Dual Cultivator Reborn [System In The Cultivation World]

Chapter 284 - I Hate You From The Bottom Of My Heart

"Tch, my cloth is messed up; I need to take a shower one more time to clean my body, damn it, my whole night is ruined, and the day was not good, either; various things happened today; I came back to void and problems started chasing me again; I need to take some time to think about my next course when I go back to lin clan "yohan whispered as he looked around his robe and his hands; blood stanched could be seen all over his body; yohan regretted not using asura from the starting; he killed more than forty soldiers using his strength only, and when he realized that he was messing up with his cloth, it was already too late for him, Fearing his mother and those ladies, he started using asura.

"Are you okay? Why are you standing like that, feeling bad for those soldiers? ``Seeing Yohan in a daze, Leon approached him and said those words. He thought Yohan must be sad for killing those many people, hearing Leon yohan snap out of his trance and look at him.

"Why would I feel sad for killing these bastards? I felt nothing, not an ounce of remorse for these guys, how many innocent lives they must have taken with that bastard's carter, these people were scum, and I just departure them to their proper place where they truly belong,"yohan responded to the old man Leon.

Hearing yohan, Leon dropped his jaw on the ground, As he was not expecting those words From his mouth. Seeing his grandpa's facial expressions, Yohan exhales deeply.

"By any chance, do you have some extra clothes for me? I ruined my robe, and if mother Alena sees me in this condition, she will be mad at me, "Yohan looked at Leon as he asked, hearing Leon bitterly smile.

"Yes, but they are not going to fit you; why don't you ask Jasmine? She might help you, '' Leon responded.

Hearing jasmine's name, he took a sigh" yes; she might help me; it's time to go back," he said and looked towards old man lin, Who was standing a few meters away and looking around at piles of dead bodies! Leon also followed yohan's gaze.

"You can head back; we need to clean this mess; it would be better if you used your sword from the start; it could save lots of our time, now we have to dump these bodies. "Leon looked at Yohan and said those words.

"Good luck with that; I am going back to the mansion to take a bath and change my clothes; see you tomorrow," Yohan said, and the next moment, he started walking towards the direction of the hundreds of poisoned valleys. And a few moments later, he completely disappeared from his sight.

"And here he goes Leaving us here to clear his mess, shameless bastard," Leon whispered, and he looked towards old man Lin, who was looking at him and waiting for him to give a hand for dumping these bodies.

Meanwhile, two figures could be seen standing in front of the chamber; jasmine placed her hand on Neena's shoulder, seeing her in a daze.

"He is not my brother, because of him, the whole sector is facing the most significant threat, now those royal bastard comes and destroys this entire sector, sister we have sacrificed a lot for this sector, and now Everything is on the line, "neena looked towards jasmine, and she unsheathed her swords which she was carried on her waist.

"Do you think you can kill him with your own hands? He may be scum, but you are not like him,dont be stupid, neena," jasmine responded to her as she tried to calm her.

"Listen to your sister and don't behave like a kid; you don't have what it takes to kill your own brother, "a voice resounded in jasmine and Neena's ear, and both of them tilted their heads behind.

"Yohan, are you okay? Did you hurt yourself, "the moment jasmine saw yohan, she ran towards him without thinking anything; she was looking worried seeing those blood-stained all over his body.

"Don't worry, it's not my blood," Yohan responded as he calmed Jasmine, hearing him. She felt relieved and hugged him tightly. Yohan smiled as he caressed her back, while he noticed Neena's sharp gaze.

"Did I say something wrong,don't tell me you can kill your brother,"yohan said as he looked at neena, jasmine raised her head and looked towards yohan.

"Don't tease her like that; she is already upset, "jasmine said in a cold voice as she looked at yohan; neena became furious as she heard yohan and tighten the grip of her sword.

"Do you want to know whether I have guts or not? Don't you dare to take me for granted," she took a few steps towards him, but jasmine came in between, and she stopped neena and looked at both of them with a severe gaze.

"I said, stop it, both of you don't behave like a kid; how many times I have to repeat the same Damn thing over and over again? Do you guys hate each other that much,'' Jasmine shouted.

Hearing jasmine, both yohan and neena turned dead silent; yohan calmed himself as he didn't want to argue over this matter; he also felt like he went overboard; he should not have said those things to her in a time like this.

"Why would I hate her? I barely know her, but I hate how she treats you; she is just talking about the legacy and sacrifices at a time like this," Yohan said as he looked at Jasmine and then shifted his gaze at neena.

"Sister, I don't know about him, but I hate him with the bottom of my heart, and how did he know what it takes to build a sector? It takes hundreds of years worth of time and effort to Build a sector, and because of his stupidity, the industry is going to destroy,'' Neena looked at Jasmine and said, and then she shifted her gaze towards him.

"So I did wrong by killing that guy who wanted to enslave you. Do you want to throw yourself on his bed to save this goddamn sector that is already on the verge of destruction?"

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