Dry Monsoon

Chapter 12.1

Chapter 12 Part 1


“Oh, no. Never mind. I heard it from your dad. I’m not such a vicious stepmother. You still don’t know me very well.”


Kim Hee-Joo waved her hand in denial. I thought about the sushi restaurant owner from the lower end of the street, who had been visiting my mom’s store frequently these days. But the relationship between him and my mom was too light to be considered a serious one.


“I don’t doubt you. But…I hope you won’t bring up my mom during the meeting. She’s got nothing to do with this.” I said.


“Sorry. Okay, I’m not going to bring up your mom. Anyway, I think today is a good day to meet up. I don’t force you to get married after this meeting but try to be at least good friends okay. Who knows how it will help you in the future? So try your best, alright?”


Kim Hee-Joo turned around and tapped my shoulder. My dad couldn’t make it today because he had to attend a forum in Japan as a representative of a leading K-beauty company.


I really wanted to run away. If my dad had been here, I would have felt less guilty about confidently stabbing him in the back, but not Kim Hee-Joo. She was a stranger and I was quite uncomfortable with her. Moreover, I did not even contact Kwon Lee-Hyun and today I had to eat with him, face to face.


I sighed and was fiddling with my pearl earring when I heard someone announcing the arrival of our expected guests beyond the half-moon shaped door.


My stepmom and I got up from our seats. Hee-Joo came over to the side, lifted the corners of her lips in a full bright smile.


After a few seconds, the door opened and Kwon Lee-Hyun and his mother entered the private room. As always he was wearing a clean-cut suit which magnified his overbearing aura. Contrary to his usual stoic expression, Ms Yang, his mother seemed to be very pleased to see Hee-Joo.


They acted as if they were long lost sisters. While those two greeted each other loudly, I obliviously tried to avoid Lee Hyun’s gaze. I started to feel as if the room was getting smaller and the tension was building up from the tip of my toes. His continuous gaze was literally burning through my skin.


He took a seat after pulling out the chair right in front of me and stared at me who was still standing. He seemed to be slightly angered which I noticed when our eyes met, and for some stupid reason, my heart became stuffy.


“Please have a seat.”


His tone was arrogant as usual.


I pulled out my chair and sat in front of him, breaking away from his gaze. Hee-Joo seemed to notice the awkward atmosphere between us and started to compliment Kwon Lee-Hyun. Seeing that Ms Yang shook her head satisfactorily but Lee-Hyun treated Hee-Joo as if she was invisible.


“Shall we eat first?”


The meal ordered was served while the fading praises came and went. The chef of Ilhwa, the most renowned restaurant at the S Hotel, also a subsidiary of the Seoryang Group, came out in person to serve the main courses to each person. He vibrantly explained away about his food with a flushed face full of pride. However, unlike me, who listened carefully, Kwon Lee-Hyun picked up a spoon even before the end of the chef’s meal introduction. Thanks to that, the atmosphere became quiet, as if someone had poured cold water over it.


“So, I’ve heard a lot from Hee-Joo. Your mother runs a supermarket, is that right?”


I was the only one who was surprised by Ms Yang’s question. Holding up my chopsticks, I glanced at Lee Hyun and answered.


“Yes… She runs a small supermarket in Mapo.”


“You must have struggled on your own, but looking at you, you seemed to be well educated. You’re a beautiful woman who gives off a good impression, you seem to be a very smart person. It appears a lot of good fortune has fallen onto President Lee’s lap, don’t you think so?”


Ms Yang covered her mouth and laughed out loud. I stared at Hee-Joo’s side face with a look full of questions. However, she only responded to Ms Yang’s words and kept on praising me. Listening to them, my hands and feet became stiff with awkwardness, and I felt my cheeks start to heat up.


“Mom. You should eat.”


It was Lee-Hyun who cut off the endless chatter between the two. I felt relieved.


“Oh, yes. Phew… lighten up and smile a little will you? I’m sorry, young lady. Our Executive Director Kwon just came back from a business trip this morning. He looks grumpy because he hasn’t gotten a chance to rest yet.”


“Oh, it’s alright. I don’t mind.”


“So speaking of which, When does President Lee think is a good time to have a wedding ceremony?”


Kaff! Kaff!


What did I just hear?! I was coughing hysterically, Lee Hyun called someone and asked for warm water. I was coughing while holding a wet towel against my mouth, I barely calmed down after drinking a few sips.


Tears welled up and the rims of her eyes were a bit red. Lee-Hyun was the only one who reacted to my coughing fit. The two ladies continued to carry on their conversation while eating as if they expected this reaction from me. I took a deep breath and said,


“Sorry. It’s my first meeting with the Executive Director, so I think it’s too early to talk about marriage.”


Hee-Joo coughed at my bold response, she lightly grabbed my shoulder and said to me with a tight smile,


“You should know that coming to this blind date is for the purpose of marriage. Ji-Eun, I didn’t snitch on you. Mrs Yang was just curious.”


“Still, I… ”


In an instant, the eyes of all three were focused on me.


My mind went blank completely at that moment and they waited for me to continue.


As Hee-Joo said, this blind date was arranged under the premise of marriage. If I were to say that I was forced to come here against my will, I knew an even worse ending would be waiting for me.


I trailed off my words, stopping whatever I was going to say and looked at Lee Hyun, he sat there eating calmly without a care in the world. I felt like I was falling into a huge bog.

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