Dual Cultivator Reborn [System In The Cultivation World]

Chapter 501 Returning to the river shore city

Chapter 501 Returning to the river shore city

Somewhere inside the northern region, a figure could be seen standing many meters above the ground and looking at the sight over the ground, his eyes were dazzling with different light and he had a beautiful smile on his handsome face.

"This city is indeed so calm, it's good to be back again, it's hard to believe that I left this city a few days ago, it feels like I am back after too many years, this gives me nostalgia and a weird sense of feeling but I like it"yohan took a deep breath as he saw river shore city in front of his sight, the city was illuminated with light but yohan noticed something peculiar, there were more than two hundred of arms soldiers were guarding the main gate along with few watchers that could be seen standing on a watchtower along with archers, the main gate of the city was closed, seeing this kind of security yohan closed his eyes to determine something and open them again a moment later.

"As expected there are thousands more inside the city gate, all of them are arms,"yohan mumbled as he was not aware that the city is in lockdown the moment he left the river shore city and it's on high alert after all the news of him killing the xian clan's young master and quarrel with king circulated throughout the northern region, the city is facing the threat of war, the trade and any other things were halted as per the order of the lin clan manor.

"Let's see what is going down there, most of the soldiers belong to my clan, maybe I find vinyaraaj and Arjun down there, it's been a while since I last saw them, I hope everything is okay inside the city"yohan whispered in low voice and the next moment he descended from the sky and descendent few meters away of the city gate, he dont feels like flying over the city gate to reach the clan, he just wanted to know what is happening down there.

At the same time seeing a figure who just descended from the sky and landed on the ground the soldiers on the watchtower become panicked along with the other soldiers who are guarding the city gate, it was obvious to get panicked because only high-level cultivators who attained the true soul realm could roam into the sky, their heart filled with despair and fear as they thought some high cultivator invaded their city, past few weeks the whole city is living with fear and anxiety, first yohan killed Nicholas and made Nichole clan his enemy, right after that he killed xian clan's young master, everyone knows that xian clan also one of the big clan who serves under the king himself and the minister himself is the patriarch of the xian clan,yohan killed his only son who was the sole heir of the clan, he ended his bloodline in a single night, everyone knows sooner or later they will come for yohan's head, knowing what they are facing every single soldier was living in fear.

"Chill out guys it's me..."Yohan took a few steps and came out from the shadows and showed his face to those soldiers.

"Master yohan—"those words escalated from many soldier's mouths who knows yohan and had seen him before, their facial expressions changed drastically seeing yohan who is standing in front of their eyes,after all there was no one who doesn't recognize yohan's face, and many of them even fight alongside him inside the hundred poison valley as they witness the brutality that he showed on the battlefield.

"Young master yohan, is this really you..." one of the middle aged men took a few steps and approached yohan.

Yohan took a deep sigh as he saw that middle age man who is looking lost and kind of hesitant as he approaches yohan, he was very cautious while all soldiers were lost in their own thought seeing yohan," I know your face, you are the commander of the battalion who looks after the security of the city, you were there when grandpa Leon destroyed the city gate, I met you once don't tell me you forgot my face"yohan looked at that middle-aged man as he said those words.

"Please forgive my rudeness young master yohan, how could I forget your face, I was just surprised to see you after a very long time," that middle age man fell to his knees as he said those words, the moment other soldier saw their commander kneeling in front of yohan all of them started falling one by one over their knees,yohan was surprised to see this, he didn't witness anything like that before last time when he met this guy he was very cold towards yohan and didn't entertain him, most of them saw yohan as an incompetent young master who was good for nothing, but as passing time their perspective changed about him, most of them started admiring him after witnessing how capable he is in the battlefield and others are started fearing him when they witness how cruel he is towards his enemy.

Yohan scratched the back of his head seeing these soldiers paying their respect to him," at ease all of you'', Yohan said.

Hearing Yohan's words the middle aged man gets up on his feet and the soldiers also start getting up over their feet.

"What is happening here, why city gates are closed, is something happened in the past few weeks, "yohan asked as he looked at that middle age man, hearing yohan's words the commander's facial expressions changed drastically and he become dumbfounded with yohan's words along with the rest of the soldiers, all of them are here because of yohan, he is the sole reason why city becomes like this, but the commander didn't dare to utter single words out of fear.

"Young master, elder lin ordered to close the city gate two weeks ago, the city had been under Lockdown from the past two weeks and the every single soldier is on high alert" the commander explains to yohan, hearing his words yohan was slightly taken aback with surprise after all no matter what his grandpa would not take this big decision,he knows what it means to close the city for two weeks,it will affect the livelihood of normal people who depend on daily earning, there are too many people who are working in nearby cities to feed their families, most of them are daily workers and traders and few of them are fisherman and farmers, this is a very big decision and yohan was very well aware that his grandpa knows the consequences of this kind of decisions,yohan was in his thought when he realized something.

"Is this related to royals and xian clan?" he asked as he looked at the commander who is standing in front of him like a statue,yohan could feel there is something more that this man is hiding from him, the moment that middle age man heard yohan his facial expression changed drastically,yohan noticed the same change of expression on those soldier's faces who were standing at that place, seeing this yohan took a deep sigh as he understands that he is right, out of the fear of those royals and the xian clan his grandpa decided to close the city for good, but yohan has a different thought in his head he is intended to change all of this, he is not someone who let suffer those people because of him.

"I understand you don't have to tell me anything, open the city gate,"

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