Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 696: : The monk collapsed

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However, Qing Yang did not do this. It was not that he concealed his strength, but he knew very well that in this kind of melee situation, his role was too small. It was inconspicuous. Both the iron-armed monkey and the iron-armed monkey are out, and it can't change the situation on the court.

One more important point is that Qingyang is not optimistic about the current situation. The people of Wantong Pavilion and the passengers of the spirit ship are only temporary groups. It is just because of the current crisis that everyone has to be different from the enemy. For the common purpose, Only then combined to form a temporary consortium. Once there is a change on the battlefield, or the immediate threat exceeds the future danger, or everyone does not see the hope of victory, then this group will suddenly fall apart.

The pirates on the opposite side are different. They are organized. Among the hundreds of pirates, there is a boss, a leader, a backbone, someone, and a certain degree of resilience, even if there are casualties, as long as the boss is not involved. The entire pirate group will be fine.

Because of this, Qing Yang did not dare to be too outstanding, and was treated by the opposing pirates, or dragged by the more powerful pirates. Otherwise, when the situation changes and the entire team is defeated, he just wants to escape. There is no chance.

Not only Qingyang, but many people have also seen the changes in the situation on the court. Many monks have already started to think carefully, such as Xiao Yuhan and Xiping. Their eyes flickered and they began to compile the escape route. Xiying, who is very sexual, is also secretly preserving her strength.

A quarter of an hour passed in a blink of an eye, and the battle on the field became more and more fierce. In the previous fierce battle, there were monks at the end of the battle. In the fierce battle, casualties are inevitable. The situation of pirates is slightly better, but sometimes they can be pulled by the monks. To a few cushions.

At this moment, there was a scream from the center of the battlefield. This scream was made by Guanshi Zhao. Many people couldn't help but trembled and cast their eyes on the center of the battlefield.

Right in the center of the battlefield, Guan Shi staggered back several steps, and fell to the surface of the sea with an instability. On his chest, a spiritual weapon dagger was inserted into it. Guan Shi looked painful, and his hands seemed to want to pull the dagger out, but he couldn't use it.

The yellow-faced pirate opposite, with a look of indifference and self-confidence, seemed to have talked about his ability to do this trick before he shot it. This is also true, it's just a cultivator in the middle stage of foundation construction. If he can't take it all his hands and feet, wouldn't it be laughed off by others.

Everyone has their own opponents, it is too late to save Guanshi Zhao, and everyone can only watch Zhao Guanshi die. Guan Zhao is not very powerful in fact, but after the Lord Qian’s incident, he was the first representative of Wantong Pavilion and one of the backbones of everyone. Now Guan Zhao is also in trouble, and everyone is more and more uncomfortable with the outcome of this battle. Optimistic.

Sure enough, less than ten breaths passed before another scream came from the battlefield. This time it was the black-robed monk who was in trouble. He was in a precarious situation under the attack of Blood Skull. Hearing Guan Shi’s scream, he knew that something was wrong, and his heart was anxious for a while. The defense was not as dense as before. Seize the opportunity and hit my heart with one move.

The strength of the black-robed monk is far worse than that of the blood skull. Although this move was a bit hasty, it almost killed him half his life. He finally got up from the sea and spit out a mouthful of blood, without a trace of facing blood. The courage of the skeleton. There is a huge gap between the strengths of the two sides. When I was in good condition, I was not an opponent, let alone injured now.

I originally thought that all the monks should be organized, not seeking to defeat this gang of pirates, as long as they can let the other party retreat, even if it is necessary to pay some price in the end, there are so many low-level monks below, whether they are cannon fodder or out of spirits. Shi couldn't have his turn.

I don't know that this group of pirates is so difficult to deal with, and they hit themselves badly when they shot it. This is an endless situation, and the other party has no intention of letting go of this group of people.

There is only one dead end. Black-robed monks don't have the courage to sacrifice for others. In this case, saving their lives is the most important thing. Thirty-six strategies are the best strategy, so let's run away. The remaining monks, whether they are dead or alive? As for whether he could return to the Middle Sands after escaping, he couldn't control that much, and waited until his life was saved.

Thinking of this, the black robe monk couldn't care about anything else. Before the blood skull attacked, he suddenly displayed his body skills, lifting his whole body's true essence and quickly fleeing outside.

Seeing that the black-robed monk was about to flee, the blood skull sneered, as if he had expected the opponent to have such a hand, so he ran after him.

The black-robed monk is still a bit late to make a decision. If he is not injured, maybe there is still a chance. Now he is seriously injured and is not as strong as the blood skull~www.readwn.com~ is in the center of the battlefield, how could it be possible? Escape from the palm of the opponent's hand?

The blood skull only took more than ten breaths to catch up from behind, slashing the black robe monk with a spirit weapon on the back. The black-robed monk didn't expect the blood skull to catch up so quickly, and he was shocked, but at this time it was too late to turn around, and he could only arouse the whole body to defend and block.

The matter rushed, the black-robed monk's block didn't play a big role, and the blood skull's spirit weapon hit the black-robed monk's back. The strength gap between the two was huge. The black-robed monk was hit twice in a row. Such severe damage caused him to fall on the sea and he couldn't get up anymore.

The black-robed monk's escape was like the last straw to overwhelm the camel, and the temporary alliance formed by the monks suddenly collapsed. All the monsters, hundreds of thousands of miles, and dangers at sea are all forgotten by everyone. No matter how many dangers there are at sea, they will all be future. If you don’t run away, you will be worried about your life now. Only your life will be saved. Can say other things.

The first one who responded was that Brother Tsing Yi, the stronger he was, the better he was. He had long seen that the situation was not good, so he kept his strength secretly for this reason. While the black-robed monk ran away, the Tsing Yi monk used his body skills and fled in the direction he was looking for at the fastest speed. The black-faced pirates and white-faced pirates who besieged him were caught off guard, and he suddenly ran away a hundred meters. Far.

The blood skull caught up with the black robe monk, but found that the Tsing Yi monk was running away. He was furious and shouted at the two pirates: "What did you two eat? Why don't you hurry to chase? If he runs away, I will take it. You are asking."

The two pirates didn’t dare to neglect, and they hurried to catch up with each other. Their strength was not inferior to that of the Tsing Yi monk, and they had the home court advantage on this sea. As long as the two pirates followed closely, Definitely able to catch up with that monk Tsing Yi.

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