Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 935: : At least 100,000

From the expression on Master Shi Han’s face, he can see that he has accepted this task. Even if Qing Yang offered to let him help for nothing, he would be very happy. He even looked forward to Qing Yang’s already eye-catching fourth. What exactly is this material, it can be compared with the other three.

Seeing Master Shi Han immersed in his own world and unable to get out for a while, Qing Yang could only interrupt him with a dry cough, and said: "Master Shi Han, most of the main materials are available, but all of the auxiliary materials are available. No, as well as the remuneration for refining, you need to estimate the price first, so I can prepare."

After hearing Qing Yang’s words, Master Shi Han waved his hand again and again, saying, “No, no, I don’t need you to pay me. It’s the first time to refine the five-element all-attribute magic weapon. I’m content with this opportunity. How can you be paid any more?"

"Why is this embarrassing?" Qing Yang said.

Master Shi Han's face was stern, and he said, "What's the embarrassment? In the middle of the sands, if you hadn't been out of power, all of us had been killed by the blood-clothed men, how would you count as a life-saving grace? You provided ghosts for free? Cultivating the exercises and the meditation stone made me, the soul of Mei Qing, who built the double road, insisted on reaching the ancient wind continent. What do you say? If you treat me as a friend, don't talk about remuneration anymore."

Master Shi Han has a weird temperament, but his attitude towards Qingyang is very kind. On the one hand, Qingyang's comprehensive strength is strong and he can afford to be treated like this. On the other hand, it is also because Qingyang has helped him many times, especially for helping. He saved the primordial spirit of the double monk.

After arriving in the Ancient Wind Continent, there are a small amount of Netherstones in circulation on the market. You can exchange them for spirit stones. There are also various ghost cultivation methods for sale. Mei Qing's soul is completely preserved. Speaking of which, all of these are Qingyang's. Credit, without him, Mei Qing's soul would have been disintegrated long ago.

After a few words with a sullen face, Master Shi Han then changed the topic, saying: "It takes about seven or eight thousand spirit stones to refine a common magic weapon. You have a higher level of material and higher requirements for auxiliary materials. It takes about a hundred thousand spiritual stones, and the auxiliary materials account for 20% of the total price, which is about 25,000. A set of five is 120,000. But this is only an estimate. The actual usage may vary, but how? It will not be less than one hundred thousand, you should prepare according to one hundred thousand first."

Master Shi Han’s statement was similar to what Qing Yang had estimated before. He nodded, took out a gift talisman and gave it to Master Shi Han, and said, “This is the spirit stone that was exchanged for the Wind and Fire Order just now. You have made up an integer of 70,000. During this period of time, you have troubled Master Shi Han to prepare the materials with these spiritual stones first. How much is the difference? When I return from the Yinfengjihuo cave, I will make up."

The seventy thousand spirit stones have already cleaned Qingyang, and the result is still 30,000 yuan. Fortunately, some people owe him a lot of spirit stones. After they return from the Yinfengjihuo cave, the others will pay the bills, plus themselves. The harvest in the Yinfengjihuo cave is estimated to be almost the same.

If it wasn't enough by then, Qing Yang wouldn't have no other way. There were still a lot of valuable things on his body, and it was almost enough to sell some casually.

Master Shi Han took the spirit stone and put it away, saying: "Okay, I also have some spirit stones on my body. I can put them on first. You can basically get the auxiliary materials before you come back. The preparations are almost there. Then we will discuss how to refine the magic weapon."

Master Shi Han still prefers Qingyang to refine the four-attribute magic weapon, because the remaining material is too difficult to make up. Instead of using other materials to make up the number, it is better to just discard it. The magic weapon with four missing one is really not beautiful. Of course, no one knows what will happen in the future. What if Qingyang is lucky enough to find the last material? It can only be discussed at that time.

After discussing the matter of refining the magic weapon, Master Shi Han handed the three materials to Qing Yang again, and said with a smile: "You are too expensive, let alone the golden core monk, I'm afraid the Yuanying monk will see you. I’m all jealous. It’s not safe to put it with me. I’m also worried that I won’t be able to stand the test. You should bring it with you. I’ve seen everything that should be watched. I have a plan in my heart for what I need to prepare. These pieces of material Give it to me when you use it later."

Master Shi Han is not a saint, but also has seven emotions and six desires. Although he is more determined than other monks, but the temptation in certain aspects exceeds a certain limit, maybe he will take risks. The total value of these few things of Qingyang reached hundreds of thousands of spiritual stones, and many Yuan Ying cultivators had nothing more than that. Master Shi Han was really afraid that he would not be able to withstand the temptation.

As for the tens of thousands of spirit stones that bought the auxiliary materials, it is fine to give to Master Shi Han. On the one hand, the friendship between the two parties is sufficient, and the other party should not do stupid things for this spirit stone. On the other hand, it is the character of Master Shi Han. Withstanding the test, the remaining spirit stones from the spirit ship were distributed to everyone, which shows that he doesn't care about interests very seriously.

Qing Yang put away the three materials, and the two discussed some details about the refining of the magic weapon. After that, Master Shi Han left, and Qing Yang began preparations before departure.

Qingyang had already inquired about the Yinfengjihuo cave filled with Yinfeng and Jihuo, which caused great harm to the monks, so the Fenghuo Decree must be carried with him. If the monk loses the protection of the wind and fire order, it will not take long for the skin to be blown by the wind to fester, and the flesh and blood will separate and become a white bone, or be roasted and ignited by the extreme fire, and finally turned into a mass of ashes.

You also need to prepare some other medicines, such as healing, rejuvenating, detoxifying, hanging, and invigorating. Others are like Yuhuo Pill, Shelter Pill, and Deworming Pill. Pills, bigu pill and other special medicinal pills~www.readwn.com~ Although they are not very useful in the Yinfengjihuo cave, they are still prepared. Qingyang itself is an alchemist, so there is no problem in this respect.

In addition, when the cultivation base of Qingyang is reached, the effect of the talisman is not very big. Only a small amount of the top grade or the best talisman can cause certain damage to him. However, the price of this talisman is high, and it seems a bit tasteless to use, so Qingyang Fulu is rarely used recently.

The effect of the Talisman is very good, but the Dong is too precious and rare, and ordinary monks can’t get it, and can’t afford it. Qing Yang got one from the sloppy Taoist, but it was prepared to save his life. It’s not a last resort. When, he will not use it lightly.

As for other items, it depends on personal needs. If you like luxury, you should prepare it. If you like simple, try to make a living. The space of Qingyang Zuixian Gourd is large enough, and he puts many infrequent things in there. Use it at any time and take it at any time. Others have limited space for holding objects, so they can only pick up some of the more important straps as much as possible, while others can save it.

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