Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 919: :Shiruling Wine


When Qingyang and the others came back, someone had reported the game situation to a few Yuan Ying cultivators. Inviting True Monarch Yue Yue to look at the cultivators on the field, his face could not hide his excitement, and said: "Unexpectedly, I really didn't expect it. , A few of you actually broke through the limit and entered the seventh floor of the ancient cellar. Among them, there are two foundation-building consummate cultivators. It seems that I really underestimated the people of the world."

The True Monarch Qingliang next to him also said: "Yes, the one who won the first place in this second link turned out to be a foundation-building consummation monk. It's incredible. Although he used some special methods, he could stick to the entrance to the eighth floor of the ancient cellar. The place is also commendable."

   Qingyue Zhenjun said: "Invite friends of the moon, your wine tasting has been held so many times, I am afraid that there has never been a situation where two foundation building cultivators entered the final stage at the same time, right?"

True Monarch Invite Yue nodded and said: "Yes, in previous wine tastings, although there have been times when foundation building monks won the rankings, there are few such people. It is surprising that one can appear at a wine tasting. This There were two at a time, yes, you are all good."

Several Yuanying cultivators praised a few more words, and then invited Yue Zhenjun to change the conversation and said: "Every wine tasting in Jiuxiancheng has three sessions, and this time is no exception, although the second session of this year has changed. The last link is the same. Wine tasting can’t just taste the wine of my city lord’s mansion. You can exchange what is needed and the way in the wine. So I invite you to take out the spirit wine you have prepared, and the six Yuanying monks present will separate them. Conduct tasting and decide the final ranking."

  Twenty monks who passed the second session, each had a square table in front of them, with six small cups on it, which were used to pour wine for the six Yuanying monks to evaluate.

The method of appraisal is very simple. Each of the six Yuanying monks has six brands, one for A, two for B, and three for C. They tasted 20 glasses of wine in turn, and then according to their own judgments. , Put the brand in your hand on the corresponding table, and the one with the most number A tiles will be the first, followed by the second and third places. If two of them have the same number of A tiles, then compare the two tiles. , And then the same than the C-brand, it can always be a higher one.

The rules of the game Qing Yang has heard about Jiuquzi long ago, knowing what he should do, and when Zhenjun Yingyue finished speaking, he took out a wine jar from the gift symbol, opened the lid and filled the six small cups with spirits. Liquor, then put the wine jar aside and waited for Brother Yuanying to judge.

   Twenty people operated at the same time, and all they took out were the good wines they had kept for a long time. The fragrance of the wine immediately escaped, making many people greedy, and they wished that they could go up and replace those Yuan Ying monks. This is not the ordinary spirit wine that the City Lord's Mansion entertained everyone, but everyone carefully selected and used it to please the Nascent Soul monk. How could the level of the spirit wine be so bad?

  Inviting Yue Zhenjun to see that everyone's spirit wine has been poured, so he stood up from his position and said: "Friends of Taoism, the spirit wine is ready, who is going to come first?"

  As soon as the voice of the invitation to Zhenjun fell, Zhenjun Shifu stood up and said: "Let me come, among the six of us, I am the least good at drinking. I will be the first to come. It's a good idea."

After Shi Fuzheng finished speaking, without waiting for others to agree, he walked to the first square table quickly, picked up the small wine glass on the table and drank it all, then slapped his lips, and slightly combined the taste of Pinling Wine. He almost walked to the second square table, and once again picked up the glass and drank it.

The speed of Zhenjun Shi Fu was very fast, it was just a cup of tea, and he drank all the spirit wine. At such a fast speed, I don't know if he tastes the taste of the wine.

After drinking all the twenty cups of spirit wine, Shifu Zhenjun said: “Among the twenty jars of spirit wine, seven jars are higher than Jindan-level spirit wine, and they are not up to Yuan Ying-level spirit wine. Eight jars are the standard. There are five jars of Yuanying Spirit Wine that are slightly beyond the grade of Yuanying Spirit Wine. Generally speaking, they are still very good. I would like to buy a few jars back if it weren't for asking True Monarch Yue to have something to say."

After listening to Zhenjun Shifu, Qingliang Zhenjun said: "There are actually four altars that exceed the level of Yuanying Spirit Wine? Doesn't it mean that we, the Yuanying monks, are also very good to take it? Invite friends of the moon, good things for you You can't take it all alone, you have to give me a little bit of everything you say this time."

   True Monarch Qing Yue also said: "Yes, I know that you invite True Monarch Yue a good wine, but happiness alone is not as good as everyone's pleasure. Everyone is old friends for many years. Don't hide good things."

   Inviting Yue Zhenjun smiled and said, "When did I have some good things to hide from you? It’s too early to say this. When the wine tasting is over, we will discuss the distribution."

   After finishing speaking, Zhenjun Yingyue looked at Shifu Zhenjun Dao: "Friend Shifu Daoist, how do you judge these twenty altars of spirit wine?"

Zhenjun Shi Fu pointed to his son, Shi Ruyu, and said: "There is a way of raising the spirit inside and not avoiding vengeance. The stall in front of Shi Ruyu is the Shiru spirit wine that has been stored in the cellar of Lingfuzong for more than five hundred years. This wine is made from more than a dozen kinds of spirit valleys and added with the unique geocentric spirit milk of the spirit talisman. The spirit wine itself has reached the Yuan Ying level~www.readwn.com~ and it has been cellared for more than 500 years. The taste is mellow and the effect is remarkable, so I think Shiruling wine can get the A-letter brand."

Shiru Lingjiu is the treasure of the Spirit Talisman Sect. It is very useful to the monks and will not be sold easily. Many monks present have heard of it. Now that the introduction of Shifu Zhenjun, everyone is even more fascinated. Pick up the cup in front of Shi Ruyu and taste it.

True Monarch Inviting Yue said directly: "Friend Shifu, I have exchanged Shiru Lingjiu with you several times before, and you have refused in every way. I did not expect that this time you will bring it out for your son to participate in the wine tasting. You guy even Shiru Lingjiu. The spirit wine is taken out, it seems to be the first will to win the wine tasting."

Zhenjun Shifu smiled and said: "It’s not that I have to show off my spirit rune sect’s Shimilk spirit wine in front of everyone. It’s just that my son participated in this wine tasting. He represents the spirit rune sect. The size of my spirit rune sect is also a force. Things can't be too shabby, can't they?"

   "That's true too." Zhenjun Inviting Yue nodded.

Zhenjun Shi Fu put his A-letter on the table in front of Shi Ruyu, and then came to the table of Baotan Sanren, and said: "The spirit wine of this foundation-building monk is very strange, and it is totally indescribable to drink. The feeling of coming is indescribable, but the effect of spirit wine on the Yuan Ying monks is not small, making people want to stop, I am not afraid that you will laugh, anyway, this is the first time I have seen such spirit wine in my life, so what does the B brand say? Give him one."


  醉仙瓜 </p>

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