"Disciple of the same master, that's interesting, now we can resolve things calmly "yohan slightly becomes shocked as he heard his grandpa Leon and he looked towards the commander Kruger with a new light in his eyes and said those words to him, hearing yohan Kruger felt annoyed and he looked at him with a cold expression on his face.

"Yes your grandpa is right but it doesn't mean that you are spared, you are still coming with us to the royal capital, I dont acknowledge him as my disciple's brother, your grandpa is senile old geezer and you are indeed walking on his path, come with us Quitely, or chose the other way kid" Kruger looked at yohan and he said those words to him.

hearing him yohan exhaled deeply and he felt disappointed while Leon laughed and took a step towards commander Kruger and looked at him with killing intent.

"Why dont you try to take him away old bastard and see what can this senile old man going to do to you, it been a while when we fight and I want to see do you have what it takes to imprison him,dont blame me for being rude, he is the only child Alena have and she is the only the child I have, and no one can make sad to her, not even you my friend, there is still time to take that lady behind you and leave this place quitely and no one has to get hurt," Leon gave a threatening look to commander Kruger as he said those words.

Hearing him Kruger tighten his fist and took a deep sigh," are you sure you are not going to hand over him, you already know I can't go against the law, he is a criminal and he needs to be punished according to the law of the royal family and I will do anything in my power to turn him in, don't test my patience Leon, "commander Kruger also took a few steps towards Leon and he said those words to him, seeing the current scenario yohan and Sabrina exchange glances as they understand there is no way they can avoid things peacefully, both of them were on their guard and waiting for a moment to face each other again, while Leon is looking at Kruger with extreme killing intent after hearing about the law and king, he felt frustrated after hearing about the law and rules from the commander Kruger's mouth.

"What are you talking about kruger, there is no law in the cultivation World, people are twisting the law according their own convenience, the prime example is king Lucas, you already know what kind of person he is, he killed too many to reach there, lots of innocent people died because of him and you are saying my grandson needs to be get punished by law and by the hand of that senile person,dont make me laugh Kruger, you already know sooner or later this region is going to come under the banner of another royal family, his time is up and the king himself know about this and that's why he is become too desperate to send one of his best men to search a young boy"Leon responded to the commander Kruger, hearing him commander become silent for a moment while Sabrina tilted her head and looked towards him, after hearing Leon deep down she knows he is right but alas she can't do anything about the current situation, she knows there is no other than fighting, Leon is never going to comply with Kruger.

At the same time inside the hundred poison valley, two figures are standing in front of the chamber and looking towards the body that is laying on the ground.

"Father where is Jonathan and who killed him"neena looked at old man lee who is standing in a daze looking towards the man who is laying on the ground, there is blood could be seen on old man lee's hands,neena become confused seeing her father like that, when she came here he was standing and looking at the dead body.

Hearing neena old man lee tilted his head and looked towards her" he did all this, he betrayed this sector, Jonathan is a rat who lead the royal to our door, his sudden appearance explains everything, he is my loyal man and killed by him, I am not going to let him get away after all of this, you go and join jasmine, I will join you later" old man lee responded to neena.

Hearing him she took a deep sigh and looked at the man on the ground" I should have killed him last night, he is not that person who he used to be, he is a spineless person who becomes a mad dog, he puts everyone's life on the stack, I am not going anywhere until I find him and kill him with my hand, I am coming with you father"neena looked at old man lee and she said those words to him.

"No you are not coming with me, let me handle this, look neena jasmine and our people need you, I promise you I will make him pay for his crime against the sector, just go away" old man lee responded to neena as he said those words to her.

Hearing her father she turned silent and took a deep breath" okay, I'll see you later, be safe out there father, I already lose my brother and I don't want to lose you, I need you father"neena looked at the old man lee as she said those words, hearing her he smiled and kissed her on the forehead.

"Now go and take care of yourself, I will be there soon, make sure everyone stays safe, and don't tell Jasmine about the betrayal of your brother, otherwise she will be worried," old man Lee said as he looked at neena.

Hearing her father she nodded and the next moment she left that place leaving old man Lee behind to join Jasmine and others again.

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