Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 739: : Xia Meng

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Before Bai Libo could speak, Na Lu Yuan suddenly said, "City Lord Ximen is just a quota for the Dan King Association. Why don't you give it to others? The Dan King Association is based on true ability. If you can't see others, You can defeat the opponent in alchemy, so what is it to always use these low-level methods?"

I don't know whether this person has such a personality, disdain to do those small movements, or has enough confidence in his own alchemy, and is not afraid of others to compete with him, and even say such things.

Ximen Ying was overwhelmed by the opponent and couldn't get off the stage, but facing the many monks in the Baili family, he couldn't have a seizure. He had to snorted and whispered: "If you don't listen to others, don't blame me if you suffer. This kid can solve Duanmusong. The poison, how can the pill technique be bad?"

Ximen Ying just murmured casually, but he didn't know that Lu Yuan heard it clearly. Lu Yuan sneered and said: "I'm afraid that he doesn't know alchemy, but that he doesn't understand anything like that. This time, King Pill will not be a bit challenging for me. As for me, will I suffer? City Lord Simon, you look down upon me too much. Lanyu Island is most hopeful of becoming King Pill’s Alchemist. , How could you lose to this little-known kid?"

Lu Yuan had seen Qingyang’s cultivation base a long time ago. There were only three layers of foundation. Sometimes the alchemy was related to the cultivation base. If the cultivation base was not high, it would not be able to support the refining of high-level pills, and at this Qingyang age He seems to be a lot younger than him. Even if you start to learn alchemy in the womb, it would be good to become a foundation alchemy master. How can it be compared with your future alchemy king?

After Lu Yuan finished speaking, there was no voice at the scene. The five big families said they were descendants of King Pills. In fact, the pill technique was not very good. Last time the King of Pills met, Duanmu Song, a person who had less than 30% of the success rate in refining the Yuan Pill Can get the first, other people's alchemy can be imagined.

Facing Lv Yuan, the future alchemy king, the half-hanging alchemy master of the five major families naturally has no confidence. As for Qingyang, he is unwilling to fight with this Lu Yuan. The alchemy king will compare to the alchemy, not whose voice. High, what can we do if we win the battle of tongues?

Seeing that everyone didn't dare to refute himself, Lu Yuan couldn't help feeling very proud, turning his head to look at other people, his eyes were full of disdain, as if the inheritance of King Pill had been in his hands.

At this moment, a voice suddenly came from the foot of the mountain, saying: "Lv Yuan, I heard you ranting from afar, saying that Lanyu Island has the most hope to become the alchemist of King Alchemy? You are self-proclaimed. Huh? Why? Lanyu Island can't stay, planning to come to Wucheng Island to rule the king?"

Lu Yuan seemed to be familiar with this voice. His face changed suddenly, and he quickly turned his head to look down the mountain. At this time, everyone also noticed that another group of people were coming up the mountain.

There are always seven in this group. The first four foundation-building monks, two foundation-building monks, two foundation-building cultivators, two foundation-building cultivators, and the latter two qi-refining cultivators are all consummate in refining qi, and Qing Yang still sees it among them. Nangong Rui's figure, nine out of ten people in this group are from the Nangong family.

The person who was talking was a middle-aged monk who was walking in front of the foundation building. He was a middle-aged monk. His appearance was slightly different from the others in the Nangong family. When Lu Yuan saw this man, his face instantly became extremely ugly, saying: "Xia Meng, why? Could it be you? You followed me? What are you trying to do?"

Then Xia Meng sneered: "Follow you? You look down on you too much. I also came to participate in the King Pill Meeting. Why? This King Pill Meeting only allows you to come, can't I come?"

"You..." Lu Yuan was suddenly so angry that he couldn't speak.

Lu Yuanyue was so, and Xia Mengyue was in a good mood, and continued: "I didn't expect to meet a nasty guy like you here. I haven't seen it for many years, and your old problem hasn't changed at all. You still like to boast, and even boast. What Lanyu Island has the most hope to become the Alchemy Alchemist of King Pill? It really makes people laugh out of their teeth. I wonder what should I do if I once beat you?"

What Xia Meng mentioned a few years ago was that Lu Yuan was suddenly anxious. Both of them were outstanding among the blue jade island alchemists, and they were not convinced by each other. A few years ago, the two had a trial of alchemy. Because of lack of luck, Lu Yuan made a small mistake in the game, and finally lost the opponent by a small gap. This incident has always been regarded by Lu Yuan as a shame and shame.

Over the years, Lu Yuan’s painstaking alchemy was to save face one day, and for this reason, when Bai Libo talked about the Pill King Association on Wucheng Island some time ago, he surrendered himself and became the other’s grandson-in-law. , I hope to get the inheritance of King Dan.

Unexpectedly, his old rival Xia Meng would also get the news, and even to participate in this Danwang meeting, it was really Yuanjialuzhao. What made him the most unbearable was that the other party brought up old things in front of so many people. This was to sprinkle salt on his wounds.

Lu Yuan couldn't help arguing: "The surname is Xia, don't be arrogant. Losing to you a few years ago has nothing to do with alchemy, just because I was not lucky enough."

"But you eventually lost." Xia Meng said lightly.

No matter how lucky there were, he eventually lost to the opponent. This is an irrefutable fact. Xia Meng's words immediately left Lu Yuan speechless. He could only change the subject and said, "How many years was that? The old alchemy before, it doesn’t mean anything at all~www.readwn.com~ Besides, you have been studying alchemy for 20 to 30 years longer than me. In terms of talent, I am still higher. These years I have been suffering from alchemy and counting. Years ago, it’s already different. Since you are here, that’s right, let’s have an upright competition in this pill meeting to see who can get the inheritance of the pill king."

Regarding Lu Yuan’s challenge, Xia Mengsi didn’t take it seriously, and laughed: "Hahahaha, what I’m waiting for is your sentence, then let’s see a real chapter at the King Dan’s meeting. If I can beat you once, I can I have defeated you twice. I want you to know who is the most promising alchemist on Blue Jade Island. I also want you to stand by and watch how I obtain the inheritance of the alchemy..."

Lu Yuan said: "Compared, who is afraid of who..."

Seeing the two arguing on the court, Qing Yang couldn't help feeling very emotional. Both of them seemed to have enough confidence in their alchemy. They felt that the inheritance of the king of alchemy was none other than himself. He looked defiant and completely forgot to pay back on the court. There are many other competitors, and I don't know whether it is the monks of Lanyu Island who are so arrogant, or whether Wucheng Island is too remote and has always been so despised.

Seeing that Lu Yuan and Xia Meng seemed to be on the bargain, the Nangong family's life was afraid of something messy, so the old man in the team who built the base five floors quickly stood up and spoke to the people present: "Bai Li City Lord, City Lord Ximen, City Lord Murong, and fellow Daoist Duanmu, you are all there, why don’t you enter King Dan Cave?"

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