Chapter 497 saying goodbyes

"Your sister truly loves you lady Evelyn, I wish she was here to see you personally, she will be happy if she learns about your condition—"

"Yohan enough say nothing more, I heard what I wanted to hear about athena, you don't have to explain anything else, it's a good thing that she left before I woke up..." Evelyn cut off Yohan in the middle of the explanation and looked at him with a serious gaze.

"What are you talking about she is your sister and she was there for you, I don't know what happened between you two but she cared for you, I know you care for her, "yohan looked at Evelyn with a bewildering gaze as he couldn't able to digest how did she shut him as she didn't care about athena, her expression slightly changed as passing time and yohan didn't know why did she suddenly said something.

"I said shut up, I don't want to talk about my younger sister and I don't care about your business with her, I don't care whether she cares for me or hates me for leaving her, this is not your damn business, I even forget about her if you didn't remind her name to me," Evelyn exclaimed as she looked into yohan's eyes and she said those cole words to him,yohan's facial expressions changed drastically when he heard Evelyn, he dont understands why she is saying something like that, no matter what she is still her younger sister and those words she just said were harsh.

"How could you be so cold towards her, she is your sister..."

"Don't you dare to cross your limit, don't forget whom you talking to, you are sitting here just because you saved my life, otherwise I had killed you for tenting the heart of my disciples..."Evelyn clenched her fist and slightly leaned her body towards yohan who is sitting in front of her, she has different look in her eyes, hearing Evelyn's words yohan felt a sharp pain in his heart and a bitter smile appeared on his face, at the same time Evelyn is also realizes that she said something that she shouldn't say to him and a moment later she moved backward.

"Look yohan I don't mean to—"

"I think we are even now, you saved diya's life and I saved yours, thank you for looking after me, I think I should leave now, my family is waiting for me, I left them in a tough time when they needed me most"yohan cut Evelyn in the middle just like she did to him and said those words calmly as he gets up on his feet and started walking in the direction of the exit, but he stopped after taking few steps and looked behind in the direction of Evelyn.

"Both of them care for you, I don't have any malicious intention towards aana and kana, we are just bonded with each other, I care for them and they care for me and the same goes with athena, I care about her just like you do, I noticed everything in your eyes when the first time you heard her name from my mouth, it doesn't matter whether you accept or not but you loved her and she loved you, and apart from all of this I am not ashamed or regretting anything that I had done in those past months, I did what I feel like doing and I don't have any regrets about anything,"yohan mumbled those words, he couldn't able to see Evelyn's face, he can only see her back as she remains sitting in the same position facing her bed,yohan waited for a response from her side but he didn't get any, he smiled and nodded his head with a smile, his eyes slightly turned wet.

"Its goodbye then, look after yourself,"yohan said those words in a low yet polite voice, and the next moment he left Evelyn's room, but the moment he exit the room he saw two familiar figure who was standing right in front of the room, both of them were looking somewhat anxious and yohan felt some kind of tension between them.

"Yohan—" both aana and kana whispered in sync seeing yohan, seeing both of them yohan smiled and approached them, he looked at kana who was looking at him in a different manner, kana took a step and gently placed her hand on his right cheek.

"Thank god you are fine, I wanted to come inside and see you the moment aana told me that you finally woke up, but alas..."

"It's okay I understand, it's good to see you again kana,"yohan said and the next moment he hugged her, kana took a deep sigh as she hugged him tightly while aana remain standing beside them and she kept looking yohan's facial expressions that are somewhat looking different.

After sometime later yohan and kana parted away from each other,aana took a step and placed her left hand over yohan's right shoulder and looked at him with a serious gaze.

"Is everything okay yohan, you are not looking in yourself"aana asked as she looked at yohan, kana also followed aana's gaze and she also looked at him different manner, afterall she knows that their master is aware of their relationship with yohan,both aana and kana felt somewhat anxious.

"Everything is fine, I am leaving for the river shore city, my work has finally done here, it's a good thing that both of you met me here, I was about to come to look for you to say goodbye"yohan looked both sisters and said, the moment they heard that both aana and kana exchanged glances and looked at yohan with a surprised gaze as they not expecting those words to him.

"What are you talking about, you are not in a condition to go anywhere, your body needs proper rest, this is stupidity, how could you say something like that, you are nearly at death's door a few hours ago, it's a miracle that you survived with that kind of internal injuries, "aana exclaimed as she looked yohan with a dark expression.

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