Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 949: : Evil spirits

According to this value estimation, each of them can be allocated at least nearly a thousand spirit stones, and Qingyang, who is only 40%, can get even more, and this is only the harvest of the previous three days. This space seems to be very large, and there must be a lot of gains in the future, that is to say, in this place alone, it is possible for everyone to harvest the cost of the wind and fire.

A wind and fire order can be used two to three times. On average, each time costs about three thousand spiritual stones. As long as the harvest of the previous few days is maintained for a period of time in the future, not to mention too many, as long as five or six days If you can earn enough three thousand spiritual stones, the cost will be completely recovered. At that time, there were still two months before I went out, and everything I found was nothing.

Thinking of these, everyone couldn't help but be grateful for the previous choice. Following the Qingyang Alchemy Master is still very good. The harvest is so fast, and the harvest is not small. Those who are assigned to other teams are a pity, this Maybe it's still on the way.

Just as everyone was delighted with the harvest these days, Xiao Yuhan on the far left suddenly screamed, and then a series of fighting sounds came from there. The others were all startled at once, the major event was not good, and Xiao Yuhan might be in danger.

There are still many dangers in this Yinfengjihuo cave. In addition to the most common Yinfeng and Jihuo, there are also a small number of monsters and evil spirits. Let alone monsters, they can survive in this Yinfengjihuo cave. The strength of the monster beast will not be too low, and once it encounters it, it will be a fierce battle.

The evil spirit is another species. It is somewhat similar to ghost cultivation, but it is slightly different. This evil spirit is equivalent to demonized ghost cultivation, because when the ghost cultivation reaches a certain strength, it will gradually give birth to spiritual wisdom, and thus Embark on the road of cultivation, and eventually go to the same destination with the cultivator by different paths.

Evil spirits only increase their strength, and can never give birth to spiritual wisdom. I don't know if it is caused by the restrictions of the special environment in the Yinfengjihuo cave. The evil spirits without wisdom, cruel and bloodthirsty, just like to **** the blood of monks and monsters, they are very difficult to deal with after encountering them.

In addition to this, other monks are also a huge risk factor. After all, this place is different from the outside, there is no restriction of large forces, and it is not uncommon for people to kill people and win treasures. If you encounter other teams in the Yinfengjihuo cave, the strength of the two sides is similar and better, and for those with a large difference in strength, at least two of the ten will have a crooked mind.

Qingyang and the others have not encountered any danger for more than a month in this yin wind extremely fire cave, and they have not even seen a personal figure. Especially in the past few days, the harvest has been continuous, and everyone’s vigilance has been a little low, but I don't want to change suddenly at this time.

Qing Yang and the others didn't dare to neglect, and hurriedly rushed towards Xiao Yuhan's side. After a dozen breaths, Qing Yang finally rushed to Xiao Yuhan's side. Xiao Yuhan didn't seem to have suffered any injuries, but his eyes were a bit divergent, his face was pale, his expression was painful and hideous, and his fighting was relatively clumsy and mechanical. He was fighting the enemy entirely by instinct, and the situation didn't seem to be good.

Opposite Xiao Yuhan, the one who was fighting against her was a humanoid monster, who looked like a human, and had his head, limbs, eyes, ears, mouth and nose, but the combination gave people a weird feeling, how awkward to look at it. Looking at its strength, the humanoid monster seems to have only completed the foundation construction, but it can force Xiao Yuhan, who is also the foundation construction perfect, into this way, and I don't know how to do it.

"What kind of monster is this?" Jiang Dayang asked behind.

Xiying, who had also just rushed over, replied: "I heard that the more famous people in this Yinfengjihuo cave are monsters and evil spirits. They don't look like monsters. This monster should be an evil spirit."

Qing Yang nodded and said: "Brother Xiying is right. Evil spirits are similar to ghosts, and their body is their weakness, but the soul is much stronger than the monks of the same rank, and is extremely good at mental attacks. Looking at the state of Sister Xiao, I'm afraid it is the mental attack of the evil spirit that will be at a disadvantage in the battle. The situation is critical, and we have to go up and help as soon as possible."

After speaking, the Qingyang Divine Mind moved, and the two spirit swords suddenly flew up into the sky and combined into a small sword formation, carrying countless sword shadows and beheaded at the evil spirit. The evil spirit's body was a weak point, so Qing Yang's attack focused on his body.

Sure enough, when the evil spirit saw the spirit sword, it was about to slash on the body, and quickly gave up the attack on Xiao Yuhan, swung lightly, and hid away. The evil spirit's body is not fake, but their body skills Extremely subtle, and the speed is amazing, even if it is displayed in a hurry, it can easily dodge successfully, and even make Qingyang's sword formation lose its tracking ability.

Under normal circumstances, the various attack methods of the monks are equipped with a certain tracking ability. It is not easy to avoid them. They will never rest without running out of energy. Therefore, when the monks fight, they usually use various spells. , Magic weapon counterattack, or find ways to use various treasures to defend, try to consume the opponent's attack energy.

However, there are exceptions. For example, the use of the escape talisman will instantly disappear in place, making the right attack method lose its target; or the attacked party's body style is so subtle that it can instantly interrupt the opponent's attack method lock and lose contact; Or the enemy's spirit is too strong, after a little interference, the attack method will not be able to lock the target.

This evil spirit belongs to the second situation. The exquisite body technique is their instinct. A little bit of use will make Qingyang's spirit sword lose its target, and the use of the dualistic sword formation will be interrupted.

At the same time, Xiao Yuhan also fell to the ground. Xiao Yuhan had reached her limit a long time ago. When she was attacked by the spirit before, her soul had already been severely injured and her consciousness was a little unclear. It's just that she knew subconsciously that if she fell down at that time, she would definitely be taken away by this evil spirit, and her life and death would be unpredictable in the future. Qingyang and the others were nearby, and she had no hope of being rescued until other people came. So even if she was unconscious, Xiao Yuhan still clenched her teeth and insisted on it by instinct. The arrival of Qingyang and others.

Just now faintly heard the voices of Qing Yang and others, the breath that she held in her heart at UU reading www.uukanshu.com relieved, and then she couldn't hold on anymore, and fell to the ground.

The evil spirit had long regarded Xiao Yuhan as his own food. It took him a long time to make a sneak attack. Seeing that the food was about to arrive, he could finally have a full meal, but he was interrupted by the nasty guy in front of him. Now, the evil spirit’s temperament is similar to that of a wild beast. It acts entirely by instinct. It is a taboo to interfere with his eating at any time. Therefore, after avoiding the attack of the spirit sword, the expression on the evil spirit’s face changed and he was about to move towards Qingyang. Mental attack.

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