"Whatever, I am done with you and I don't care what you think about me, I just don't take it when you said I am the reason for your master's current condition, we may have the differences between us but I never thought about hurting lady Evelyn, she was there when I needed her and I will be there for her when she needed me,"yohan whispered as he looked towards the direction of aana and a moment later he disappeared from her sight.

Aana remains standing there with a blank expression, and sometimes later she exhales deeply and looked towards Her hands, there were prints of yohan's finger on her waist as he tightly grab her a few moments ago and slammed her against the wall, and looked towards those marks with a nonchalant expression on her face and a few moments later she disappeared from that place.

At the same time, somewhere inside the forest yohan appeared in front of one of the lakes which are situated inside the forest a few miles away from Evelyn's mansion, and his gaze went around his robe which he was wearing, seeing the condition of that black robe yohan took a deep sigh and tear it down from his upper body and threw it away revealing his aesthetic body, there were various emotions are surging inside his mind, he looked towards his hands, both of his hands swollen and the skin around them turned blue and there were few injuries were visible on his body, fortunately, his body is started healing slowly and the pain is reduced gradually.

But he was not upset about the pain which aana caused him, there is something else that is causing him more pain, he is feeling humiliated, after standing few moments on one place he started walking towards the lake and sometimes later her entered inside it, and after taking few more steps inside the lake he reached the area where the water level was coming to his waist,yohan halted his movement and look towards his own reflection inside the clean water.

"This feeling is not getting away from my heart, I never felt anything like that before, what went wrong, why I am still lingering with my previous world ideals, something is definitely wrong with me,"yohan whispered as he splashes water on his face and a moment later he fully immersed himself inside the water.

Meanwhile, a womanly figure appeared in front of the mansion and started walking towards a particular direction, and sometimes later that figure halted her movement seeing another figure which was standing in her way.

"Where have you been and where is yohan, both of you left the hall at the same time," Kana said as she looked towards the direction of aana.

"How's master's condition, did she show any sign of recovery, you guys were examining her, did Leon find anything helpful"aana ignored kana's question as she asked her about Evelyn, seeing aana's strange behavior kana took a deep sigh.

"You didn't answer my question, I asked you where he is, I cant able to sense his presence in the surrounding area, tell me aana where he is now"kana approached aana and she directly looked into her eyes with a sharp gaze and said those words in an intimidating voice.

Seeing kana like that, aana chuckled and shook her head with a smile before looking back at kana with a sharp gaze.

"Don't worry he is alive, I didn't kill him but next time I won't hesitate to kill him,"aana responded to kana and she started walking towards the direction of elders hall without looking back, kana was taken aback as she heard aana's words, she couldn't believe in her ears what she heard from her mouth.

"Stop aana don't you dare to ignore me, We are not done yet, what is wrong with you, did you hear yourself what you just said, "kana tilted her head and looked behind and she make aana stop, hearing her big sister aana also turned behind and looked towards her.

"You changed big sister, that man changed you in different ways, what did he do to you huh, this is all of his faults because of him our master in this kind of condition, the moment he showed himself on our door she become obsessed with him, and lately she was not in herself, and you are also responsible for our master's conditions, that day I told you that something is off and I am not getting good feeling but you were too ignorant and overconfident in masters ability, you let her leave alone inside the eternal prison and delayed when I asked you to follow her behind, if we catch her sooner nothing would happen to her, and at the end what did you do you let that bastard get away from the prison even after he was in his worst conditions,"aana responded to kana and she took few steps towards her, hearing those words from her little sister's mouth kana was in deep shock, this is the first time she raised her voice and said something like that to her.

"You are saying this is all my and yohan's fault and accusing me that I let that old man get away from my grasp,don't tell me you won't believe me that there was a woman who helped that old man to get away from that place"kana looked towards aana and she asked. 

"Who knows I was not there, and deep down you knew this would never happen, if we went earlier to look for her, but I am not going to make the same mistake like last time, I have decided to inform the Imperial family about my master's condition, only they can treat her, I should have informed them earlier the moment that incident happened," aana looked towards kana as she said those words to her, and the next moment she disappeared from her sight leaving kana In tears.

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