Chapter 491 Revelation

"Don't blame your yourself, it was not your fault and neither aana's fault, to begin with, I never thought that I'll find myself in that position, everything was normal just like any other day, it was my fault that I got caught by surprise by that old man, that spineless old bastard attacked me cowardly, but I promise to you that I will find him and pay him back for taking six months of my life, he will regret of making an enemy of me, I promise I will find him," Evelyn exclaimed as she gently place her hand over kana's shoulder and she confronts her regrinding that event that took place inside the eternal prison when she got attacked by that mysterious old man.

"My lady you need to know something, that old man he was not alone, I was about to finish him when someone came to his rescue, he was inches away from his death if that woman didn't interrupt at that moment I had killed him long ago and take revenge for his insolence"

"What women...what are you talking about kana, are you saying that someone infiltrated eternal prison and saved him, tell me what exactly happened when I lost my consciousness"Evelyn's facial expressions changed drastically when she heard kana.

"My lady I never had a chance to see her face, but whoever she was, she knows about you and I feel the same aura as you, no it was more frightening, that moment I thought I am going to die inside that place and never going to see you again, but she let me go and disappeared along with that old man" kana tighten her fist and looked Evelyn with a serious gaze.

Hearing kana's words and seeing those expressions on her face, Evelyn was taken aback by surprise, after all, there was no way someone else entered inside that place freely and left just like that, no ordinary cultivator has that kind of privilege.

"My lady whatever you say but things are changing inside this kingdom with frightening speed, we need to be careful more than ever, I just don't want to lose you and my sister, the kingdom is not peaceful anymore" kana gently placed her hand over Evelyn's hand and looked her with a worried expression, she knew the moment her master opens her eyes she will definitely going to look for that man who is responsible of putting her in her deep slumber, after all, her master is not that person who can let anyone get away who is responsible of harming her.

"A mysterious woman and the old man who was spending his days inside my prison, this is not about my safety this is about myself respect, if you think I will let them get away after what did they do to me then you are wrong, I will find every last of them and kill them by myself, they took six precious months of my life, those bastards will deserve to die in the worst way possible," Evelyn exclaimed as she looked kana with a serious gaze, blood lust could be seen in her eyes, kana could feel the pressure despite her higher cultivation, she knows her master is serious about finding them and killing them.

"Thanks to yohan you didn't wasted nearly six months in slumber, I mean you are in slumber for more than five months but it's not like that, there is something I need to tell you, you are not aware of too many things and I think it's finally the time when I explain to you everything that happened after you get attacked inside the eternal prison" kana looked Evelyn and said those words to her, hearing kana Evelyn become confused as she dont get it what kana wanted to say.

"What are you talking about kana, explain to me in detail,aana clearly said that I opened my eyes after a very long time and now you are saying that I nearly spened two weeks in slumber, I don't get it" Evelyn asked in a confused manner.

"My lady let me explain to you, in reality, you spended barely two weeks inside slumber, your condition was too critical and we lost all hope when yohan came into the scene, he was the one who took you inside the soul subspace where time flows differently...." kana started explaining about everything related to soul subspace,afterall she dont wanted to hide anything from her master, Evelyn's facial expressions started changing when she started hearing kana, after all this is not something normal and Evelyn can't able to believe what she is hearing from her, it was like a fairy tale to her knowing that yohan possesses something like that.

The second part apart from the time took her by surprise when she came to know that yohan can bend anyone's cultivation with his will, he can control the person's cultivation base with his own will, it was very shocking for her, Evelyn gulped hearing all those things related to soul subspace, after kana's explanation, Evelyn remembers the potent aura that she felt inside that place and all those things that she witnesses, she took a deep breath and Smiled.

"He always amazes me, I always knew he was somewhat special and different from other men, this time he has done something else, something extraordinary that made me indebted to him and this debt cannot be repaid..."Evelyn whispered as she thought about soulbond with yohan, thinking about that she felt anxious.

"My lady he did everything for his own free will and I know he is not seeking any favor from you, he just did what he feels like doing, you know he was grateful to you that you saved diya, after doing all those things to you he Still felt indebted towards you for saving her twice," kana mumbled in low voice, her voice slightly changed when she is explaining about yohan.

"Diya huh, she is indeed a lucky woman that he cares about her, I am looking forward to seeing her again," Evelyn tilted her head and shifted her gaze towards the particular direction where the lin clan existed, Evelyn's gaze was sharp and for a moment kana felt a frightening aura that lasted for a millisecond, kana felt chill in her spine and her body turned stiff, she didn't even realize what she had just witnessed.

"My lady..." kana mumbled as she looked towards Evelyn and wanted to ask what just happened now, she was confused about whether it was real or her imagination.

"What? Do you want to say something" Evelyn shifted her gaze in the direction of Kana and asked her.

"No...nothing my lady, I think I am hallucinating" kana responded as she looked at Evelyn with a different gaze, Evelyn smirked as she heard kana.

"Both of you have grown so much in such a short time, I am amazed to see your growth But still you need to learn lots of things, the path is not easy after the fourth level of the heavenly soul realm, it doesn't matter whether you are a qi cultivator or a dual cultivator..."Evelyn said without even looking in the direction of kana, the moment those words reached to kana's ear her heart nearly skipped a beat.

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