Chapter 507 Conspiracy against yohan

"He is very frightening and scary, he caught me completely off guard indeed he is growing and learning very fast, those rumors about him being trash were rigid and baseless" captain noel mumbled in a low voice when yohan disappeared along with diya from that place, he gulped and looked at the young man who is standing beside him.

"Indeed the lin clan scammed the people about his frightening talent, they were aware that if people come to know about his talent in cultivation most likely he is going to become the target of those big clans, that's why they hide him all those years in disguise of being trash" the young man who is standing beside caption Noel mumbled and he continued.

"It's pretty exciting to see him again, now my doubts about him have disappeared," the young man muttered as he looked at the caption with a smile.

"What kind of doubt..."Captain Noel asked in a confused manner, he didn't understand what he was trying to say.

"Young master yohan can't be underestimated, he is something else, finally, I got a chance to see him in person, it's great" that man mumbled and started walking in the direction of the city, captain noel scratched the back of his head as he heard him, after all, he dont understands this kid in these past two weeks, he is a new joined, seeing him walking away from him caption noel took a deep sigh And asked.

"Where are you going, kid?" he asked.

"I am going Home captain, don't you hear young master yohan that we are no longer needed here, I am not a guard, I intended to join sir Arjun and sir vinyaraj in the main squad, I am done here so I am leaving" he halted his movement and turned behind to see caption noel one last time and said those words with a smirk, hearing his words captain noel taken aback but alas he didn't say anything, indeed he is right that young man doesn't belong here and he knows his worth, this guy is something else without cultivation base.

"Whatever don't you ever show your face again in this squad and all the best for joining the elite squad, I hope they take you in, "captain noel said, hearing him he nodded and soon disappeared from the sight of captain noel.

"This kid is pretty weird and mysterious, but I like him, he does whatever he feels like doing, I am sure he is going to make it in the main squad" captain noel mumbled in a low voice and a few moments later he also left to meet the commander.


"I want to discuss something, there is a reason why I invited everyone for dinner, there is something that you guys need to know," old man lin placed the wine bottle on the dining table and looked at everyone who is presented on the dining table, his expression was serious, Alena and Leon were calm as they heard old man lin, they knew why he called everyone on the dinner, apart from diya and xiao Feng's issue there is something else.

Natasha, jasmine, and xiao feng tilted their heads and they looked at old man lin in a confused manner, they don't know what is going on here.

"Grandpa is there something that is bothering you," Natasha looked at old man lin and she asked, hearing her a bitter smile appeared on old man lin's face, there are various things that he is dealing with right now, all of them related to the lin clan's safety but he is relieved that Leon is with him and in his presence, no one dares to attack the lin clan even royals are among them.

"Is this related to yohan?" suddenly jasmine broke her silence as she looked at old man lin with a serious expression, hearing him xiao feng and Natasha's facial expressions also changed drastically, both of them had concerned look on their face, old man lin took a deep sigh as he heard jasmine, Alena and Leon also looked old man lin to explain everything to these three, seeing all those gazes old man lin nodded his head.

"Yes, it is related to yohan, as you guys know that for the first time after too many decades Lin clan got an invitation from the royal, the royal tournament is going to begin in fifteen days" old man Lin said as he looked in the direction of jasmine and Natasha, hearing him Natasha and jasmine are taken aback by surprise while xiao feng raised her eyebrows when she heard about the royal tournament that is going to held in the royal capital.

"Royal tournament? But why are you worried about that grandpa? I thought we declined the invitation of the royal family long ago, didn't we?" Jasmine asked as Diya told her about the royal tournament and she also explained that grandpa lin and lady Alena intended to refuse.

"Yes we intended to decline but someone already accepted the invitation," the old man looked at jasmine with a sad expression as he said those words, Alena's facial expressions also changed when she heard the old man lin while Leon gritted his teeth And slammed the wine glass on the table.

"I wonder what your son is trying to do? Why did he make this kind of decision without asking you"Leon look old man lin and asked, Natasha, jasmine, and xiao feng were taken aback as they heard Leon, they couldn't able to believe in their ears that Su lin the father of yohan had accepted the invitation despite knowing that this was a trap to kill yohan, at the same time old man lin aware and he knows that Leon's furiousness is justified, his son made a big blunder.

"I don't know why did he take this kind of decision without asking me but I know one thing that we are trapped now, we have only two options either yohan have to fight in the royal tournament or the royal going to attack the lin clan with all their might if yohan didn't join the royal tournament, the king is eager to kill him, it doesn't matter the conflict is inevitable, our clan is facing too many dangers at the same time, the royal is one of them,"

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