Chapter 619 Shapeshifter

Yohan became surprised knowing that this mysterious woman knows lots of things about him but what surprised him most was that she could change her appearance, just like that shapeshifter that he had encountered inside the void who is following athena.

"Are you a shapeshifter?"yohan looked at maria in a curious manner and asked her, upon hearing yohan's words both maria and Evelyn was taken aback by surprise and they exchange glances with each other before looking yohan, seeing the weirdness on their faces yohan felt intimidated as he don't know the reason behind this sudden change of behavior.

"How do you know about shapeshifters?" Evelyn approached Yohan and asked him in a serious manner while Maria remained silent and kept looking at Yohan in a curious manner.

Yohan scratched the back of his head and a moment later he took a deep sigh before explaining everything to Evelyn, he told her about his encounter with the shapeshifter inside the void, maria's facial expressions started changing as she heard all those things that yohan told Evelyn,yohan was comfortable of revealing the information regarding shapeshifter afterall he trust Evelyn and there is no reason to hide about those things afterall Evelyn knew that he was trapped inside the void.

Hearing Yohan's explanation Evelyn took a deep sigh and looked at yohan in a serious manner.

"If you encounter those vile creatures in the future then you better stay away from them, you were lucky that she was someone who has not reached the higher realm and went through the evolution phase, otherwise you will be dead long ago," Evelyn said to yohan in a concerned manner, she sounds so serious as she told him about those shapeshifters.
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Hearing Evelyn's words yohan gulped and looked at maria who is looking at him with a gentle smile, he didn't understand why is she smiling when Evelyn literally called her a vile creature

'is she not offended by her remark'yohan thought to himself but apart from this he was not aware that those things are that kind of dangerous that makes Evelyn react in this manner and he was not sure what she meant by evolution, indeed he was aware that shapeshifter that he encounter inside the void was pretty strong and he Literally had a very hard time dealing with her, her abilities are quite scary and she was very fast despite her low cultivation level.

"What happened is something wrong, you looked at me in a different manner a moment ago, do you have something that you want to share with me," maria asked him in a seductive manner and she ran one of her fingers over his forehead and went down to his lips,yohan felt a shiver in his body and a bitter smile appeared on his face.

"It's nothing..." he responded, Maria chuckled and shook her head before putting her arms around his neck.

"Tell me, young man, what are you hiding from me, just don't hold back I am not going to bite you, and moreover it's been a while since I have had a conversation with the man," maria said in a seductive manner.

Evelyn's face slightly turned pale as she saw this and a moment later she took a deep sigh and looked at yohan in a furious manner,yohan and maria noticed those changes of expression on her face but maria ignored those experiences while Yohan tried to get away from maria knowing Evelyn's expression, things are already bad and he dont wanted to make things more worst between him and Evelyn, but even after trying very hard, he couldn't able to move and get away from her.

"Stop struggling, it's futile, with your strength you are not strong enough to get away from me" she whispered in yohan's ears, Yohan was slightly taken aback indeed she was right despite putting in too much strength he is not able to get away from her and moreover she is not even using her cultivation base it was her sheer strength, Yohan look her in a different manner and pondered who the hell is this woman who looks like an angel but her strength is something else, seeing that Yohan stopped struggling Maria chuckled.

"Now tell me pretty boy, What happened, is there something bothering you, to be honest, you can ask me anything, just don't feel shy about it" maria repeated again, this time Evelyn also looked yohan in an annoyed manner as she doesn't like how things are going between them.
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"Is there something you want to ask her, then go ahead, that woman beside you is very persistent and she is not going to leave you until you explain yourself, so you better hurry, you sure don't have enough time to waste her, if you want to achieve your goal? "Evelyn said in a serious manner.

"You hear her, she knows how persistent I am, you better explain yourself and tell me why you gave that look earlier, is there something that you wanted to know, '' Maria said, snuggling Yohan.

"Okay I lost, you don't have to so touchy, I was just thinking that if shapeshifters are vile creatures then it does not bother you"Yohan tilted his head and looked at maria, hearing yohan's words maria pondered and looked at Yohan in a confused manner, Evelyn also raised her eyebrows and looked Yohan with the same expression just like maria.

"Why do I bother with those nasty creatures, they are nothing but troublemakers who walk among us and most of them are evil," Maria responded to Yohan.

"Aren't you one of them, don't you feel bad knowing you belong to the same species? "Yohan asked her, hearing Yohan's words Maria was dumbfounded while a bright smile appeared on Evelyn's face hearing Yohan's words.

" think I am a shapeshifter?'' Maria exclaimed and she looked at Yohan in disappointment.

"What?, you are not a shapeshifter then how did you change your appearance earlier "Yohan asked.

"Pfft, you are so silly, don't tell me you misunderstood me as a shapeshifter just because I took lady Evelyn's appearance, you silly cute little thing, there are things that can be done using other methods," maria said and look him alluring manner that makes yohan's heart flutter and his face turned red in embarrassment, Evelyn smile seeing him like that and then she shifted her gaze in the direction of maria who is also smiling while her gaze was at Yohan as she found something interesting.

"Maria there is something that I want from you, I didn't tell you earlier the reason why I bring you here, I bring you here because i want you to help Yohan to achieve something and you are the only one who can help him at this very moment knowing your expertise"Evelyn broken her silence and looked maria in a serious manner, hearing Evelyn's serious words, maria regained her composer and she shifted her attention to Evelyn.

"I will do anything to help an old friend afterall you were there when I needed you, so anything for you"

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