Vantone Pavilion? If we are afraid of being retaliated by others, what pirates do we still do?" Yellow Face Pirate Road in the late building of the foundation.

"Hahahaha...I really laughed at me. I didn't even look at what place it was, but used the Wantong Pavilion to press us." A black-faced monk said in the late foundation building.

The white-faced monk beside him smiled and said, "I'm afraid this person is not mentally retarded? Hahahaha..."

After his subordinates laughed for a while, the blood skull waved his hand and looked at Guan Shi and said, "We were only 50% sure before we came. Now you have just fought with the red-tailed sea scorpion and suffered heavy casualties. Our assurance has increased. Ten percent ~www.readwn.com~ how can't it be done?"

Listening to the other party mentioning the red-tailed sea scorpion, Guan Shi's heart moved, and he couldn't help but said: "How could this happen? Did you bring the red-tailed sea scorpion?"

The blood skull sneered and said: "The steward is right, the group of red-tailed sea scorpions was brought by us. If it weren't for the red-tailed sea scorpions to take the lead, we might have to add them together."

The other party fell into the trap of his boss, and the yellow-faced pirate and You Rongyan beside him proudly said: "Tell you the truth, our boss has always acted after making decisions. You were already stared by us when you entered this sea. Go on, set a trap here in advance and wait for you to be fooled. Now you are in an ambush and it is hard to escape with your wings."

"I advise you to stay obediently, lest grandpas waste their hands and feet, maybe I will consider leaving you a whole body." The black-faced pirate also smiled.

The other party was clearly prepared. This is really difficult to handle. He can't fight it again. Guan Shi can only compromise, and said: "Friends of the Blood Skull Daoist, even though our group had a fight with the Red Tail Sea Scorpion. , But there is not much loss in strength. If you work hard, it is not certain who wins and loses. Even if you can win in the end, it will definitely be a tragic victory. Daoists here are just asking for money. Life, death, damage, strength is not worth it. We might as well take a step back. I will give you some compensation. How about you just let us go?"

The blood skull seemed to have expected Guanshi Zhao to say that. When Guanshi Zhao finished speaking, he asked casually: "It's okay to pay for compensation. How much can you give us?"

Guan Shi said: "You guys often walk on the sea. You should also know that my Wantong Pavilion makes a living by picking up and dropping guests on the sea, and I don’t have many spirit stones on my body. How about the hard work of Qianlingshi as you?"

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