Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 703: : Half a year of experience

   Eight or nine months is not too long, it is also a few months slower than taking a spirit ship, and it can barely be tolerated, which is why he has a high-grade flying spirit weapon like Yufeng Gourd.

Other foundation-building cultivators do not have this condition. Those with flying spirit weapons are better. Those who don’t have flying spirit weapons can only drive flying swords on the road. They suffer from blowing wind along the way, which consumes the true essence and mind, not to mention speed. It's also much slower than Qingyang. It's not bad to walk seven or eight hundred miles a day, and it's not clear how long and how long will it take to reach the Central Sand Region.

   Xiaoxing stayed overnight, only four or five hours a day on the road. Even so, the time is too long and I can’t stand it. There are a lot of deserted islands in the sea. Sometimes when they encounter it, Qingyang will stay on the island for a few days to rest, restore his true energy and physical strength, and eliminate the exhaustion of the soul.

This sea is indeed much more dangerous than land. When Qingyang drove the Yufeng Gourd on the mainland of Kyushu, he would often not encounter trouble for a month or two. This sea is different, almost every few days. Every day, he can encounter a monster attack and block the way.

   There are individual, groups, and all kinds of monsters. Seeing Qingyang driving the Yufeng Gourd from a distance, the monsters will make preparations for attack in advance. Of course, at the speed of Yufeng Gourd, ordinary monsters can't catch up even if they are looking for trouble with Qingyang. Seeing that there is a group of monsters blocking the road ahead, Qingyang can go wrong with them only by adjusting the direction slightly. Passing by.

However, it is difficult to deal with those monster beasts with high strength. Some of them have ways to block the way before Qing Yang arrives, and then try their best to interfere with his flight. Qing Yang can only stop, and then use all his methods. Passed through the hands of the monster.

Qing Yang's luck is pretty good, and I haven't encountered any monsters above the Golden Core Stage on this road. The highest strength is the sixth-order peak. Generally speaking, his intelligence is not very high, and his strength is not strong enough to kill Qing Yang in seconds. To the extent that they use the drunken gourd, or use the snake spirit armor, or use the five-element sword formation, or use their own ingenuity, they can always escape dangerously and dangerously.

   Qingyang has experienced fierce battles along the way, killing countless monsters, but most of the corpses of the monsters have been snatched away by the monsters, and Qingyang didn't get a lot. More monsters have been hunted, and the intact monster inner pill has gained a few. Qing Yang didn't want to give it to the iron-armed monkey, but collected it carefully by himself, maybe it could be used in the future.

   Sometimes when he encounters monsters in the sea that are suitable for food, Qing Yang will treat it a little bit and save it for food. This one has a much better effect than bigu Dan. Although most of the essence of the monster beast is contained in the monster pill, the flesh and blood also contain a wealth of energy. The higher the level, the more so, and the effect is not much worse than that of the elixir commonly used by the monks. The iron-armed monkey also follows it. A lot.

Frequent battles are also a kind of training for monks. In one battle, Qing Yang's cultivation level successfully broke through the small bottleneck of the second floor of the foundation building and became a third-tier monk of the foundation building. The whole popularity changed. There is less affinity, and a bit more fierce and mature.

   The improvement of Qingyang is more combat experience, the shots are sharper and more decisive than before, the flaws are less and less, and the use of the Five Elements Sword Array has become more proficient. If you encounter the yellow-faced pirate again, let's not say what can be done to the other party, at least it won't be as embarrassed as it was last time.

Unknowingly, half a year has passed. I walked and stopped all the way. I encountered a lot of dangers, but I was always able to reduce the danger. Qingyang couldn't remember how many roads he had driven along the way. I guess there could be more than 30. Miles? If there was no accident in the spirit ship, it is estimated that it has reached the middle sand region by this time, but now it is still halfway, and even the exact location is not clear.

   But Qing Yang can be sure that he will not be too far away from the Middle Sand Region. The Middle Sand Region is a huge range. As long as you go in a good direction, you should not miss the scope of the Middle Sand Region. However, Qing Yang also knew that his direction would not be absolutely correct, and the position he could reach in the end would definitely be quite different from the destination of the spirit ship.

  Hurrying for half a year, even if there is a rest in the middle, it is not something ordinary people can bear. Today's Qingyang face is full of wind and dust, his eyes are tired, and the whole person is a little haggard. Before Qing Yang, immersed himself in the practice of Shao Jing Fengshuang, and broke through the foundation-building period early. Although he was over forty, he looked like a young man in his early twenties.

After more than half a month of training, young, childish, and frivolous are long gone, more mature, stable, and decisive. Now no matter who looks at him, the first impression will not think that he is a young man. But a monk who has experienced the world.

   This is a feeling. It can’t be expressed on appearance and appearance, but it can be felt in terms of temperament and demeanor, and even a hint can be seen in the eyes.

   Every time a monk improves his cultivation base, he slows down his body's aging rate, so as to fit the life span of the monk's cultivation base. If the breakthrough is early, the monks will maintain their original youthful appearance for a long time ~www.readwn.com~ until they finally age. If the breakthrough is late, they will return to a certain degree, but the effect will definitely be the same as those of the early breakthrough monks. It's incomparable.

   are also foundation-building monks. Why are some old people, some young people, and some even children? There are reasons why monks are used to them, but more are related to how soon the monks break through. Some people break through at the age of 20 or 30, and their life expectancy doubles. After the breakthrough, they will keep their original appearance for a while. Some people break through only in the 70s or 80s. , The appearance will still be the old man.

   If a person builds a foundation when he is a child, he will keep the appearance of a child for a long time, but he will grow up gradually over time. If the child breaks through from the foundation building stage to the golden core stage before he grows up, his appearance will remain for a while, and if he breaks through all the way afterwards, he may always keep his appearance as a child.

No matter the appearance changes, the inner part of a person will change over time. If you experience more, you will be wise, if you kill too much, you will be suffocated. If you experience more, you will be mature and stable. If you have more time, you will experience vicissitudes , This can never be changed.

Because of this, the age of a monk can’t just look at his appearance, but the inner temperament, the eyes, and the behavior. Maybe a person is young, he is already over a hundred years old, maybe a person looks like a urchin, actually Shang is an old monster who has lived for hundreds of years.

   Qingyang is like this now, young on the outside and mature on the inside, no difference from other monks. The experience during this period of time is better than the results of the previous ten or twenty years.

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