Chapter 392 Tomb of Asura  Two womanly figures could be seen flying in a particular direction at a very fast pace and sometimes later both of them descended from the ground, in front of the mansion which is situated a few meters away from them and surrounded by the nature, kana took a deep sigh as she saw the mansion and her gaze went towards the direction of the elder hall, she was sad that she return empty-handed and didn't get any kind of help from elder song, but still, she has one last shot and which was the core of eternal prison and kana was aware if she removed the core she will most likely destroy the whole prison and those criminals who are imprisoned inside the eternal prison will get free and going to make havoc inside the northern region and kana is willing to take that risk over her master's safety.

"We are here, this is the place lady Evelyn founded a few years ago and decided to settle down here after roaming around the whole phoenix kingdom, this place is very dear to her, "Kana said as she looked at the athena who was standing beside her and looking towards the direction of the mansion with a calm yet beautiful gaze, seeing Athena's face kana remember about her master, after all, she has similar feature apart from her rude and arrogant nature.

"This is where my sister lives huh, so she chose this place over the other places, this place is indeed beautiful just like... "athena whispered in a low yet trembling voice seeing the mansion while a smile could be seen on her face, seeing that smile on Athena's face kana slightly become confused.

"Why are you smiling, do you mind sharing the reason behind your smile, this place reminds you about something, '' Kana asked, hearing Kana Athena tilted her head and looked at Kana with a calm gaze.

"the mansion you are seeing is the exact replica she used to have back home, she didn't change in all those years, she is still lingering the memory of her past"athena responded to kana, hearing her kana take a deep sigh.

"You are weird, sometimes you sound like you love her, but sometimes I see the immense rage in your eyes, do you mind telling me your story?"kana tilted her head and looked athena as she said those words.

"that's none of your business, it's between my sister and me, just take me to her, I want to see my sister, if you guys were strong enough to protect her, she wouldn't get harmed by anyone, i wonder what were you doing when those bastards attack her and you called yourself her disciple"athena gave a stern look to kana, hearing her kana exhale deeply and approached her and she looked directly into Athena's eyes.

"you know nothing about us and you don't even know anything about your sister, how dare you say those words to me, you didn't show up yourself in those years we were there for her in any kind of situation, now you suddenly popped up and giving me a lecture about my master, she didn't even mention that she has any sister in this world, you better behave when you see her,don't you dare to play any kind of dirty trick, I still don't trust you until my master confirms that you are her real sister until then you are just an outsider," Kana said as she looked directly into Athena's eyes and next moment she started walking into the direction of the mansion.

hearing those words from kana's mouth Athena's face turned dark and she tighten her fist but a moment later she took a deep breath and shook her head before the following kana from behind, she didn't want to lose her calm over kana's words but still, kana's words left a deep impact on her.

completely unaware that Evelyn is no longer there along with aana and yohan,athena tightened her fist as she heard kana and started following her behind.



"the same notification again, I still don't get it, after all, I am physically presented here, then how can I cultivate that amount of celestial yin qi, and moreover I am also cultivating normal Qi from my surrounding, my body is cultivating with both ways, sighed I am losing my mind"yohan whispered as he walking on the same narrow path which he took a few moments ago between those scary-looking statues, this place giving him a creep but he ignored everything and kept walking without any hesitation.

Meanwhile, at the same time inside the soul subspace aana could be seen standing in front of the figure who is completely enveloped with light, her hand was shaking as she tried to touch yohan, it had been a few hours since yohan attain the tenth level of core formation soul realm and his body still gathering the Qi from surroundings,aana was well aware of that, but still she was worried about him and want to know what is happening with him, why his body is fully enveloped by this unknown light.

"it's been more than twenty-four hours since he started cultivating and his cultivation base is rising at a very fast speed, what should I do, should I interrupt him, what if something happened if I disrupt him during his cultivation, I don't know what to do or what not to do, I wish lady Evelyn was here she must know how to tackle this situation, I am useless right now"aana mumbled as she clenched her fist and looked yohan with a serious gaze.

At the same time after walking a few more minutes Yohan finally reached a building which looked like some kind of ancient temple and the path had finally come to an end while he was walking for a few minutes.

"The path which I took earlier is lead me here, this must be some kind of temple or tomb probably the remnant of that ancient civilization, this place quietly big and surprisingly still standing after all those years, and look at these statues which are standing and facing each other at the entrance of this place is similar to those statues which found earlier, "yohan said as he looked towards the statute who was standing in front of his sight at the corner of the entrance of the monument,these two statues were similar which he find earlier,the same bone mask along with the long sword similar to asura,yohan took a deep breath and took few step towards the entrance of that place.

"Well let's go inside and see what is awaiting us inside that place, are you ready my friend,"yohan said as he looked towards the asura in his hand, the moment he said those words the sword in his hand slightly trembled as it was agreeing with yohan.

"I see you are excited to go inside this place, maybe I will get all my answers inside that place and finally understand why I am here and maybe I could find out what is your connection with this place or most likely with the women I saw in that drawing " with those words yohan entered inside the place which is resembling some kind of old monument and the moment he placed his leg inside that place back to back his head filled with various notification.


Yohan grabbed his head as those notifications resounded in his head and he fell to his knees.

"why I am feeling this kind of sharp pain in my hand, what is going on here"yohan gasped and tried to gather his thought when he heard a voice which came from behind,yohan tilted his head and looked behind the entrance where he comes from started closing automatically, Yohan's face turned dark seeing that but before he could do anything the entrance is completely sealed off.

Yohan got up on his feet and approached the entrance which is completely sealed off and tried to examine, after examining for a few minutes he shook his head in disappointment.

"I am trapped inside this place, there is no way I can go back using the same path which I took to reach here, I need to find another way to leave this place and I don't think that would be easy seeing the current circumstances, I was right this is some kind of tomb which is related to my sword"yohan whispered as he looked around his surroundings, he found himself in a large hall and it was very spacious and the structure of the building was round from inside.

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