Chapter 342: Crazy women 

"I am still ashamed that my brother was behind that incident, And that poison belongs to my sector" Jasmine said as she looked at diya, hearing jasmine diya smile and she placed one of her hands on jasmine's shoulder and she confronted her. 

"It's not your fault jasmine, the mastermind behind that attack was not your brother, he was just manipulated by that bastard Nicholas, I still remember that night when I somehow sneaked away from the cart, they are about to sell me to some big clan, before meeting him I spend countless nights inside some dark room thinking about ending my life but something inside me kept me going, I cursed my family to selling me off for some money, but when I met yohan, I forget my suffering, He took my hand and give me a hope to live, the anger which was I carrying along with me disappeared from my heart, I feel blessed, he changed my life entirely" Diya has a smile on her face While thinking about what happened to her in past. three of them were listening to her carefully, Ana already knew all of this but jasmine and Natasha didn't know about Diya's life in detail, Natasha has some vague idea about Diya's life as they discussed about finding her parents but she didn't Imow how difficult diya's life was, jasmine took a step towards diya and touched diya's cheek gently. "I am glad you find your happiness, lady diya never let this smile fade away from your face, and remember you are not alone we are with you, no matter what happened you will always find me beside you," Jasmine said as she looked at diya, Natasha also cleared her throat as she looked diya and jasmine. "Count me in, after all, we are bound to each other, and I am glad I got a chance to meet both of you, and on top of that, he gave no a child to look after her"Natasha giggled as she looked towards the direction of yohan's bed, Ana tilted her head and looked towards the direction where Natasha was looking, she becomes surprised seeing a little girl sleeping on the bed. 

"Who is that child, I just noticed her presence"Ana looked in the direction of diya, jasmine, and Natasha and asked with a surprised expression. "Her name is Amelia, she is also going to live with us, it's a long story I will tell you later but right now the tea and food is getting cold, And I am very hungry, I will go and wake her up, she might be hungry" Natasha responded to Ana as she left to wake Amelia who is sleeping on the bed. "Yes it's a very long story we will explain later but before that, we need to discuss various things, let's go we will discuss while having tea,"diya said as she looked at Ana and Jasmine, both of them nodded their heads as they followed diya on the table. Meanwhile, at the same time somewhere inside the northern region a woman opened her eyes as she was Standing around the window of the Evelyn MallS1011. 

"What was that? what kind of feeling is this" Aana whispered as she felt some unlmown kind of energy that appeared out of nowhere, the moment kana and Leon went to see elder song, she didn't go to the elders' hall as she was aware that yohan was there and she did not want to face him not right now when she was upset after hearing those words from Leon's And wino's mouth About Evelyn, she was upset that both of them are right, she Imew that Evelyn always maintained an invisible wall with Aana and kana but Aana always wanted to destroy that wall and get to lmow what her master feels and thinks, she wanted to become someone who can share Evelyn's thoughts and her feelings, but even more than a decade she failed to close that gap even after trying very hard, kana shook her head and come to her senses. "What is the source of this energy?" Aana mumbled as she closed her eyes and started using her senses to know the origin of this unlmown energy. "It's coming from elders hall, is this related to yohan, what is that bastard trying to do," Aana mumbled and the next moment she disappeared from her room and appeared in front of the hall, it took her a second to come here but the moment she tried to enter inside the hall, her body blasted A few meters away backward, she has been pushed by some unlmown kind of force, if Any normal human tried to enter inside that hall he might end up being killed by that kind of force but it was aana who is sitting on the peak of the earth soul realm. 

Aana got up on her legs and looked very carefully while using her senses, instant a barrier appeared in front of her sight, and it was not a normal barrier, this is something else that she had has never seen before,aana tighten her fist and her eyes started burning with anger. "I know you are inside the hall and you are up to something, I thought I was wrong about you, but you proved me right, you have some hidden ulterior motive against us, I am warning you if anything happened to lady Evelyn, I am going to kill you in the worst way possible, get the hell out of here and removed this barrier"aana shouted at top of her lungs, her voice is carrying extreme killing intent. At the same time inside the elder's hall,Yohan could be seen standing while he was carrying Evelyn in his hand when he heard Aana's threatening voice. "Here she comes, I am glad that barrier is stopping her to enter inside the hall, if she sees me carrying her master in my hand, that crazy woman definitely going to kill me without even giving me a chance to explain myself, liana and grandpa is also not here, so ultimately there is no one who can save my ass from her,"yohan whispered.. 

Wenner,lt.s.,Tr cre

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