Chapter 594 Evelyn’s decision

"What a troublesome yet lucky bastard you are, I thought your soul left your body but here you are alive and kicking pretty hard" a soothing voice echoed inside the elder's hall, hearing that familiar voice yohan groan in pain and blink a few times before he opened his eyes, his face turned slightly red seeing the sight, Evelyn was holding his head in her lap and looking him in a calm manner.

"lady Evelyn what happened..."yohan asked in a trembling voice, he is having a hard time uttering words as his body is aching with pain, he felt like someone has beaten him to death, he remembered that he was inside Evelyn's soul domain cultivating to reach the earth realm but he was kind of surprised as he found himself inside the elder's hall laying in Evelyn's lap.

Yohan tried to recall everything that happened earlier but his memory was hazy and the last thing he remembered was that he attained the third level of the true spirit soul realm and after that everything was blank and blurry.

"Tsk don't try to think hard, you are only going to strain the little bit of energy you have left in your body, you are unconscious for the last three hours, probably your body couldn't able to cope with your determination and it reached its limit, but there is more to it"Evelyn chuckled as she looked at yohan in a different manner.

"What do you mean,"yohan asked as he became confused hearing Evelyn's words that she said in Riddle but her smile is saying something else, he doesn't know what she is talking about.

Seeing those confused expressions on Yohan's face Evelyn took a deep sigh and shook her head.

"There is nothing to worried about, you should be happy that you are very close to reaching your goal, I am surprised that you made this far in such a short time, you always amuse me" Evelyn ruffled Yohan's hair and looked at him differently, hearing Evelyn's words yohan was taken aback but soon he realized something and blinked his eyes few more times, the instant a blue window appeared in front of his sight.

Name: Yohan Lin

Race: Human

Cultivation Level: Fifth level of true spirit soul realm [Divine Physique]

Cultivation Type: Dual Cultivator/Qi Cultivator

Title: Adorer
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Legacy: ???

Yin Qi:650Ml[milliliter]

Celestial Yin Qi:18000Ml





Ability: Thousand steps swords Technique/ Space Twister/Lightning asura/ Divine palm/cursed eater

Soul bond: Evelyn[Status Locked--Need to reach the Fifth level Heavenly Soul Realm to Access The Info]

Elsa[Status Locked--Need to reach Tenth Level Heavenly soul realm to access the info]

Soul weapon: Asura[ The Curse Sword]

Yohan gasped as he saw his status window, he blinked his eyes one more time to confirm whether he was hallucinating or not, he couldn't believe that he reached the fifth level of the true spirit soul realm before passing out.

"My cultivation base..."yohan whispered.
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"Yeah you attain the fifth level of the true spirit soul realm before passing out, but still your cultivation base is not stable, if this goes on your body might be not able to withstand against this kind of cultivation level, you haven't got any kind of training to cope with this kind of level, you are not like aana and kana, I trained them from their childhood and forge their body to withstand against anything, your body is delicate and right now it is not ready to go any further, just don't push yourself any harder and don't make things worse as they already are"Evelyn facial expressions changed as she tried to explain yohan that his body is not in the condition to contain his high cultivation.

She was fearing for him after watching him for three hours groaning and grunting in pain, she dont wants him to go any further than this, it was already an achievement that he gain something in just twenty-four hours that no one was able to gain, she has seen something impossible happening in front of her eyes, how miraculously he is survived after attaining that kind of level in just one day.

"I can't you already know everything, I just can't stop After coming this far, reaching the fifth level of the true spirit soul realm was not my goal, my goal is to reach the earth realm so I can treat Elsa and save her from dying on me, it is my fault that she is in this condition, I can't abandon her and let her die on me, you don't know how bad her condition was, I was there when she mumbling my name and I couldn't able to do anything to ease her pain,"yohan exclaimed and he gritted his teeth feeling helpless about not doing anything for her, Evelyn's heart ache as she heard yohan and she felt his pain in her heart, for the first time in her life she felt this way for any men, she was confused and shocked as she dont know why she is feeling this way, it is because of soul bond or there was something else that is making her vulnerable against yohan.

Yohan clenched his fist and took a deep breath and held his tears. He tried to move his body but to his surprise, he wasn't able to move, his four limbs were stiff and not moving, Evelyn kept looking at him struggling and at one point her facial expressions turned stiff.

"I am sorry yohan, please forgive me," she said looking into his eyes in a different manner.

"What are you saying..."yohan couldn't able to understand what she mean but suddenly he felt that his body was being pulled by force and soon he felt his chest against Evelyn's chest and his lips against Evelyn's lips it was a little bit sensation that he felt as his body was still stiff, she was holding him from his back,yohan's eyes widen as he has seen something different in Evelyn's eyes and he also feel something different in his mouth,yohan tried to reach Evelyn's naked back and wanted to hold her but his body was completely limp, he has no control over his body and soon his vision started fading away and sometimes later he lost his consciousness again.

The moment he lost his consciousness Evelyn gasped and she moved her lips from his lips And looked at him in a sad manner.

"I am sorry I had to resort this way, but I can't let you die just like that, I can't let you die on me just like you don't want to let her die on you" Evelyn exclaimed as she caressed yohan's face and after a moment later she places his head over her chest and took him in his embrace and disappeared from the elders' hall and sometimes later she appeared inside a hallway where she was walking naked while carrying yohan's body in her hand, her long hair could be hiding her back and her eyes were glowing blue the way she is looking yohan who was in her hands unconscious.

After a few moments of walking, she reached her room and blasted the door of her room in one kick and entered inside her room carrying yohan and soon she placed him over her bed.

"I am sorry for doing this to you but you left me with no choice if you cultivated more then there is no way you can live long enough to save Elsa, I need to find something that can help to replenish your energy, until then stay here and take good rest" Evelyn mumbled and with those words she grabbed a black robe that is laying on the side of the bed right next to yohan's leg.

Without wasting any time she wore that black robe and approached the table and took the wine bottle, she took a deep breath and shook her head, and looked at yohan one last time before disappearing from her room leaving yohan alone.


"Just give me the damn bottle princess, I am not done yet, I am still sober" kana exclaimed as she tried to snatch the wine bottle from Catherine's hand, her face was deep red and her voice was trembling.

"Lady kana you already consumed four bottles of wine, I can't let you drink anymore, you are indeed drunk" Cathrine responded to kana and she tried to hide the remaining bottle behind her back.

"Give me the fcking bottle, I told you I am not drunk, look into my eyes what do you see, my eyes are still normal" kana pointed one of her fingers to her eyes and looked at Cathrine while saying those words in a weird manner.

Cathrine gulped nervously seeing kana behaving abnormally after drinking four bottles of wine back to back while she couldn't able to finish one and they are not normal wines bottle, they contain a hundred percent alcohol which belongs to vinera, two hours have been passed since kana took her at the rooftop of the manor, at first, Cathrine thought that she is offering her wine with the goodwill of her heart but later she found out that lady kana was pissed about something and she needed someone's company and Cathrine was that someone.

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