Somewhere inside the northern region of the phoenix kingdom, a convoy could be seen moving towards the direction of the river shore city and a few soldiers were escorting this convoy from the front and the back from any potential danger, while two lavish-looking carriages were at the front, inside the first carriage old man lin could be seen sitting silently while closing his both eyes as he was in his deep thought thinking about something and behind that carriage, another Carriage was running which is carrying Alena and others.

It's been a few hours since this convoy left the hundred poison valley and their next destination was the river shore city, everyone was terrified as they left their home in a hurry after being attacked by some unknown power, no one knows anything except jasmine and neena who are traveling with them, all of them depended on these two ladies, past few weeks were very tough for these people as out of the blue Nichole clan waged war against them, no one thought they are going to survive that war but they are saved by yohan and finally, with the death of Lord Nicholas the war came to halt and their daily life becomes normal.

But things didn't remain good as out of a sudden they got the order to leave the sector along with their family, all of them knew sooner or later things would turn out like this because there is no way they will get away from the death of Nicholas, sooner or later Nichole clan come for their revenge.

"Father where are we going, why are we leaving our home-like this" a girl not more than seven years old raised her head and looked towards a man who was in deep thought and asked, there were more than eight people were inside that cart, hearing her everyone's gaze landed at her along with her father who came out from his daze , this is the first time someone uttered a single word after two hours long journey.

"We are going to the river shore city, where the lin clan resides, the funny thing is we are not going to get a warm welcome, those people despise us but we can't do anything because there is no other choice, we are the people of hundred position valley and no one going to welcome us anywhere inside this region after that incident with lord Nicholas,lin clan is our only hope, or maybe our last destination where we are going to get perished" one of the old women looked towards that girl as she said those words, she didn't let that child's father to explain.

The man tilted his head and looked towards that woman with a sharp gaze" she is just a little child, you don't have to explain those things to her, lady jasmine and elder lee is also with us, and young master already saved our sector once and he is generous enough to give us shelter and place to hide, what do you want more, it doesn't matter what kind of treatment I got there, I am fortunate that my child will remain safe there" that man responded to that women.

"Tsk, you are naive, sooner or later you will realize that we are going to be treated as slaves, do you think lady jasmine will remain loyal to us after what she did to that man in front of the entire army, she kissed him and throw herself at him, she is smart as a fox and knows how to secure her position as a mistress, sooner or later she will abandon us, mark my word"that old women exclaimed as he looked towards that middle-aged man, hearing her the people inside the carriage started exchanging glances as they felt afraid and few of them even started discussing about what just old women said and various kinds of discussion started occurring between those people.

but suddenly two figures descended from the sky and appeared in front of the lin clan's carriage which belonged to the old man lin, one after another the whole convoy came to halt and everyone became silent.

"Yohan is here, finally he made it" old man lin opened his eyes as he sensed a familiar aura and the next moment he left the carriage to see yohan, inside the second carriage Alena and others looked at each other as out of a sudden the carriage halted.

"Its yohan, he is here,"diya said as she looked at Alena and others, everyone became surprised as they heard her and the next moment they rushed to see yohan. Even Amelia became excited when she heard yohan's name from diya's mouth.

"Finally we catch up with convoy,"yohan said as he looked towards kana, hearing his she nodded her head in response, she is still couldn't get over with the feeling that she felt in yohan's embrace and being kissed by him, butterflies are flying into her stomach,yohan can understand what is going on with her but he remains silent as he knew this is not the right time to think about that, a moment later old man lin approached yohan, but he became surprised to see kana with him,yohan noticed his grandpa's surprised reactions.

"It's a very long story, I will explain later in private, is everything alright here grandpa, where is mother and others"yohan responded to old man lin and asked about Alena and other ladies but before his grandpa could say anything his gaze landed on the small girl who is running in his direction while Natasha trying to stop her.

A smile appeared on yohan's face as he saw amelia, she approached yohan and jumped into his embrace, and hugged him tightly while hiding her face against his chest.

"It's okay, I know you missed me and I also missed you"yohan caressed Amelia's back as he said those words, kana became surprised seeing that girl, this was the first time she saw Amelia and she felt something different about her.

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