Chapter 390 Ancient Ruins  "What is this strong feeling, I can sense powerful energy coming from that direction"yohan opened his eyes and he looked at the bottom while using his spiritual sense and to his surprise, he found something visible from very far, finally he could see some kind of island which is surrounded by the ocean, a smile appeared on Yohan's face as he falling from the sky and sometime later finally he blasted into the ground, the moment he collided with the ground the whole place started trembling and the surrounding area completely destroyed and left a big hole in the ground.

"ahhhh...this is hurt, but this is much better than falling forever from the sky, I am very happy at some point I lost hope of getting out of this freaking place,"yohan whispered as he was laying inside the giant hole which is caused by his collision with the ground and he was looking towards the sky with a calm gaze.

"There is no need to be happy, I need to find a way to get back to soul subspace,aana must be worried about me after all she dont know anything about soul subspace and moreover I need to get back to the mansion to look for kana, there are too many things on stake"yohan whispered to himself and he got up on his feet up and jumped on the ground leaving the hole instantly, Yohan's eyes flicked as he looked around his surroundings, he found himself surrounded by a tree and greenery,yohan took a deep breath and started venturing around the island when he was falling he noticed some kind of old ruins in the middle of the island and he is few kilometers away from that place.

"those old ruins might be my ticket to soul subspace, but nothing makes any sense for me, I'm still not able to connect any dots which lead me here, I don't even know what kind of place I am, is this some kind of an alternate reality"yohan mumbled to himself while walking towards the direction of those old ruins but suddenly the mark on his hand started dazzling with golden light,yohan halted his movement when that happened.

"Is this related to the mark on my hand"yohan mumbled as he took a few more steps, soon enough the mark on his hand started glowing more bright.

"the mark on my hand represents my soul bond with Asura, my suspicion was right this is somehow connected to the asura, there is only one way to find out what is going on here and why I am here out of nowhere,"yohan said and the next moment he summons his sword, the moment he did that the whole sky turned dark and the sword in Yohan's hand started burning with black fire and a moment later with the extreme pulling force, the sword started flying towards the direction of those old ruins where yohan was headed.

"fuck, wait a minute, stop,dont drag me..."yohan shouted as he was being dragged by the sword, he is holding the asura with both hands and tried to stop it but alas that sword didn't even flinch even he put almost everything which he had to stop the sword, one after another his body started colliding with trees and sometimes later Yohan's eyes widen as he saw the sword is directly headed into one of the hills with lightning-fast speed.

" you want to kill me..."yohan mumbled and his facial expression turned solemn but it was too late for him, the sword pierced threw into the giant hill along with yohan, and sometime later it made its way into the other side after destroying the entire hill.

"I am still alive, damn you asura you want to kill your master, you nearly gave me a heart attack back there, just take it easy our destination is the same, I don't know why are you so excited going towards those runes,"yohan whispered to himself and looked behind the giant hill was completely destroyed but he sustained various bruises over his body and when he saw his body his face turned dark, he realized that he was butt naked the whole time, seeing his little brother dangling into the sky yohan felt a little bit embarrassed, the good thing that he was alone inside this place.

" not again, damn you stop it"yohan panicked as he saw the trail of hills in front of his sight and the sword is intended to go straight, his heart skipped a beat, instantly yohan covered his little brother with his left hand to save it from any potential injury from this crazy ride and he also tightens the grip around asura with the right hand.


one after another the sword started piercing those hills while yohan is being dragged down by the sword in his hand,yohan closed his eyes while his one hand remain covering his bottom part, he dont wants to lose the important thing which is very useful for his survival in the cultivation world, he rather loses his limb or anything else but he can't take any chance of losing his precious and beloved part, his little brother which helped him to reach this far.

One after another the asura pierced too many hills on its way to runes, on the other hand, yohan lost count of how many hills his sword destroyed, sometimes later finally they leave the trail,yohan felt more relieved when they existed from that trail, he looked around his body, it was a total mess, there were bruises and cuts were visible all over his body,yohan took a deep breath and his gaze landed in the direction where those old ruins were situated,yohan felt an eerie and ominous aura coming from those runes, this kind of feeling he never felt before and sometimes later finally the sword collided on the ground with lightning-fast speed along with yohan.

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