Chapter 425 - The High Table

Somewhere inside the phoenix kingdom, two figures could be seen seated around the round table facing each other, while four giant seats could be seen empty existed around that majestic table, in between those two, one of them were women while the other person was men, both of them were having strong presence inside that room.

"So what's the deal this time, why I am summoned here, do you know how busy I am these days, finally I am about to have a break after a very long time and this happens, got summoned for round table meeting, and why only two are here, where are rest?" the women exclaimed while getting annoyed, she has a white beautiful milky face along with a pair of deep purple eyes which were dazzling with a strange glint, her long silky Silver hair was making her more beautiful inside that dimly place.

"Lady Aella, it's been ten years since we last held any meeting over the high table. You are not happy seeing me again, and for your other questions, you already know why they are not here and why we are here in the first place" the man who is wearing a black suit said with a smile.

"I know but what's the fun of coming here when four high seats are empty, those four dont even bother to join us, it's very annoying and humiliating at the same time" the woman with silver hair responded to the man who was sitting right in front of her.

"You already know lady aella, they can't be here until it's about the kingdom's security-related matter, we both joined fifty years ago so we are newbies while those four were bound to this seat for quite a long time, and have important matters to handle "the man responded to aella.

"Jacob dont you dare to fuck me with that crap about newbies or we join late, I am also a warlord just like everyone, I dont give a damn about those four, it makes me sick to the core, now tell me why I am here, what happened this time"aella exclaimed as she slammed the table with anger.

Seeing her like that Jacob took a deep sigh as he understands about her temper and nature, he remains calm and composed and maintained the smile on his handsome face.

"You have to go to the northern region lady aella, and take care of one of the kids who is making a ruckus around the region, you don't have to kill him, just make him your prisoner and bring it to the Imperial Family, I repeat one more time remember you need to bring him to the Imperial family without killing him, "Jacob said as he took out a later from his suit and placed it in front of the aella.

Hearing those words Aella is taken by surprise, she looks towards the latter, the latter is sealed with the golden dragon seal.

"Who gave this order"aella raised her eyebrows as she looked at Jacob who was looking at her, hearing her he took a deep breath, as he was anxious about something.

"The queen herself," Jacob responded.

Aella's face turned dark when he mentioned the queen, she gulped thinking about that woman.

"What in the world does a queen want with a man who belongs to that trash region, and moreover that region comes under Evelyn's restrictions, why didn't they give her this job, why bother calling me,"aella asked.

"You already know she is not the part of the high table, she is a loner woman who doesn't involve herself in political matters, and moreover you are the most suitable person for this job, there is a reason why you are assigned to this mission, after all its related to your bloodline" Jacob smiled as he looked Aella.

"It's related to my bloodline huh, spit everything you know about this mission, and what's that letter for, why are you giving this letter which is sealed by my family seal, it's the seal of Azazel clan"aella looked at Jacob with a serious gaze and she asked him.

"Do you remember Lady Alena, your cousin's sister?" Jacob mumbled, the moment aella heard that name her expression changed drastically.

"Of course, I remember her, she was a complete trash and failure, that's why she ran away from the clan, don't tell me it's about her,"aella exclaimed as she looked at Jacob.

"Well she has a son named yohan, he recently killed two figures who belonged to big clans, not only he killed those two important figures, He is even causing trouble for the royals of that region," Jacob said.

"Alena's son, I can't believe what I am hearing, is he a cultivation genius,"aella looked at Jacob and she shot another question getting excited.

"I don't know whether he is a genius or not, but I know one thing, a year ago he used to be completed trash , but right now everyone knows about him inside the region, not only he killed the heir of the Nichole clan, he also ends up killing the heir of xian clan, the xian clan is associated with the royal family of the northern region"Jacob explained to aella.

"That's interesting, trash becomes a cold blood killer and even threatens the royal family, he must be hiding his cultivation base like most qi cultivators do"aella mumbled.

"He is a dual cultivator, he is not even a qi cultivator" Jacob whispered as he looked at aella.

"A dual cultivator, what are you talking about, a dual cultivator causing that much problem, this is not what I expected"aella mumbled and took a deep sigh and she continued again"well it's about political issues, those royal asking help from Imperial family, that's why the queen issued the order"aella mumbled.

"No, it's not about the royal family of the northern kingdom, do you think that trash king has the guts to ask the favor from the imperial family, it's not about political and related to those clan's heir which he killed, it's more like personal, this is queen's personal request, I was shocked when I came to know that the queen is interested about someone like him, "Jacob responded.

Aella was taken aback when she heard those words from Jacob's mouth, she took a deep breath, and sometimes later a smile appeared on her face.

"Yohan huh, or should I call him my nephew, after all he is my sister's offspring and I am his aunt, looking forward to meeting him,"aella exclaimed and her gaze went towards the latter of the Azazel clan.

"What is this letter for?" she asked.

"It's summoned later when you meet your uncle inside the northern region, just hand it over to him, he will not come in your path no matter how much he loves his daughter," Jacob said.

"Uncle Leon huh, he is also there..."aella whispered, and the next moment she got up from her seat.

"Good thing the queen assigned me this mission, looking forward to having some fun inside that place,"aella whispered, and the next moment she disappeared like a ghost from that room.

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