Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 902: : Jiuquzi

Among the group of foundation-building monks, the head is an old man with white beard called Jiuquzi. He is one hundred and ninety years old this year. It is said that the conditions are limited, and he has been stuck in the foundation building for nearly fifty years. , Can't break through the golden core all the time, can only mix in the foundation-building monks.

However, he has participated in wine tastings once or twice before, and has a deep understanding of the procedures of the wine tastings. Many people specifically ask him for information, so he is very prestigious among the group of foundation-building monks.

They were talking about the wine tasting before. After exchanging each other, everyone continued the previous topic and listened to one of the monks: "I came from a wine-making family and learned the superb skills of brewing spiritual wine. I heard that the invitation Moon Zhenjun likes spirit wine, so he came here to take refuge, hoping to find a place in the city lord's mansion, but only after he came to know that Jiu Xiancheng is full of talents, and my wine brewing is nothing at all, I am afraid it is hopeless. "

Another monk said: "I also came from a winemaking family, but the purpose of coming is simpler. The family spirit wine has been unsalable recently, so I was sent to participate in the wine tasting, hoping to get a good ranking in the wine tasting. Open a market for the spirit wine produced by the family."

Baotan Sanren said: "I am a poor casual cultivator. Although I have cultivated to the completion of the foundation, I am not able to break through the golden core. I heard that the city lord invited True Monarch Yue to hold a wine tasting party. The guidance of the people, the chance to get a breakthrough."

The purpose of the scattered people from Baotan came here is different from Qingyang. Qingyang just wanted a wind and fire order. In order to come to Gufeng Continent, their masters and apprentices had already used up the spirit stones on their bodies, and they did not prepare for other golden pills. Materials, wind and fire orders cannot solve the problem, so we can only seek opportunities for breakthroughs.

Of course, Baotan Sanren understands that this kind of thing is not very reliable. Even if True Monarch Inviting Yueyue has the opportunity to break through the golden core, it must be given to those close to him first. How could it be his turn to be an outsider? What he did was helpless. It was a dead horse as a living horse doctor. What if he was lucky? You may not have a chance if you come, but you will definitely not have a chance if you don't.

Everyone comes here, each with its own purpose, only the wine tune with his beard and said: "I am different from you. The old man now lives one hundred and ninety years old, and the remaining life span is less than ten years, and the various functions of the body are serious. Decline, at this time, even if there is a golden core, it is unlikely to break through the golden core realm. I have no disciples or younger generations. I have lived long ago without desire and desire, just waiting for the end of my life. But I still have one only hobby, This is the thing in this cup. Although there are many good spirits in Jiu Xiancheng, there is still a gap between what you saw at the wine tasting. Of course, such a grand event cannot be missed, so I am cheeky to participate every time. "

The lifespan of the foundation-building monks is two hundred years, and the golden core monks are four hundred years. It is only a rough range. It is not the same for everyone. It may be a few years longer, or a few years less. For example, the Liu Dan king of Qingyan City, less than three. He passed away at the age of one hundred and eighty. This is still under the circumstances that Qingyang has helped to extend his life for 20 years, and he has lived a few decades less than others, because the foundation has been worn too much when he was young.

This Jiuquzi can live to be one hundred and ninety years old, which shows that the maintenance was good when he was young, and his foundation was not damaged. However, his life span is almost at the end, and there are still a few years to live. Jiuquzi knows that life is not long, but he does not complain about himself. , Relatively speaking, it is quite open-minded.

After listening to Jiuquzi, Baotan Sanren couldn’t help asking: "Friends of Jiuquzi, you have participated in the wine tasting several times. You should know the procedures of this wine tasting very well. I wonder if we can introduce it to us. Good to be prepared in advance."

Jiuquzi said: "This is actually nothing to say. Since it is a wine tasting conference, of course there must be a wine tasting procedure. Every time the moon is invited, some special spirit wines will be prepared and the monks present will evaluate them. Other than that. Every monk comes with spirit wine. The most important task of the wine tasting is to place the spirit wine you bring in a ranking. The top ranked ones will be purchased at a high price if you can get a certain amount of spirit wine. The ranking can be requested at this time, but whether you can agree to it or not depends on the mood of Inviting True Monarch Yue. As for other procedures, there will be some changes each time, and I am not sure at this time."

Jiuquzi didn’t explain it in detail, but everyone understands that Inviting Moon Zhenjun is willing to purchase your spirit wine at a high price, indicating that the mood was still very good at the time. At this time, you can make your own request without the spirit stone. When you arrive, the invitation to Zhenjun may be agreed, because he is a senior man, so naturally he will not care about you. If your request is too difficult to handle, or it is far beyond the value of spirit wine, it is greedy. For those who push their noses on their faces, seniors will also be angry, and they may not be able to eat them by then. go.

After thinking for a while, Baotan Sanren said again: "I don't know what kind of spirit wine can be favored by True Monarch Invite Moon? Do we people have any hope of ranking?"


Jiuquzi pondered for a while ~www.readwn.com~ and said: "According to the usual practice, if you want to be favored by the true monarch of Invite Moon, the spirit wine must be at least of the Yuan Ying level, which means that the Yuan Ying monk has a certain amount of drinking. The good thing is that low-level spirit wine is difficult to enter the magic eye of the veteran Yuan Ying monks like Yue Zhenjun. For example, the most common Lingquan ancient cellar in Jiu Xiancheng, belongs to the Jindan level spirit wine, which is useful for Jindan monks. The role of the Yuan Ying monk is much smaller. It must be stored for hundreds or even thousands of years before the Yuan Ying monk can be seen. As for us, long-term knowledge is enough. It is best not to have any extravagant expectations, because every In the second wine tasting, almost all of the winners are the Nascent Soul Brothers and the Jindan Brothers, and it is very unlikely that the Foundation Building Brothers will win the rankings."

The words of Jiuquzi made Baotan Sanren's heart cool, but he put all his hopes on it. He didn't expect the competition in the wine tasting party to be so fierce. Although the drunkard door has fallen, but there is still some background, he has a jar of drunkard wine collected by the master, and it is the only one. If he can't move the true monarch of the moon, the matter of the pill will probably be in the foreseeable future. .

From the Middle Sands to the Ancient Wind Continent, he and his apprentice held a toast on the spirit ship for ten years. The spirit wine prepared at the beginning was drunk long ago, and in the end it was completely relied on the wine in the talisman to continue their lives, several times. He opened the altar collection, and in the end he was not willing to drink it. In order to obtain the golden core opportunity, he gritted his teeth and took it out, but he did not expect it to be the result.

Baotan Sanren was a little unwilling, and said, "Is there no hope for the foundation-building monks?"

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