Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 921: : Different views


After the twenty cups were finally drunk, True Monarch Qingliang came to the center and said to everyone: "After I have carefully tasted and tasted, I have a comprehensive understanding of these twenty spirit wines, but I have different views from you before. I think it should be this foundation-building monk who won the A-letter."

After Qingliang finished speaking, he pointed at Qingyang with his finger. This result surprised the others, especially the Yueyue Zhenjun, who had not drunk spirit wine, said in amazement: "Previous Shifu Zhenjun and the other two fellow Taoists In total, this person was given a B-plate and two C-plates, indicating that his spirit wine is at most the second grade. Why do you give such a high evaluation?"

The reason is actually very simple. Zhenjun Shifu is more short-term, so he directly gave his son a brand A and Qingyang's spirit wine C brand. The two Yuanying monks after that are not good for face, and it is difficult to judge the difference from Zhenjun Shifu. There are too many, so only a small change was made on the basis of Zhenjun Shifu's judgment, which resulted in the illusion that Qingyang's spirit wine was at most the second grade.

   As for the spirit wine of Qingyang, the benevolent sees the benevolent and the wise sees the wisdom, the gap between them is not big, so it can be justified for the C and B cards.

True Monarch Qingliang is a more assertive person, not like the two Yuanying monks before, but True Monarch Shifu was on the spot, and he couldn't speak too directly, so he poured: "This foundation-building monk’s spirit wine looks like Simple, but in fact not ordinary at all. The basic Houerling wine cellar has been stored for more than three thousand years, making the spirit wine that originally only had the gas refining level to be advanced to the Yuan Ying level. This is already rare and even more amazing. The thing is that it seems to be mixed with grape spirit wine brewed by innate spirits, which greatly improves the quality of the whole jar of spirit wine. It has both the mellow aroma of long-term cellaring and the charm of innate spirits, which is endless aftertaste. So I think he Is number one."

After hearing the words of Qingliang Zhenjun, Qiuyue Zhenjun couldn't help but feel fascinated, and said: "Is it so good? Hearing what you say, I am a little looking forward to it. When it is my turn, I must have a good taste. , See what is so good about his spirit wine."

Qingliang Zhenjun took his own A-shaped plate, placed it on the table in front of Qingyang, and then said, "As for the second place, I think it is Shiruyu's nephew Shiruling wine, and the Shiruling wine of Lingfuzong is famous. It is not unreasonable for Zhenjun Shifu to rank him first. He deserves a B-shaped card."

Then Qingliang Zhenjun said again: "I can't make up my mind about another brand B. The refined Lingquan ancient cellar of Lone Star Nephew has greatly improved its quality under the preparation of Daoyue Friends; I am the flowers and trees of Longevity Valley. The spirit dew is not bad; and the spirit wine of the other foundation-building monk is better than strange, and better than strange, so these three spirit wines are good at winning the field, I have been hesitant. But everyone has selfishness, since the three Kind of spirit wine is not easy to choose, so I simply gave this B-plate to Huamu Linglu."

   Although True Monarch Qingliang is also selfish, compared with True Monarch Shifu's secret care, True Monarch Qingliang puts everything on the bright side, and appears to be upright and upright.

   After distributing the B cards, Qing Liang Zhenjun took out three C cards, and gave one to Lone Star Zhenren and Baotan Sanren, and the remaining one was given to the third late Jindan monk.

Although everyone has different opinions and the order of discharge is different, the opinions of the four Yuanying monks are still relatively consistent. The top five are Shi Ruyu, Lone Star, Qingsong, Qingyang, and Baotan Sanren. The six were quite divided. Four of them chose three late Jindan monks, one of them got two C-shaped medals, and the other two each got a C-shaped medal.

According to Zhenjun Shifu, there are eight altars that are standard Yuan Ying-level spirit wines. Since they are all of the same grade, it is not easy to distinguish them, and it is normal to have more differences.

   It took more than half an hour, Qingliang Zhenjun finally finished the twenty cups of spirit wine, and the six plates were also distributed, and he paced back to his seat.

There were only two of the six Yuanying cultivators left. Without waiting for True Monarch Inviting Yue to speak out, True Monarch Qingyue stood up and said: "Inviting fellow Daoist Yue will stay behind to finale. Next, let me comment first. ."

   True Monarch Qingyue is a female cultivator after all, and tasting the spirit wine is quite satisfactory. It is neither rushed like True Monarch Shifu, nor is it slow and timid like True Monarch Qingliang. He picked up a glass of wine, admired it for a while, and took a sip. After a little aftertaste, he walked to the next square table. After tasting all the twenty cups of spirit wine, it took almost two quarters of an hour.

After drinking the spirit wine, True Monarch Qingyue groaned for a while, took out his own A-plate, came to Qingyang's square table, put the A-plate on the table, and said: "I agree with the opinions of fellow Qingliang. His spirit wine looks simple, but in fact it is not simple at all. It has the mellow aroma of long-term cellaring and the charm of innate spiritual things, which makes people intoxicated.

True Monarch Qingyue paused for a while, and continued: "As for the second card, I think it should be given to the lonely nephew and another foundation-building monk. As Taoist Qingliang said, that spirit wine is better than strange, better than strange. After drinking, I was very impressed. This kind of spirit wine is still more suitable to my appetite~www.readwn.com~ Distributed the B card, Qingyue Zhenjun did not explain too much, and went straight to Shi Ruyu, Qingsong Zhenren and the first one. The cultivator in the late Jindan period approached them and handed them the C-shaped card. Obviously, in the eyes of True Monarch Qingyue, these three can only get the C-shaped card.

In a blink of an eye, all five Yuanying monks had finished their comments. Now Shi Ruyu has won two A-shaped cards, two B-shaped cards, and a C-shaped card, temporarily ranking first; Qingyang also has two A-shaped cards, but he There is only one B-shaped card, which can only be ranked second; Lone Star has a A-shaped card, which is ranked third; Baotan Sanren has three B-shaped cards, which is fourth, and Qingsong has only one B-shaped card. In the fifth place, the remaining three late Jindan monks were ranked six or seven or eight.

Qing Yang is satisfied with such results. His purpose is to get a wind and fire order. As for whether it is the first or second place, it doesn't matter; Baotan Sanren is also more satisfied. He just wants to ask Zhenjun Yaoyue. The chance of pill formation, as long as it can enter the top six.

It doesn’t matter whether the real person Lone Star and the real person Qingsong, the real person Lone Star is the apprentice of the real monarch Inviting Yue, the spirit wine is prepared by the master, and the ranking is of no use to him. The current performance of the real person Qingsong is the bottom of the five, even if you come again A better plate can't improve much.

Only Shi Ruyu cares more about his own results. First, he has been ahead of the game. Suddenly it is difficult to accept a comeback. Second, he has such a personality. He has always been competitive and eager. To perform well in front of the real person Ziyun, if the limelight is suddenly robbed, wouldn't it be a waste of the bamboo basket?

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