Chapter 445 Hidden feelings  "Yes, indeed he become quite famous after killing lord Nicholas"Catherine whispered in a low voice, as she thought how much trouble he caused for her family, even her father become anxious and associated with assassins to get rid of him, elder wang noticed those troublesome expressions on Catherine's face, seeing her like that elder wang chuckled.

"Don't worry young master yohan is not like other young masters, you will be safe here trust me, he is a very gentle person, from now on you are staying inside the lin clan premises so you can be available for twenty-four hours in any kind of emergency" elder wang said as he looked at Catherine, he could understand that she might be worried about herself after hearing those rumors about yohan, elder wang knew those things were in the past right now yohan is completely changed After that lightning incident and he even forgets his memories because of that.

"Thank you for your concern elder wang, I'll make sure to serve lady jasmine very well" Catherine responded to elder wang, and her gaze landed a woman who is coming in their direction, elder wang also followed Catherine's gaze as he saw Ana, sometimes later Ana approached elder wang and Catherine and slightly bowed to the elder wang.

"You are finally here Ana, we are coming to your quarters to see you"Elder Wang looked at Ana and said those words, Ana shook her head.

"I am sorry, something urgent came so I couldn't make it earlier, lady Alena told me that from now on she is going to stay inside the lin clan and going to look after lady jasmine,dont worry elder wang your disciple in good hand, I already prepared her room next to mine"Ana smiled as she looked the elder wang, while Cathrine remains silent as she heard Ana.

"You are indeed reliable Ana, thank you for your hard work, please take care of her, she is new in this region and she is not aware of anything, I hope you look after her" elder wang said as he looked at ana, hearing him ana nodded her head with a smile, a moment later elder wang shifted his gaze towards Catherine.

"If you need anything you can look For Ana, she is here since her childhood and know everything about this place, she is very close to young master yohan afterall she is the only one who used to look after him from his childhood, not even lady Alena spended that much time with him which she spends," elder wang said as he looked, Catherine.

Hearing those words Ana become embarrassed and her face slightly turned red, Cathrine nodded her head and looked at Ana, she noticed that redness on ana's face and she realized something, after all this woman was quite keen when it comes to these kinds of stuff, she infiltrated inside lin clan in order to kill yohan along with her brother but alas he was not presented inside the lin clan, her initial plan to kill him is a big flop, and moreover, there was elder Leon and lin who is way above her cultivation one mistake and she is going to get into trouble, apart from those two somehow she felt uneasiness around diya who is yohan's first official partner, she can't able to sense any kind of cultivation base from her, but somehow she felt threatened by her.

"Are you okay?"Ana asked, seeing Cathrine in a daze, hearing Ana's words, Cathrine came to her senses and nodded her head and a smile appeared on her face.

"I am fine, It's good to meet you, Ana, please look after me I am in your care," she said in a calm manner, Ana nodded her head as she heard those words from Cathrine.

"Yes it's good to meet you, follow me I'll show you your room"Ana Responded , Cathrine nodded her head and looked at elder wang.

"Go ahead, I am going to see lady xiao feng, she might regain her consciousness" elder wang said to Catherine, and the next moment he left Cathrine along with Ana.

Ana took a sigh as she heard xiao Feng's name from elder wang's mouth, Cathrine noticed that expression but didn't say anything, after all, she was also surprised that someone like xiao feng is got hurt to that extent by a few assassins, she can't buy that story which she heard from Leon's mouth, she was well aware of the origin of xiao feng afterall she was quite famous inside the northern region, and elder wang told her that she was the one who is selected for yohan's first partner but due to some unknown circumstances it never became a reality.

Sometime later both Ana and Catherine started walking in the direction of staff quarters, Catherine is walking beside Ana and observing the Lin clan household.

"This place is pretty big but you will get used to it soon," Ana said as she noticed Catherine's gaze.

"Yes I hope so," Cathrine responded to Ana and she continued.

"What kind of person young master yohan is," Cathrine asked as she looked at ana, she wanted to know everything about yohan, and from her perspective, Ana was the best option for her seeing how she react a few minutes ago when the elder wang mentioned about yohan and praised her, she Realized that ana is a perfect target for gathering intel about yohan.

At the same time, ana was taken by surprise when she heard Cathrine, her heart started throbbing thinking about yohan, it had been a while since she saw yohan inside the lin clan, this is the second time he went out for such a long time, he had never been away that long from lin clan, ana gets used to his presence despite he was scum and treated her badly but as passing time things finally become normal between them after that lightning incident, Little by little she came very close to him and she didn't realize when she started liking him that much, but alas seeing her current circumstances she hid her feeling deep down in her heart, first, she was an orphaned and lady Alena give her place to live which she called her home and seeing her status she didn't dare to court yohan.

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