Chapter 513 Cathrine’s intention

"What happened, why are you panting like a dog, it's been a while since I last saw you" a cold voice resounded in a man's ear as he was taking heavy breaths and continuing to wipe the sweat from his face.

"Why are you so mean to me big sis Catherine, I came all the way here to give you some important news, our measurable life is just about to end in this place"Raiden looked at Cathrine as he said those words to her and he gulped the entire glass of water in one go.

Hearing Raiden's words Catherine raised her eyebrows as she looked at him curiously, he was sitting in front of her on the sofa inside her living quarter, a few moments ago he entered inside her room in a hurry as if something big happened to him, his body was drenching with sweat and his expression was different from his usual self, she can see that he come all the way running to her place to tell her something, at first she was surprised to see him, after all, it was too late and she is about to hit the bed.

"don't talk to me in Riddel just uttered why are you here at my place at this very moment, as you know I don't like anyone's interruption when I am feeling this sleepy"Cathrine yawned as she put her right palm over her mouth and looked at her younger brother who is still taking heavy breaths and looking at her with a weird smile, it's been a while since she saw him here, last time she kicked him out from her quarter as he was behaving like a spoiled kid over his measurable life inside the clan.

"He is here big sister..."Raiden said as he looked at Cathrine who was sipping the wine as usual.

"Who is here damn it, didn't you hear what I said earlier, I don't like riddles, just tell me why are you here at this time when I am about to take a nap "she exclaimed as she looked at Raiden with an annoyed gaze and she slammed the wine bottle on the table.

"yohan is here, he is back to river shore city, I saw him with my own eyes, he is here and what surprised me most that I cant able to comprehend his cultivation base like last time, he is looking different from the previous self, he is completely different from last when I saw him inside the hundred poison valley, "Raiden said as he looked Cathrine with a dark expression.

hearing Raiden's words Catherine's facial expression changed drastically and soon a bright smile appeared on her face, seeing that smile Raiden gulped as he know why his sister is smiling, but deep down he is feeling horrified thinking about that yohan is nothing like his previous self, he knows he is not an ordinary young man afterall he was witnessed when yohan killed Nicholas in front of his sight.

"Yohan is here, this is indeed very good, my ears are itching to hear this news, I spended my precious time hiding in this rathole waiting for him, that bastard is going to pay for everything, you don't know how frustrating it was for me brother, now finally I can finally leave this place after killing him than everything is going to be alright, this is the best news you gave me little brother, I can't tell you how happy I am to hear this"Cathrine grabbed the wine bottle and she started gulping the entire bottle in one breath, she ignored Raiden's insecurity about Yohan's new self, she was confident about killing him and was focused to leave this place after completing her job.

"but sister something is off, I can feel it, he does not look the same person as he used to, he is completely different from his previous self, I think we should be careful before approaching him..."

"shut up moron, leave him to me, I will take care of him, "Cathrine exclaimed as she shut Raiden, hearing her sister's words Raiden's facial expression changed drastically but alas he knows he can't do anything about her attitude, he knows that she made her mind and he dont has what it takes to stop her, she is not going to stop until she killed yohan no matter what.

"when you are going to strike big sister, we are running out of time, the potion we took to hide our cultivation base is going to wear off soon, we barely have three days left, when the three-day timeline finished its effect going to nullify and we cant able to hide our cultivation base from anyone, elder Leon and lin will going to catch us the moment they felt our presence "Raiden looked Cathrine with a worried expression and asked, his worries are genuine and he was very scared thinking about the possibility of getting caught inside this place, one mistake and they will going to become bargain chip for lin clan.

"don't worry I'll make my move pretty soon, you don't have to worry about that"Catherine responded as she looked Raiden with a smirk and signaled him to leave, Raiden took a deep sigh as he get up on his feet and started walking towards the direction of the exit but after taking few steps he stopped and looked behind towards the direction of Catherine.

"don't make any rash decision we are in this together, that man can't be underestimated, I just don't want to lose you in the process of killing him," he said and with those words, he left Catherine's living quarter.

"He sounds scared and worried about me as that guy yohan could harm me, but he is wrong about one thing, I am not going to lose to him, I'll strike when he was vulnerable and I know how to do that, I'll use that women jasmine afterall she is pregnant of his child and she is going to become a good weapon against him, "Catherine mumbled in a low voice as she leaned behind and looked in the direction of sealing and soon she closed her eyes while sitting on the sofa.

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