Chapter 895 My name is Yulia!

Somewhere inside the northern region a figure of an old man could be seen seated inside a certain tent,while a figure of a young man could be seen standing right infront of this old man.

"Why don't you take a seat?"Patriarch bin xeng pointed his finger in the direction of a chair which was sitting right next to Lucien where he was standing.

"It's alright lord xeng,I am good!"Lucien politely declined as he aware the man who is sitting right in front of him was the Patriarch of xeng clan and moreover he knew his Cultivation is far superior then him,so it was not suitable for him to sit right in front of him despite his kind gesture.

Patriarch bin xeng smiled and he didn't pesture lucien further but he was interested of knowing this young man's background,so he asked and to his surprise lucien didn't hide anything,he honestly explained him that he is an rogue cultivator who belongs to small part of eastern region and someone who was recently hired by the Nichole clan to guard one of their slave camp.

"Master yohan killed every guard that were guarding that camp but for some reason he gave me two choices,one was leading to my doom and another one was giving me a chance to live,so i chose the second one"Lucien added and felt cold sensation in his spine remembering the moment when Yohan gave him those two choices.

Patriarch bin xeng bitterly smiled hearing Lucien's explanation.

"You are one fine lad,I would have taken you as my disciple but alas you are in good hands,you will flourish under Yohan and become someone great in future!"old man bin xeng said.


Lucien turned speechless hearing this old man,but alas this is not the first time he got an offer to become an disciple,due to his extraordinary talent he usually get these kind of offers but he always ignored them as he wanted to live free and do whatever he wants to do according to his wish,but things had changed when he faced Yohan,an extraordinary foe with frightening talent,he had never met anyone like Yohan who has strength to obliterated anything in his path in a whim and not to forget he is pretty young, younger than him.

"Hey kid tell me about the favor now,what kind of favor he needs from me?"Patriarch bin xeng finally decided to ask him, Lucien snapped out of his daze and looked at patriarch bin xeng.

"Master Yohan asked you to arrange transportation for those female captives that he released from the Nichole clan,all of them are pretty worn out and some of them are in bad condition,he asked you to provide them food and all necessary things that needed to survive a long journey,young master Yohan entrusted you with this responsibility...I mean it's simply an favor, "


"Well it is what it is,it will be great if we have someone like lord bin xeng in Nichole clan territory to support us,things will be different for us to operate,in blink of an eye Lin clan become the powerhouse that has taken over two big shots,there are so many problems we are going to face now and the biggest problem will be manpower...that I am worried about most!"old man Lin took a long sigh and he continued.

"Well I'll have to go there and meet him in person to discuss everything!"old man Lin said, hearing him Arjun nodded his head.

"I'll understand master,I'll support lord bin xeng in every way possible,leave everything in my hand here,i am not going to disappoint you!"Arjun responded, hearing him old man Lin smiled and patted his shoulder before leaving the tent.


Meanwhile back inside the Nichole clan territory,Yohan and Alma finally opened the door and sure enough a beautiful lady was standing right infront of the entrance patiently waiting for them to come out.

When she saw Yohan and alma her face slightly instantly turned red,alma also felt slightly weird knowing she knows what they were doing inside the room,it was indeed weird feeling that she never felt before meeting anyone,she was always noble and serine in the eyes of her underlings,if words of mouth will get out of this place she will sure dug a hole for her and buried herself alive.

She didn't want Lee Qi and others to know what exactly happened today,not even in her wild dream, having that thought in her head she needed to win over this girl and make sure she remained silent about everything that she witnessed, having that thought in her head alma cleared her throat.

"You look completely fine,I thought it will take days for you to recover!"Alma said, hearing Alma the woman smiled and she looked at Yohan who was standing right next to Alma.

"It's all thanks to young master Yohan,he is the one who healed me!"she said,Alma turned silent seeing that look on her face while Yohan scratched his chin feeling slightly embarrassed by her words.

"Without young master Yohan's help,I'll be rotting inside that place.I owe you with my life and I am not going to forget everything that you did for me!"The lady looked at Yohan,her voice was gentle and calm, hearing her words Yohan smiled.

"What is your name and how did you know me,the way you reacted inside that cell... i didn't get it..."Yohan asked as he curiously looked at the women,but hearing Yohan a disappointed look appear on that lady's face as she was not expecting him to say this,Alma noticed this and somewhat she felt uneasy about this.

"My name is Yulia...Yulia nichole!"

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