Chapter 409 A peasant  "Damn it, that bitch didn't warn me before attacking, how shameless she is, she dont has any honor, backstabbing bitch "Natasha exclaimed as she raised her hand towards jasmine who is looking at her with a calm gaze, hearing those words from Natasha's mouth a smile appeared on jasmine's face and she took Natasha's hand and pulled her from the remains of that building that got destroyed by Natasha's impact.

Natasha's entire body got covered with dirt, but there were no major injuries that could be seen on her body apart from some bruises.

"It's a good thing that nothing major happened to you and you are alright, I was scared when she attacked you out of nowhere , but somehow you manage to survive from that attack," jasmine said as she started cleaning the dirt on Natasha's body and helping her to get back into her previous self.

"What are you talking sister, that bitch was after my face, how dare she attacked me cowardly, look at my nose it's still bleeding and I sustained lots of scratches over my body, it's time to pay her back in a hundredfold, that damn bitch nearly ruined my face, damn her," Natasha said in a cold voice, hearing her jasmine petted Natasha's head and placed her hand over her shoulder.

"No need, look in that direction, she is against lady diya, there is no way she is going to let her get away after what she did to you, Natasha you went too far with your words,don't forget she is also a woman and I can feel there is something which is bothering her, "Jasmine said as she scolded Natasha and pointed her finger in the particular direction where diya and xiao feng standing in front of each other, seeing that scene Natasha becomes surprised that xiao feng is standing against diya and ready to take her on, after all, Natasha was trying to stop diya to not engage in a fight with xiao feng but alas destiny has a different plan.

"I know I shouldn't have said those words to her, but she was the one who went far, she said those mean things to lady diya that's why I can't control myself and went too far, but Why didn't you stop her from engaging in battle, why did you let lady diya fight her with that crazy woman" Natasha exclaimed as she looked at jasmine.

"I tried but seeing those cold expressions on her face, I got little bit afraid and sacred, she was a totally different person back there, I realize that no matter what, she is not going to stop, she is decided to take her on after what she did to you" jasmine responded to Natasha and explain everything to her which happened when Natasha is being blasted away by her, hearing jasmine's words Natasha took a deep sigh and a bitter smile appeared on her face.

"After trying so hard, we coudnt able to stop her, she is still recovering from her injuries," Natasha mumbled as she looked at jasmine.

"Just trust her, I am getting the feeling that lady diya is somehow changed after that incident inside the hundred poison Valley" jasmine said as she tilted her head towards the direction of diya, hearing jasmine Natasha become confused but she followed jasmine's gaze as the surrounding aura become chilly out of nowhere.

At the same time, the trio of old men is watching the ground where diya and xiao feng were standing in front of each other, three of them were waiting for the spar between a woman who is widely known and famous inside the whole northern region and people call him a prodigy while on the other hand, no one knows about diya, those who know about her existence are the people who belong to lin clan.

"It's about to begin, "Leon said.

"yes indeed"old man lin whispered in a low voice as his heart is beating faster, last time he messed up pretty badly when he let her diya spar inside the hundred poison Valley and at that time things have been escalated pretty badly, old man lin did not want to see those things happen again when diya goes berserk and loses control over her body.

"here she goes, "elder song whispered in

cheerful manners, he was happy that he will earn a fortune from this fight, excitement could be seen on her face and he is rooting for xiao feng.

Meanwhile, two figures were standing in front of each other.

"You are now done, today you will learn what is the difference between a cultivator and a normal human, what will you do, there is no one who can save you now from me, that woman already learned her lesson and now it's your turn peasants," xiao feng said as she looked diya.

"You talk a lot, just come to me already and show me what you got,don't tell me you are afraid of this peasant"diya responded as she pointed her finger and signaled her to come at her.

"Damn you" xiao feng mumbled and the next moment she dashed in the direction of diya and swung a punch which is directed at her face, she wanted to knock her out in just a single punch as she did with Natasha, she thought it will be easy for her but alas she was not aware that the women who are standing in front her are not the same diya which she met a couple of months ago.

After that dinner, lots of things changed drastically and little by little diya started grasping the power of the true soul realm.

Diya remain standing calmly and waited for xiao feng to close the gap, the moment she came close to her with a closed fist diya slightly moved her body and evaded that punch which is about to reach her face, as soon as she did that xiao Feng's face slightly turned dark and she was taken aback, she barely managed to control the composer her body from falling but alas...

instant a punch landed xiao Feng's face and she got blasted a few meters away and collided into one of the buildings,diya didn't give any thought as she counters with a clean hit over her face,diya was surprised to see how fast she was and how slow xiao feng were when she coming to her, her sense becomes somewhat sharp diya took a sigh and she looked towards her fist with a calm gaze.

At the same time, elder song dropped his jaw to the ground and his heart nearly skipped a beat, he rubbed his eyes and tried to see whether he was dreaming or not"what was that, is that dream, did she just blast her in a single punch, "elder song mumbled as his facial expression drastically changed, he couldn't able to believe what he just saw, he was confident that no matter what xiao feng is not going to lose.

A broad smile appeared on old min lin's face as he saw this, he was expecting nothing less from diya he know how powerful she becomes in a few months and he is expecting great things from her, at the same time Leon was calmly observing diya who is somewhat looking lost,diya's eyes were empty and there were no excitement and happiness could be seen in her eyes despite hitting xiao feng, seeing diya like that Leon took a deep sigh as he was worried about something.

Suddenly the surrounding became chilly and an aura of the first level of the core formation realm took place, "what the hell"elder song mumbled.

old man lin and Leon's gaze also went towards the direction of the destroyed building, where xiao feng was blasted a few moments ago by a single punch,diya's gaze also went as she felt a strong aura which is gathering at one place, jasmine and Natasha also felt chill in their spine when she felt that aura.

"interesting,she finally got a breakthrough in the next major realm," Leon said as he looked at xiao feng, she blasted those destroyed pillars using her aura like they were nothing in front of her, blood is dripping from her head and there were few injuries that could be seen over her body.

elder Song's face bloomed when he saw that xiao feng got a breakthrough in the first level of the core formation soul realm. He took a long breath and tried to calm himself. After all, there were ten thousand gold coins on the line and he knows how hard it is to earn that kind of fortune.

diya remain calm as she saw killing intent in Xiao Feng's eyes and extreme blood lust on her face, she is looking very pissed after getting hit by diya, she never thought that someone like diya would harm her, after all, she dont has any kind of aura around her, she is the same women which she met on the dinner, xiao feng nearly lost her cool and didn't realize how did diya manage to hit her, xiao feng burning with rage and she even gets breakthrough in next major realm because of the extreme anger, she just wanted to get back to diya and return the favor.

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