Chapter 852 Alma's rage

Somewhere inside the northern region of the Phoenix kingdom, a group of people could be seen guarding a cart, inside that cart an old man could be seen all tied up.

"I am scared...if someone caught us then we will be slaughtered along with our family..." one of the men exclaimed as he looked towards the direction of the old man who was trembling like a fish without water, his eyes were nearly out of his socket as he was looking all these figures in pleading manner who were surrounding him, the old man's mouth was all taped so he was not in a condition to speak. no-VeLusb-c,o-m

"This is very important for everyone, for the sake of the circle we have to guard this asshole for the time being, young master Yohan and lady alma will be here soon, just have some patience my friends and don't let fear consume your will of freeing all those poor souls!" one of the different guy from the group exclaimed as he tried to pull up the moral of these guys who were here to deliver this minister that Yohan caught inside the Gulian city.
"this is pure madness...we are the last group that left the Gulian city in order to deliver this minister to the closest camp to the Nichole clan but where is lady alma and young Master Yohan,it's been hours since we arrived here but there is no sign of them, i don't think this is going to work, we should leave this old man and save our life," a young man muttered in trembling voice, his legs were shaking as he looking to the minister who was lying inside the cart.

Hearing this young man's words the other figures who were standing there exchanged glances with each other's, Deep down in their hearts they agreed with this young man, all of them were standing at the closest slave camp of the Nichole clan, all of them knew if they get caught then there life is over along with their families.

"The young kid is right...We shouldn't blindly trust that young master of the Lin clan. He may be powerful but there is no way he could have cleared all those camps by himself..."One of the middle aged men from the group cleared his throat and looked at the leader of the group.

The leader turned silent hearing all these guys, he himself believed what they were doing was pure madness and if they failed then not only they lose their life but they also put all those lives in danger who are related to them.

"What is going on here..." a feminine voice echoed in the surroundings as all of these guys were in deep thought regarding their current situation along with the leader. The moment that voice reached these men's ears all of them raised their heads and looked into the sky where two figures were standing.

"Lady alma..."All of these guys mumbled in low voices seeing Alma and a young handsome man whom they never met before, but seeing his appearance and feeling a different kind of aura around him they could tell that this young man was indeed Yohan, the rumored young master who is working with alma.

Sometimes later Alma and Yohan descended to the ground where these guys were helding the minister of the Nichole clan.

"My lady we were waiting for you..." the leader of this group exclaimed as he looked at Alma with bright smile along with all those man who was working under him, but to their surprise alma gave them a look of disdain as they were some kind of low life, seeing her gaze all of them felt chilly sensation in their spines.

"You bastards what were you talking earlier, if you are that afraid then why did you joined this circle, I never forced anyone into this, all of you came to us of your own free will," Alma exclaimed,anger could be seen on her face as she was angry with these guys, on the other hand Yohan bitterly smiled seeing her like that, she is indeed scary and cold towards these poor guys for certain reason that he was aware off.

Yohan can understand that these men were scared of dying, after all this is not the first group that he encountered who were having these kinds of thoughts in their heads.

"Please forgive us my lady..." The leader of the group bowed his head in front of Alma seeing her mad, the other figures who were standing behind them also repeated the same thing with solemn looks, Alma frowned hearing and seeing that apologetic look on their faces, Yohan placed one of his hand on her shoulder and he look her with smile.

Seeing yohan's hand over her shoulder and that smile on his handsome face Alma's cheek turned and her heart thumped, "you want me to forgive them, these bastards were thinking about running away abandoning this mission, and apart from that they doubted you!"Alma whispered as she looked at Yohan in calm manner,her tone was completely different than earlier that she used in front of those figures.

"They did their jobs and don't forget most of them are normal human beings, so it's obvious they are scared of getting caught, I don't blame them and I don't have Anything against them, "Yohan replied to Alma hearing Yohan alma turned silent for a moment and sometimes later with a deep sighed she confronted the figures who were standing there with Guilty faces, she was indeed right most of them might end up running away if yohan and alma didn't show up earlier, the leader himself was considering leaving everything behind and saving his life after all the faces of the people that he loved were flashing in front of his sight now and then.

"You guys are forgiven..."Suddenly those words reached everyone's ears, all of them raised their heads and looked at Alma with glistening eyes.

"We are ashamed lady alma thankyou for forgiving us, we will not repeat this kind of behavior!" all of them said in unison and than they turned to Yohan and asked his forgiveness, Yohan simply nodded his head in response before leaving their sight as he was not interested in their apology.

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