Dual Cultivator Reborn [System In The Cultivation World]

Chapter 922 Elsa's humbleness and evelyn's strength

922 Elsa's humbleness and evelyn's strength

"Snowy and i...we missed you so much and i never thought we would meet just like that, especially in this kind of place!"Elsa whispered while taking yohan's handsome face between her palms after giving him a gentle kiss on his cheek right after meeting him,yohan's face turned red like cherry after getting that earlier kissed from elsa and seeing his face between her palm.

At the same time seeing those kind lovey dovey expression on yohan's face Evelyn and kana's facial expressions changed drastically as they was not expecting him to react in such manner,it was evident that he knows this women and their relationship is something deep while two of them didn't know about Elsa's existence,kana gulped nervously and she immediately darted her gaze in Aana's direction, seeing that gaze Aana exhale deeply and understand the insecurity of her older sister,on the other hand maria remain silent whilst Vanya frowned seeing getting this close to Yohan.

"What are you guys doing here and more importantly how did you ended up together,i clearly remember leaving the soul subspace with Maria and Aana whilst two of you remain inside the soul subspace by snowy's side!"Yohan asked as he looked Elsa in curious manner and then shifted his gaze in the direction of Vanya who were standing by Maria's side in order to get some answers, Evelyn and kana raised their brows the moment Yohan mentioned the soul subspace,two of them exchange glances with each other's before looking in yohan's direction.

"Yohan what is going on here and who are these ladies and how did she know about the soul subspace"Kana couldn't control herself as she asked Yohan, Evelyn also gave him a cold look.

"Well..."Yohan scratched his chin as he somewhat not prepared for this but alas he left with no choice but to explain Elsa and Vanya's origin,Aana and Maria already know about that but Kana, Evelyn and few others are yet to accustomed with Elsa the master of asura clan and the previous owner of the cursed sword that Yohan has.

"Let me explain..."Seeing Yohan in deep thought Elsa whispered and then she looked at both Evelyn and Kana while having a calm look on her beautiful face.

"But before I explained about my origin and my relationship with Yohan,I am glad the two of you are fine,Aana and Maria were worried about you and so am I"She said and took a few steps before reaching Evelyn and kana who were standing side by side.

"You must be Evelyn,I heard lots of good thing about you from Yohan's mouth"Elsa said as she looked Evelyn and extended her hand in Evelyn's direction in order to shake which is something Yohan taught her and explain that it is something people do when they met with each other's in his world but alas he forgot to explain that he was talking about earth his old world where he came from,people have different ways of greeting in the current cultivation world,On the other hand Yohan gulped nervously as he looked these two powerful women's meeting for the first time,he somewhat expected that a time would come when these two powerhouse would meet each other's but he was not expecting that these two will meet in such situation, nevertheless Yohan didn't try to prey as Elsa already decided took a initiative.

"And lastly I am Yohan's partner,I had forsaken my old Qi Cultivation path and decided to live my life as a dual cultivator!"after explaining everything elsa revealed her relationship with Yohan,she had proud look on her face,Yohan also has smile on his face after hearing Elsa whilst Aana and Maria already knows about her relationship with Yohan and they are aware of her background story as they spended quite some time inside the soul subspace all together.

Meanwhile both Evelyn and Kana were shocked knowing her relationship with Yohan,deep down in their heart two of them somewhat expected that but the most shocking and hard to digest part was knowing beyond the soul subspace there were many realms exist and Elsa is someone who came from one of those realms.

"What is your Cultivation base?"after a very long silence Evelyn looked Elsa in serious manner and asked about her Cultivation,the entire place became silent and everyone looked Evelyn including Yohan,Maria and Aana who were not expecting this,but to their surprise Elsa had smile on her face after hearing Evelyn.

"I may have higher cultivation than yours but don't forget we demon's have born with higher cultivation base,some of the higher demon in the past even born with legendary heavenly soul realm cultivation,i am over ten thousand years old,i spended more than thousands years in imprisoned until Yohan freed me using the big chunk of his soul"Elsa explain as she has some vague idea why Evelyn asked such thing on the first place, Evelyn face turned pale hearing Elsa, especially the point where she said that Yohan used the part of her soul in order to released her from the darkness where she was imprisoned over thousands of years.

"To be honest I've never met anyone like you before, despite being a mortal reaching such a level is indeed commendable"Elsa said in cheerful voice, hearing Elsa's kind word a bittersweet smile appeared on Evelyn's face and then she immediately shook her head as she realized her mistake.

"I am sorry for asking such trivial things in the first place...I am grateful that you came looking for us, despite being completely strange!"Evelyn said as she looked at Elsa and nudged kana who were standing by her side.

"I am also sorry for behaving in a rude manner"Kana whispered while scratching her chin,she was indeed embarrassed the way she behaved earlier.


"Phew....that was smooth,Elsa is indeed humble despite her background,the way she handled the situation...but she is not wrong, Evelyn is indeed something else, reaching the pinnacle of heavenly soul realm on her own without any help is indeed commendable!"Yohan pondered as he admired both elsa's humbleness and evelyn's strength.

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