Chapter 412 Determination  Everyone was taken aback seeing how effortlessly diya destroyed xiao feng even though she is using her cultivation base against diya, jasmine and Natasha's facial expressions turned solemn seeing diya and hearing those words from her mouth about yohan, both of them felt chill in their spine seeing how serious diya is about for yohan, the moment xiao feng bring yohan in their fight the next moment diya's personality took three-sixty turns, it was a one-sided massacre, she didn't give any thought before attacking xiao feng after hearing that remark about yohan.

elder song's heart nearly skipped a beat seeing how effortlessly diya destroyed xiao feng, cold sweat appeared on his face.

"She did it without losing herself," old man lin mumbled with happiness seeing diya, he didn't care about any other things, there was a different kind of happiness in his eyes, Leon also shook his head hearing old man lin's words.

"Yeah, she has pretty good control over her body and emotion, but alas she has a long way to go, she is still need to learn a lot, her powers are frightening," Leon mumbled and his gaze went in a particular direction, he knows that there is no way xiao feng is going to get up on her feet, she already went through a lot of strain when she gets that forceful breakthrough just because she wanted to take revenge with diya.

"Fuck, I can't believe she lost a fight from her, that girl didn't even bother to reveal her cultivation base, I underestimated her, I thought you were bragging about diya and making weird rumors just because you dont wanted to lose your face in front of people because she has peasant blood in her veins"elder song whispered as he looked at old man lin.

"There is a reason why She didn't reveal her cultivation base, she is still in the learning phase and probably don't want to lose the control over her body and go berserk inside this place, if that happened she is going to probably destroy this place" old man lin whispered as he looked in the direction of diya.

Hearing him elder song took a deep sigh and scratched the back of his head" about those ten thousand gold coins, you see I am out of money and business is down pretty bad from the last couple of months, so I was thinking—"

"You want me to give a visit to your wife and your granddaughter, both of them probably going to kill you if they know that you lost a bet again," Leon gave a frightening look to the elder song, hearing him elder song gulped, and the next moment he took out the spatial ring which he was wearing in his right hand and threw it towards Leon.

"That ring contains ten thousand gold coins and you can also have the ring, but make sure to shut your mouth about what happened here and I will also remain quiet in front of Alena," elder song whispered.

"Deal, it's a good haul" Leon responded to the elder song, but suddenly something piqued Leon's interest and his gaze went in the particular direction, old man lin and the elder song also followed Leon's gaze.

Xiao Feng's figure could be seen coming out of destroyed buildings, she has blood all over her face, and she sustained lots of injuries all over her body, her eyes were barely open and her legs were shaking as she is having a problem with standing but xiao feng kept her gaze at diya and started walking towards Her, she is taking slow steps at a time but she kept walking and kept looking diya, seeing her like that diya took a deep breath.

"Damn it how could she able to get on her feet, she is so persistent, she still wants to fight her, even after knowing that she dont have any chance against her," Natasha said as she looked at jasmine.

"We have to stop lady diya, she is already beaten to death, she will die if she hit again with that kind of brute force" jasmine responded as she was about to approach diya but she has halted her movement when she heard a familiar voice which came from behind and she tilted her head along with Natasha, Alena was standing behind them along with Ana.

"Natasha and jasmine what is going on here, and what happened to your body, " Alena said as she looked at the destroyed building where Natasha and jasmine were standing, Alena looked at Natasha from top to bottom, seeing her condition she become shocked, Natasha's cloth was tattered and there were lots of bruises could be seen over her body and there was the dried blood could be seen on her face.

Seeing Alena both Natasha and Jasmine are caught by surprise and they exchange glances, Alena becomes anxious as Natasha didn't respond to her.

"Did xiao feng do this to you? Where is she, let me handle her?" she said as she looked at Natasha but suddenly her gaze landed in the particular direction and seeing the sight in front of her eyes Alena's heart nearly skipped a beat.

"Xiao feng..." she whispered as she saw her condition, she had blood all over her body and she can't even walk properly, seeing her like that Alena's face turned pale.

"What in the world happened here," Alena asked as she shifted her gaze towards Jasmine and Natasha.

Hearing her jasmine took a deep breath and started explaining everything which happened there earlier, she explained every single thing to Alena, hearing the explanation in jasmine's mouth Alena took a deep sigh.

"I need to stop them before things escalated from our hands, our family is already going through some tough times and I don't want anything happened to that girl," Alena said as she hurriedly left to stop diya and xiao feng, jasmine and Natasha also followed Alena from behind along with Ana who was shocked to know every single detail of jasmine's mouth.

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