Chapter 509 xiao feng's insecurity

"did I just interrupt the dinner"yohan said as he felt awkward seeing everyone's gaze that was directed towards his direction, he also noticed one peculiar gaze, indeed she was xiao feng who is looking at him in a different manner,yohan became surprised to see her inside the lin clan, he was not expecting her presence after all those things happened between lin and feng clan, he thought that was the end but now xiao Feng's presence is not making any sense to him,

"Yohan is that you..." Jasmine said,yohan snapped out of his daze as he heard Jasmine who was standing in front of him, she approached him without wasting any time, hearing her yohan smile and gently touch her face.

"what do you think jasmine,dont worry this is real me, you are not hallucinating, it's good to see you again,"yohan said and the next moment he took her in his embrace, jasmine's eyes turned wet hearing Yohan's words, tears started rolling from her eyes as she tightly hugged him without holding back.

diya smiled as she looked at jasmine, she could see that she is not the only one who was missing yohan, jasmine was one of those individuals who was waiting for his return,diya was happy to see her in Yohan's embrace,diya tilted her head and looked Natasha who is waiting for her turn and eagerly looking in the direction of yohan.

"it's okay you don't have to worry about anything, and let me tell you one thing, you are not responsible for those things that happened inside the hundred poison valley sector, I don't have any regret for what I did back then,"yohan caressed jasmine's back and said those words to her, he overheard her earlier conversation.

"I am happy to see you again, there are so many things that I want to share with you, "jasmine moved her head from his chest and she looked at yohan, she was eager to tell him about her pregnancy but seeing that he just came back after a very long time she controlled her emotion and didn't bring herself to tell him about her pregnancy, she didn't know how would he react after knowing that he is going to be father, after all, she make that decision without asking him.

"Is there something bothering you..."Yohan asked as he noticed a hesitant look on jasmine's face,diya, Natasha and Alena also noticed those expressions on jasmine's face and three of them were aware that she was worried about telling him about her pregnancy.

"It's nothing, I am just happy to see you," she said with a smile, hearing jasmine's words yohan nodded his head in response.

"yohan, I also missed you..."suddenly a familiar voice rang into Yohan's ear and he looked in the direction of Natasha, hearing Natasha's words yohan smiled and opened her left arm, a beautiful smile appeared on Natasha's face, without holding herself she directly ran in his direction and hugged him tightly.

"I missed you too," he responded to her,diya and jasmine exchanged glances with each other, jasmine was worried that whether diya told him about her pregnancy,diya shook her head and gave a signal to jasmine that she said nothing afterall diya understand jasmine's feeling and she has no right to meddle in this sensitive matter where jasmine's feeling was on the line.


"he is not someone you used to know, he is different, look how happy they are around him, you can see the immense love in their eyes for him, they genuinely care about him, this is what I hoped for him, "Alena tilted her head and looked xiao feng who is looking in the direction of the yohan, she is having a very hard time at this moment seeing yohan along with diya, Natasha and jasmine.

hearing alena's words jasmine come to her senses and she looked at Alena in a different manner, she understand the meaning behind alena's words,afterall Alena wanted to remind her about the promise that she made with her, she asked her not to bring their past, xiao feng took a deep sigh and nodded her head with a smile.

"I remember my promise to you, I am not going to bring anything that is related to his past, he is not that person anymore, he has changed..." xiao feng responded to Alena, and the next moment she tilted her head in the direction of yohan.

"thank you, I will make sure to fulfill my promise to you as well" Alena placed her right hand over xiao Feng's left shoulder and said to her, somehow Alena could feel that she does not feel pleasant seeing yohan with those three but alas she can't do anything for her, she can only hope that everything become normal between yohan and xiao feng in near future.

"I am okay aunt Alena, you don't have to worry about me, he just returned and I don't think those three will going to like it if I approached him at this very moment, I will talk to him later, I am heading to my room, good night aunt Alena" xiao feng looked Alena and said with a smile.

"I understand"Alena responded to xiao feng, xiao feng nodded her head and the next moment she started heading towards the exit, while walking past yohan she looked at him one last time with a serious gaze and left the dining hall in hurry, seeing her gaze yohan felt chill in his spine, he remembers how she treated him last time, she was indeed very cold towards him and the funny thing that he still dont knows the reason,diya also noticed those expressions on xiao Feng's face and she remembers what she said last time to her,diya clenched her fist remembering about her words,yohan took a deep sigh as he noticed the uneasiness on Diya's face.


'that brat he is indeed having a great time with those three, he even forget about us, look at him surrounded by beautiful ladies, I can even smell the jealousy in the surrounding, that xiao feng just left the hall seeing him with those three, finally things are looking exciting' a voice resounded in old man lin's head and hearing that voice old man lin tilted his head and looked the Leon who is sitting different side of the table and looking at him with a smile.

'i don't care as long as he is happy and right now he is happy with those three, he is still young so I don't blame him to get attracted to other gender, and moreover three of them are capable women's who truly loves him, I was thinking something else, don't tell me you didn't notice' old man lin looked Leon with the different manner and ask.

'you are talking about his cultivation base don't you, I noticed the moment he placed his leg inside this hall, that brat reached true spirit soul realm in a few days, I can see the frightening aura around him, he is a true monster, I wonder what he becomes in future,' Leon responded with a smirk and he looked in the direction of yohan.

old man lin took a deep sigh as he heard Leon's words, indeed there was nothing hidden from Leon, he knew about Yohan's cultivation base and he didn't react as it is not a big deal for him.

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