Dual Cultivator Reborn [System In The Cultivation World]

Chapter 505 Yohan’s guilt and diya’s fear

Chapter 505 Yohan’s guilt and diya’s fear

Yohan was looking very happy to see diya Again, he could feel that she Was holding him tightly as she was fearing that he would run away the moment she released him from her grasp.

"It's good to see you again diya, I missed you so much, I was not expecting you here at this very moment, how did you know that I am here, you spoiled my surprise, I was thinking of surprising you but you already knew that I am here,"yohan asked while caressing diya's back, he could clearly feel that she is crying in his embrace, at first he thought she became emotional seeing him after very long time afterall diya was always very emotional towards him, he waited to get an answer from her but diya didn't responded him, she just kept holding him without saying anything, everyone is looking at them with widened eyes but no one dares to say anything.

"Are you angry with me for leaving you and everyone in a hurry but you know how serious things were at that time, I know it must be difficult for you while I was away from the clan, but I am sure that you handled everything well when I was away from here, I am very fortunate to have you by my side"yohan said as he tried to persuade diya again, this time he raised diya's chin and make her look into his eyes, he doesn't even seen her face properly as she jumped into his embrace the moment he opened his arms for her.

Yohan has a beautiful smile on his face but the moment his gaze landed on diya's face his smile disappeared like it never existed before,yohan's heart sunk seeing diya's eyes and those different expressions on her face,diya's eyes were looking dark red and tears are still rolling from her eyes, she has lost the shine from her eyes that she carries always, at this moment she was not even looking in herself she was looking someone different who has gone through some kind of trauma, the way she is looking yohan it was different and heartbreaking, diya has the despair and fear at the same time in her eyes,yohan's heart nearly skipped a beat seeing diya like that, he remembers diya's lively face and the shine in her beautiful eyes, but those things are missing right now.

"Diya what is this... What happened to you?"Yohan asked in a trembling voice and he looked at her with a worried expression, his heart was aching with pain seeing her like that.

"You are finally here, I thought I am not going to see you again in this life..."diya responded as she looked at him with a gentle gaze while tears are rolling through her cheek, her voice carrying so much pain as she said those words to him, seeing her like that yohan felt despair in his heart, this is the worst thing that happened to him the moment he place his foot in the city again and saw diya like that, the woman who is standing in front of him has loved him unconditionally no matter what kind of situation he was in, she was always there for him and supported him in his every single decision, she never asked anything in return but when she needed him most he was always away from her, putting himself in different kinds of dangers, every single thing started flashing in front of his eyes,yohan remembers the promise that he made with her that no matter what he will always look after her and take care of herself but now diya was looking in her worst condition.

He didn't know who did this to her but he felt like destroying every single thing that caused her such pain,yohan clenched his fist and took a deep breath, he knows this is not the time or place to talk about this, there are eyes who are watching them.

"I am here with you, I am not going to leave you again, everything is going to be alright, just trust me '' Yohan Looked at Diya with a gentle gaze and he tried to calm her.

"I am scared, for the first time in my life I am scared about dying, I never had this kind of feeling before in my entire life, even when I was imprisoned inside that dark cell I was not afraid of dying, but right now I am scared of dying, I am scared of losing you, I am scared of losing everything,back then I had nothing but right now I have everything and I don't want to lose it, "diya said in a trembling voice and she slowly placed her right palm over yohan's left cheek, her hand was trembling as she was touching yohan's face, he was stunned to see her like that after all he had never seen diya like that.

"Trust me, you are safe with me, no one in this world could harm you, if anyone tried to harm you I will show them true despair that they had never seen before in their life, I am not that yohan anymore and you are not that diya anymore, I can feel it, "yohan said as he looked into her eyes, hearing yohan's words diya's heart started racing and her face slightly turned red.

"I love you so much, please forgive me for not being there with you when you needed me most,"yohan said and with those words, he neared his face and placed his lips to diya's lips, his hands reach to her waist as he pulled her close to him,diya crossed her hand in yohan's neck as she kissed him back, at this moment she forget everything that happened to her earlier, it was the most beautiful moment for her that she finally reunites with yohan after a very long time, both of them kissed each other passionately.

At the same time, every single soldier was looking them with widened eyes, the whole place was silent as a calm sea, no one was saying anything to anyone as they are looking at diya and yohan who is embracing each other, no one really knows what they talked with each other but They realized that yohan and diya truly loved each other and they are indeed made for each others.

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