Chapter 441 Blood bath  "We didn't realize yohan, it's almost morning, what if someone sees us in this kind of situation, it will be shameful if big sisters see us like that,"aana caressed Yohan's hair and looked into his eyes, both yohan and aana are laying naked over the bed entangled in each other arms, their clothes could be seen laying into different parts of the room, it's been few hours since both of them started making love and they didn't even realize how fast time had passed.

yohan smiled as he heard aana and the next moment he kissed her on the forehead, "don't worry kana is sleeping and she is not going to wake up soon and moreover even if she did wake up and see us like that, then I am sure you are going to handle pretty well just like last time, after all, you are incredibly talented when it comes to explaining things,kana is aware of our relationships then why are you afraid of your big sister" he chuckled as he said those words to aana.

"Well, of course, I am afraid of her, I don't want her to see us like that, you are pretty naive yohan, despite having too many partners you won't understand how women feel when they saw their partner with other women, indeed sister kana is aware of our relationship but still I don't want her to see us like that"aana responded to yohan.

"Well you are right, it will be shameful if she encounters both of us in this kind of situation,"yohan whispered and the next moment he get up from the bed,aana gulped as she looked at yohan's naked body and his thing which is dangling into the air, Aana's face turned red Seeing his massive thing.

"where are you going, you can have some sleep, after all, the last few days are tough for you, if you want you can sleep beside me, just like you said if sister kana will come here I will somehow manage the situation like last time"aana whispered as she saw yohan picking his cloth one by one which is scattered around the room, somewhat she dont want him to leave her, she want him to embrace her more but to her surprise, after picking up his cloth yohan petted aana's head and ruffled her hair like she is some kind of small child for him.

"I am going outside to take some fresh air, don't worry about me I am fine, I don't feel like sleeping anymore, but you are looking pretty tired, get some sleep I will see you in a few hours,"yohan responded with a smile, and sometimes later he left from aana's room, she was dumbfounded by his sudden disappearance.

"Here he goes again, what is wrong with me, why I am feeling this way, even after spending so much time with him, I don't want him to leave my side, I am becoming more and more obsessed with yohan, is this love or maybe its obsession, I can't believe a few days ago I don't like being around him and now I am becoming shameless day by day"aana mumbled as her face turned slightly red thinking about yohan, with the shyness she hid her face with a blanket, sometimes later she removed the blanket and saw the ceiling of the room.

"He told me to sleep but I don't think I can able to sleep, I am addicted to his embrace, but alas sooner or later my bubble is going to burst, he has too many women who are waiting for him outside, and soon he is going to get busy in his life, how I am going to handle that kind of situation"aana whispered as she took a deep sigh, she was somewhat confused as she dont knows what is happening to her, day by day she is becoming more and more obsessed with yohan and moreover, she is started feeling anxious thinking about that there is a real-world outside and he belongs there.

Meanwhile, yohan left the house and took a deep fresh air, it was almost morning and the sun is about to rise,yohan's gaze went towards the direction where athena was camping, he felt slightly bad for that woman, after all, he knows this place is not identical for camping and nights are pretty crazy inside this place but alas he can't force athena to stay inside the house until she wants with her own consciousness.

After thinking a few more minutes he decided to go and look for her, and a moment later he took a flight towards the direction of the Athena's camp, sometimes later he finally reached the mountain where she is staying and he started looking around for her,yohan was surprised that how beautiful and big camp she builds, it was shaped in "A" from the front and looking pretty big, even this kind of camp has not existed in his own world, this camp is more than five times larger that he could seen in his previous world.

"Hey athena are you there"yohan called out to her as he standing in front of the camp, he didn't think of going inside without permission, but to his surprise, he didn't get an answer from inside, a moment later he called again and waited for her answer but alas the same thing happened and he didn't get any answer from her.

"Is she gone somewhere, or maybe she is in her deep sleep,"yohan whispered and he turned back to leave but suddenly something piqued his interest and he bent on his knees.

"Blood..."yohan mumbled as he found blood on the ground, he touched that blood and his facial expression turned serious, the blood was fresh.

"System this blood..."yohan mumbled.


< this blood belongs to athena, last time I scanned her body and took every single piece of information which can be helpful for you>

Hearing system yohan hurriedly entered inside the camp and his gaze landed on athena who is laying on the ground while blood could be seen oozing from her body, there was a deep hole in her stomach and her body is completely drenched with her own blood, there were too many visible wounds could be seen on her body.

"What in the world happened to her, how did she get those injuries "yohan mumbled, and without wasting any time he approached athena and placed his palm on her stomach as he tried to stop the blood.

"Ahhhh..."athena unconsciously cried in pain when yohan placed his palm over her stomach, her eyes were barely open and her vision was blurred, she could barely see yohan.

Yohan's face turned solemn seeing her like that.

"Initiate healing, she is losing too much blood" Yohan whispered and the next moment his hand started enveloping with the green light and it started covering the wound of athena.

Athena felt relieved and the unbearable pain she was feeling disappeared from her body, the blood which was oozing from her wound stopped, and Yohan kept transferring his energy inside Athena's body.

"Potion..."Athena whispered in a low, barely audible voice,Yohan closed his face to Athena's lips and tried to listen to what she was saying.

"Potion,give me that potion..."she said in his ears and pointed slightly pointed her fingers in a particular direction,yohan's gaze went to that direction and he found a small bottle which is laying on the ground few meters away from her,he understands that she tries to use that potion bottle but because of her the condition she can't able to drink that and fell on the ground.

Yohan took the potion bottle and he placed Athena's head on his lap, so he can help her to drink that potion without hassle" try to open your mouth athena," he said and gently helped her to open her mouth,athena opened her mouth and the next moment yohan started helping her to drink the potion and sometimes later she ingested every single drop of the potion and surprisingly after some time later her body started healing own its own, the bruises and injuries started disappearing and the big wound on her stomach started healing automatically, earlier yohan gave her first aid treatment but it was still not enough to heal her wound but right now the wound is completely gone without leaving any scar behind.

Sometimes later athena came to her senses and opened her eyes, her gaze met with yohan's gaze,the blurred figure she saw earlier was yohan,seeing him that close her heart started beating faster,yohan's has worried expression on his face as he looking athena.

"Are you alright,you nearly gave me heart attack back there,what in the world happen to you,how did you end up in that kind of situation" one after another yohan shot too many questions to athena without holding back, seeing him like that a smile appeared on her face, she gently placed her palm on yohan's face and the next moment she raised her head until her lips touched yohan's lips.

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