Two figures could be seen falling on the ground from the portal, and both of them were women, a moment later, both of them finally landed on the ground.

"Hey, big sister, you are very heavy, get away from my body,"aana exclaimed as she tried to push kana away from her body.

"Damn you, aana, who you were calling heavy, I hate coming inside this portal; it's your fault now bear it, "kana responded to aana as she sitting on her stomach, and she pinched aana's cheek as she wanted to tease her.but suddenly, kana's gaze went around her surroundings and her facial expressions Changed drastically, seeing her big sister like that, aana became confused.

"What happened, big sister? Did you seen a ghost or something like that, what happened to your mood"aana chuckled as she looked at kana, but seeing the seriousness on Kana's face, she looked around to check, her eyes widened seeing her surrounding, both of them get up from the ground.

Both Aana and kana's faces turned dark, and their heart sank seeing the sight In front of their eyes.

"What in the world happened to this place? Is this dream where are those prison cells and mountains went"kana mumbled as she looked around her surrounding; the whole place was destroyed to the core, there were remains of the battle as some kind of war that happened a few minutes ago, various bodies could be seen laying over the ground, and some of the bodies Were missing limbs,guts and blood could be seen everywhere on the ground, the land which used to be beautiful now become barren.

"Did someone dare to challenge our master, where is she, I can't able to see her or sense her presence, who is she fighting which caused that kind of destruction "aana whispered as she looked towards her big sister, kana took a deep breath as she looked those expressions on aana's face,aana's intuition was correct, something happens here before their arrival inside the eternal prison.

Kana placed her hand on aana's shoulder, her heart is also started throbbing as various kinds of thoughts were running Into her mind, but she knew there was no point to think about unnecessary things, their first goal was to find lady Evelyn as soon as possible," we will see her soon,you were right some kind of monster were hiding inside this place all along and waiting for a suitable opportunity to show himself, "Kana said as she tightened her fist.

"But big sister, we can't able to sense her presence, and the portal is over there,right above our head, so there is no way lady Evelyn went anywhere else or left this place, she must be somewhere inside this place"

"Yes you are right, she is still inside this place and hiding her presence, "Kana responded.

Aana tilted her head as she heard her sister"but why did she hide her presence?." Aana looked at kana with a confused gaze.

"It's simple, she is on the hunt, and we are also going for a hunt,'' Kana said as she Tightened her fist with extreme killing intent.

Meanwhile, an old man could be seen running towards a particular direction, and a severe wound could be seen on his stomach and all over the body, His white, old dusty robe is Stanching with blood.

However, his speed was remarkable as he was very fast on the ground, but somewhat he was looking afraid of something which is following him behind.

"Damn it, that crazy woman, she is still following me after getting those kinds of serious wounds,i need to find the exit point as soon as possible otherwise, i am not going to make out from this place,i need to save my energy to leave this place"lee tao snorted as he whispered those words, and he looked behind him to check warlord, everything has become visible in front of his sight as he looked behind, his eyes flickered with green light, more than fifty miles everything was visible infront of his sight,he can see or sense every single living being.

"She is not in fifty miles radius, but that damn woman she is a very clever one and persistent, I cant able to detect her presence, she must hidden her presence and Probably thinking of hunting me, just like old days when those retarted cultivators use those kinds of means to track and kill their prey, she is indeed the clever one, worthy of being an warlord" lee tao whispered as he jumped over a mountain and crossed it in a single jump and landed on the hill.

But, suddenly he saw a flying figure which blasted on the same hill where he was standing, it happened so fast that he couldn't be able to react.His facial expressions become dark, seeing a woman who is standing in front of him.

"Finally found you old bastard. Do you think you will get away from this place after what you did to my rift demons? You killed those demons who pledged their loyalty to me, it took me more than sixty years to collect them, and you took them away in a single day, now you are going to pay for your life. "Evelyn's eyes flickered with killing intent as she looked lee tao, her armor were destroyed, and blood could be seen rushing out from her right shoulder, her body has too many wounds which she got a few moments ago while fighting with this old man.

"You are not worried about those prisoners who died in the fight,we could save those prisoners and resolve things with an easy way."Lee Tao looked towards Evelyn as he said those words.

Hearing this old man's words, Evelyn halted her movement and looked at him with a disgusted look" you shameless old man, you were the one who started all this, first, you killed my rift demons along with those prisoners who were presented there, and now you are giving me the crap of saving those bastards who are here for the heinous crime they did to imprisoned here, I dont have any sympathy bastard like you,or who died few minutes ago,you all deserve to die,now you broken rules and killed my servents,no one in the world could save you from me" Evelyn clenched her fist as she looked lee tao with killing intent.

"Haha, well, you are right young lady , but I didn't wanted to kill them,it was an accident, after so many years I finally released my strength and went a little overboard and ended up killing those prisoners, "lee tao laughed as he scratched his head, but the next moment, a lightning-fast punch landed on his face, and he got blasted very far away from that hill.

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