Dual Cultivator Reborn [System In The Cultivation World]

Chapter 485 Back to the northern region

Chapter 485 Back to the northern region

"Are you sure you are okay lady diya, you don't seem happy about it, if you don't feel like attaining the dinner then—"

"I am fine jasmine, I wish yohan was here with me right at this moment, I miss him badly, it's been a few weeks since he left with lady kana and there is no news from him, I am worried about him"diya tilted her head as she looked jasmine, sadness could be seen on Diya's face as she talking about yohan, jasmine nodded her head with a smile as she heard those words from diya's mouth, she can understand how she is feeling about him, jasmine is no different from diya, she also wanted yohan to with her right now when she is pregnant with his child.

"Yes I also miss him, it feels like an eternity since I last saw him, I wonder what is he doing right now, but I am kind of relieved that he is with lady Evelyn and moreover lady kana assured me that she will look after him for us, but there are more to it, didn't it lady diya, there are other things that are bothering you" jasmine looked diya with a curious gaze.

Both of them are standing right next to yohan's room window and looking outside while talking to each other,diya smiled and nodded her head in response.

"Yes, you are right, I am kind of nervous seeing her, last time things didn't go well between us, I still remember xiao Feng's gaze, I am scared of those eyes, her words still echoing in my ears when she said that she is going to steal him with me, I don't know what is wrong with me but I can't able to forget about her, and now I am going to see her again,"diya exhale deeply as she looks outside of the window.

"Well it was not your fault, she was the one who was responsible for all that mess at that night, she was quite confident in her strength and she was the one who attacked Natasha first, you are still blaming yourself, you need to stop thinking about her, just ignore her when you meet her, moreover there is something that I am more concern about," jasmine said leaning against the window,diya tilted her head and looked at jasmine with confused manner.

"I don't get it, does anything bothering you?"diya asked.

"Something is not right, didn't you notice that grandpa lin is behaving weird and looking somewhat worried about something, even grandpa Leon is looking anxious about something, the same goes for lady Alena, it feels like something serious might happen that is bothering them, I am also worried about them, I don't know but they don't want to involve us" jasmine explain to diya, hearing jasmine's words diya raised her eyebrows with surprise.

"I was too busy with my own mess, I didn't realize or noticed earlier, indeed they seem somewhat off and behaving weirdly, yesterday I met with grandpa Leon, he was looking lost in his own thoughts, but I didn't ask anything after all things are not good inside the clan, everyone is living in fear, and the city gates are also closed from past few weeks, so I thought they are just stressed "diya responded to jasmine with a serious gaze.

"Should we confront them regarding the issue, if you ask them they would definitely going to listen to you"Jasmine asked as she looked at diya with anticipation.

"Dont worry I will ask them after the dinner, by the way where is neena, I haven't seen her for the last two days, is she okay?"diya asked.

"She is not here," Jasmine shrugged as she responded to diya, her expression changed slightly when diya brought her into their conversation,diya noticed a change of expression on jasmine's face.

"What do you mean she is not here, she never left your sight, she was the one who was very excited about your pregnancy, now you are saying she is not here"diya looked at jasmine in disbelief.

"I got a letter from her room two days ago, in that letter she mentioned that she is going away from the river shore city for a few days due to some personal business, she also mentioned that I don't have to worry about her or don't have to go after her," jasmine exhale deeply and looked diya with a different gaze.

"She is going after her brother, I am sure she definitely knows where he is, poor neena she can't able to forget what he did inside the hundred poison valley, I don't blame her '' Jasmine explained to diya.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier, we could have—"

"We can't do anything, I know her better than anyone, once she decides anything she never listens to anyone, don't worry uncle lee is also went after her,i am pretty sure he also has the same motive as neena, both of them want to get their hands on him, that bastard played us fool, I am ashamed that I treated him like a brother even after he did all those heinous things, once a snake is always a snake" jasmine tighten her fist as she said those words.

Seeing her like that diya took a deep sigh, she understands how is jasmine feeling,diya also felt devastated when jasmine told her about the betrayal of her cousin's brother, she was shocked to know that he was behind everything that happened related to the xian clan, he was the one who brings xian clan young master to hundred poison Valley and when his plan failed he killed the fellow sector members in cold blood,diya was surprised to know everything that he did inside the hundreds poison valley sector.

Diya placed her hand over jasmine's shoulder, "don't think about him, he will definitely going to suffer for what he did to his own people, karma will hit him hard, jasmine I understand your pain, but I don't want you to suffer because of his deeds, just don't think about him and get ready, otherwise, we will going to be late for dinner and don't worry about neena and your uncle, I will tell Arjun and vinayaraj to look for them, they will definitely find them"diya said and tried to cheer jasmine.

Jasmine nodded her head in response"thank you for your concern lady diya, but right now I don't think you should ask Arjun and vinyaraaj to look into this matter, the lin clan needs them here and neena and uncle lee are capable enough to handle him, just forget it what I said, promise me you won't tell anyone about this"jasmine asked as she holds Diya's hand in her hand.

"But jasmine--"

"No, but lady diya, promise me you won't tell anyone about this, no one knows what my brother did, only you and Natasha know about his deeds, I just don't want to involve anyone"jasmine stopped diya in midway, and asked her to keep it secret for anyone.

Seeing jasmine like that diya nodded her head"i promise I will keep it secret until yohan comes back to the clan,"diya responded.

"I understand lady diya, when he comes back I will tell him about this matter by myself, my heart saying that he will come back pretty soon, I am getting the familiar feeling, it feels like he is very close to us" jasmine smiled as she looked at diya.

"I hope you are right, I want him with us very badly, but right now we need to go to look at Natasha, I wonder what she's doing now"diya responded to jasmine, hearing diya's words jasmine nodded her head in response and after a few minutes later both of them leave yohan's room.


Meanwhile, at the same time somewhere inside the northern region four figures appeared out of nowhere in front of the massive mansion.

"We are back to home" kana whispered as she looked in the direction of the mansion,aana was also surprised to see the sight in front of her sight, it had been more than five months since she last saw the mansion,she has mixed feeling in her heart regarding the current situation, Evelyn also took a deep breath as she saw the familiar sight, she was the one who is feeling very different, she felt like she had been here a few hours ago, she finds nothing different but deep down she knows that is not true, too many things have changed, three of them were in their deep thought, when they heard a sound that piqued their attention.


"Yohan—" three of them called yohan's name in sync when they saw him lying on the ground, as usual before anyone could make their move towards yohan,aana was the first one who approaches him as she fell over her knees and took him in her embrace before Evelyn and kana could even make their moves to him.

"Yohan, are you okay, say something to me, look we finally come back, just open your eyes damn it"aana exclaimed as she looked at yohan with a worried face and she held him in her arms, while crying out loud.

"Let me see him,aana don't behave like a child and stop crying, you are not helping him, both of you messed up pretty badly, I was not expecting this kind of behavior from both of you, especially from you aana, you are behaving like spoil brat"Evelyn's cold voice echoed in aana and kana's ears and both of them come to their senses instantly, Evelyn took few steps and she took yohan in her arms.

"We will talk later, first I need to examine his body, both of you go inside the mansion and bring some warm water and a towel for me, I will meet you in the elder's hall," Evelyn said as she looked at aana and kana with a sharp gaze, hearing her both of them nodded their heads.

"That's good," Evelyn responded and the next moment she left along with yohan leaving aana and kana in front of the mansion.

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