Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 741: : Danwang Palace

   However, the secret grid of the bronze door does not identify whether the pill was refined by himself. It is also okay to use opportunistic pill. You can also pass the Yangyuan Pill refined by others. However, for many people with low alchemy skills, it is completely meaningless to do so. Even if the alchemy skills are not high, even if they enter the alchemy palace, they will not pass the test, and they have wasted three nourishing essence pills.

   This can be regarded as an extra level of the Pill King Association, the price is three Yangyuan Pills, about 30 spiritual stones. Some people know that they are not strong enough, but want to enter the excitement and get familiar with the atmosphere of the Pill King Club. It is perfectly fine to pay three Yang Yuan Pills for this.

   Many of the people present were participating in Dan for the first time, but everyone had done their homework in advance before coming, and had an understanding of the general situation of the Dan King meeting. After Bai Libo briefly introduced the situation, he took out three Yang Yuan Pills from the amulet and put them into the hidden compartment of the bronze door, and then walked towards the mist at the door, and soon disappeared in the mist. middle.

After Bailibo was Lu Yuan, after Lu Yuan was Bailizhong, and then Baili’s family went into a second-generation child Bailihu who built the second floor and a third-generation child Bailiqing who had successfully refined Qi. Bailijia, five people went in back and forth.

   Then it was the turn of Ximen's house. Ximen Ying did his part. He was the first to enter the mist, and then three people went in. Although there were not as many people in Baili's family, it was not bad. There are also four Murong families, Murong Zhu, Murong Mei, the second generation son Murong Lian, and the third generation son Murong Shu.

  Nangong family is also four people, Nangong Chi, Xia Meng, second generation son Nangongping, third generation son Nangong Rui, because Xia Meng is the foreign aid sought by the Nangong family, really counted as only three.

   As for Duanmu's house, a total of four people came. Duanmutong didn't know anything about alchemy. Those who could get in were Qingyang and Duanmufei. Duanmufei is still a little better. It is said that Duanmusong has given her special training in the past two years. The alchemy has improved a lot and can already refine the Yangyuan Dan. As for Duanmulin, it is purely to make up the number. The Yangyuan Dan is the sister for him. Prepared, first come in for a long experience, and secondly appear crowded, lest the Duanmu family's face is unsightly.

   Seeing that everyone else had entered the mist, Qing Yang took out three Yangyuan Pills at will, and threw them into the secret compartment of the bronze gate one by one, and then walked towards the mist.

   After entering the fog, the divine consciousness suddenly lost its effect, and the eyes and ears were unable to function, and all perceptions seemed to be suddenly blocked. In this case, if someone sneaked into it, he would definitely not be able to guard against it. Fortunately, this situation did not happen. After about ten breaths, the surrounding fog disappeared, and Qing Yang also appeared in a large hall.

   The entire hall is about thirty feet in size. The decoration is simple and solemn, with a slight metallic luster, as if it were all made of bronze. There is no door and no exit. It looks very strange. In the main hall, there were also a dozen other monks standing, all of whom were from the five major families who participated in the Pill King Meeting before Qingyang stepped in.

   With 20 Qingyang, 14 foundation-building cultivators, and six Qi-refining cultivators, it is equivalent to the fact that most of the people who came to Pill King Mountain this time have entered the Pill King Palace. It seems that the appeal of King Dan's inheritance is still great. Many people know that there is no hope and want to try it.

  Some people have participated in the Danwang meeting, and they are not surprised by the situation inside, and some people have entered the Danwang Hall for the first time, looking around, and their faces are full of curiosity.

At this moment, the surrounding areas near the wall suddenly lit up, and then twenty blurry apertures appeared out of thin air. Inside each aperture, a standard pill furnace could be vaguely seen next to it. It's a platform, on which there are talisman for receiving objects.

Although everyone has long heard of the magic in the Pill King Palace, but when they actually saw it, they still felt eye-opening. This aperture is where everyone will test the pill technique. Each person has one, based on the number of people who enter the Pill King Palace. Automatically generated. Qing Yang couldn't help being a little curious, not knowing whether these were arranged before the death of King Thousand Hands Pill King, or whether the function of King Pill King Palace itself had been the same for hundreds of years, and he did not know how this was done. .

Bailibo seemed to be very familiar with the situation in this hall. Seeing the light circle appeared, he scanned the surroundings and slammed his hands at the people of several other big families, saying: "City Lord Ximen, City Lord Nangong, City Lord Murong, Duanmu Family, The Danwang Festival has been held eleven times so far. I have waited for the unscrupulous children to obtain the Danwang inheritance. It really failed the expectations of the ancestors of the past. Now the new Danwang meeting has begun, and I hope everyone can exceed the level this time."

Ximen Ying shook his head and said: "It's not that I can't wait to work hard. It's that the checkpoint set by the old man of the Thousand Hand Pill King is too difficult. At the beginning, the patriarchs of the five schools learned from the Thousand Hand Pill King, and they couldn't pass the test of inheritance. Not to mention those of us descendants."

Ximen Ying was concerned about the strength of the Baili family and did not mention what happened outside the mountain col. Murongzhu didn't care about it. He sneered and said, "Brother Ximen is wrong~www.readwn.com~ Other families are different from us. I found a helper early, and only our two families were kept in the dark."

What Murongzhu said was that the Baili family and the Nangong family respectively sought the help of two well-known alchemists Lu Yuan and Xia Meng. Even the Duanmu family also sought foreign aid from Qingyang, only the Ximen family and their Murong family. Without knowing it, the family was caught off guard.

The Dan King Meeting has been held for hundreds of years. This time it is estimated that it will be completely terminated. I am afraid that the Dan King inheritance will also be snatched away by outsiders. Thinking of this, Murong Zhu feels upset, and the voice just fell off, regardless of other people's reactions. One walked in towards the nearby aperture.

People from other families also know that it’s useless to say anything now. Even if the dispute of tongue is a victory, it is impossible to obtain the inheritance of the king of alchemy. The key is to see whether the alchemy can be recognized by the individual, so they each move towards the distance. Walked to the nearest aperture.

When it was Lu Yuan's turn, he squinted at Xia Meng and said: "The surname is Xia, the King Dan will begin. If you have any skills, I want to show you who is the most promising building on Lanyu Island. Master Jidan, the shame of losing to you a few years ago, this time I will even get back the profit."

   Xia Meng was unwilling to show weakness, with a sneer on his face, and said: "Really? Then I will wait to see how your defeat will come back, and what is the confidence to say such big words."

On the tongue, Lu Yuan is not an opponent at all. He was choked by Xia Meng’s words and didn’t know what to say, so he could only snorted coldly, and walked towards the nearest aperture, and then Xia Meng also entered. The aperture next to him.

   drunk fairy gourd

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