"Long-term love wine?"

Qin Guan and Xiaoxiao had a flash of astonishment in their eyes at the same time.

They had previously heard from Fang Hui that the warriors in the Five Elements Mountain all hoped to enter the Five Elements Mountain to obtain Changqing Zhuojiu, so that they could withstand the violent Five Elements aura that suddenly appeared in the Five Elements Mountain.

But they didn't know that the purpose of Empress Gushe's entry into the Five Elements Mountain was also to make love.

"The violent tempering and sublimation of the five elements' aura is just like a warrior tempering his physical body. It only exercises all parts of the body to be extremely strong. However, the current physical body still lacks the most important soul. Changqing Zhuojiu is to activate the spiritual root 'soul' The only catalyst is to successfully do this, let the spiritual roots have a soul and activate the spirituality, can this emperor completely integrate the spiritual roots and replace the soul of little girl Tang Xinran. "

Seeing Qin Guanhe's smiling face with doubts on his face, Empress Gushe opened her mouth to explain.

"Changqing Zhuojiu can be used to activate the spirituality of spiritual roots!"

Qin Guan's eyes lit up. He didn't expect Changqing Zhuojiu to have such a mysterious effect. It could activate the spiritual roots and spirituality in Empress Gushe's body, and then complete the fusion.

"How much Changqing Zhuojiu do you need to fully activate the spirituality of your spiritual roots?"

Qin Guan asked.

"I estimate that at least ten drops are needed, but the Changqing turbid wine produced every year in Five Elements Mountain is extremely scarce. I hope we are lucky enough to find enough Changqing turbid wine this year."

Empress Gushe said.

"Just about ten drops is enough..."

Xiaoxiao murmured to himself, with a half-smile look on his face.

The Empress Gushe risked her life to enter the Five Elements Mountain with the ultimate goal of finding Changqing Zhuojiu. If she knew that Qin Guan not only got the Changqing Zhuojiu as huge as a lake, but also used Changqing Zhuojiu as bath water. What kind of expression will appear on the face of Empress Gushe after using it to waste natural resources?

Xiaoxiao is looking forward to it.

But she didn't know that the current Qin Guan couldn't summon Changqing Zhuojiu from the seeds of Yuanli World.

Of course, let alone Qin Guan's inability to take out the long-love wine from the seeds of Yuanli World now, even if he could take it out, he would never be able to give it to Empress Gushe easily at this time...

Qin Guan controlled the spaceship and began to penetrate deep into the Five Elements Mountain. Although there was a spaceship blocking it, they could still clearly sense that the surrounding Five Elements aura was becoming more and more violent and powerful, and the pressure between heaven and earth was getting stronger and stronger.


The violent aura of the five elements bombarded the space ship, causing the powerful defense of the space ship to rumble and shake violently. If it were a flesh and blood body, it would probably disappear and be wiped out!

"The Five Elements aura in Five Elements Mountain is so terrifying. How did Fang Yu and Xue Zhengshan survive here and successfully bring Changqing Zhuojiu out?"

Even across the spaceship, he could feel the terror outside. Long Fei secretly opened his mouth and said.

"Being able to survive in the Five Elements Misty Ridge for a long time and grow into the leaders of two major forces, Fang Yu and Xue Zhengshan naturally have their own merits."

Empress Gushe spoke calmly, staring outside tightly, not missing the slightest opportunity to discover Changqing Zhuojiu.

"We have gone about ten miles deep into the Five Elements Mountain, and we haven't even seen the shadow of Changqing Zhuojiu. Isn't it too difficult to find it?"

Smiling phoenix-eyed beautiful eyes wrinkled and said.

"In the beginning, Changqing Zhuojiu was also formed on the outermost edge of Wuxing Mountain. It was extremely easy to get it. However, as warriors entered Wuxing Mountain every year, the Changqing Zhuojiu on the outer edge was collected. If you want to find Changqing Zhuojiu again, It becomes increasingly difficult to go deep into the Five Elements Mountains.”

Empress Gushe said.

"The further we go into the Five Elements Mountain, the intensity of the Five Elements aura almost doubles. Even if we have a spaceship, it is extremely dangerous. If we continue to forcefully go deeper, I am afraid that even the spaceship will not be able to withstand the violent Five Elements aura and will be directly under the strong pressure. If it explodes, we will definitely die!"

Long Fei said worriedly.

After traveling for ten miles, they found no trace of Changqing Zhuojiu. If they continued to go deeper, it would become more and more dangerous.

"The Five Elements aura here is extremely violent. Even though Fang Yu and Xue Zhengshan may not have been here before, I believe that I will definitely be able to find Changqing Zhuojiu here."

Empress Gushe kept scanning her surroundings. Suddenly her eyes lit up and she pointed to a dark pit on the left side in front of her:

"Look there! There must be Changqing Zhuojiu there. Qin Guan quickly controls the spaceship to get closer there."

Looking in the direction of Empress Gushe's finger, Qin Guan's eyes lit up, he adjusted the direction of the spaceship and quickly approached it.

"Buzz buzz-"

The spaceship floated to a stop above the dark pit.

The area of ​​this pothole is not large, only about ten square meters. There are charred ruins everywhere as far as the eye can see. However, in the center of it, you can see a shallow blue puddle with water droplets in it. Appears turbid blue.

“Smells so good.”

Long Fei took a deep breath, with a look of intoxication on his face.

Even though he was separated by the spaceship, he could still clearly smell the rich fragrance emanating from the blue puddle.

Turbid but not heavy, fragrant but not greasy.

Just taking a breath of the dissipated breath, Long Fei felt like he had been reborn, and his whole body felt relaxed.

"Long-lasting love wine!"

Seeing the blue puddle, Empress Gushe's cold eyes showed a rare expression of endless surprise and shock, and she suddenly became short of breath.

After searching for so long, she finally found Changqing Zhuojiu!

Visual inspection showed that there were at least dozens of drops of Changqing Zhuojiu in the puddle, which was definitely enough for her to activate the spirituality of her spiritual roots and then completely integrate them.

"Changqing Zhuojiu is extremely sensitive and fragile. It is impossible to collect it by one person. I need one of the three of you to come down from the spaceship to accompany me to collect it."

The Empress Gushe glanced at Qin Guan and the others and said:

"Don't worry, I will use the aura of my spiritual roots to wrap the person who is accompanying me down to ensure his safety."

"I'll go with you."

Qin Guan said directly.

"Little brother, let your sister handle this kind of thing. Women are more careful than you men."

Xiaoxiao stopped Qin Guan and said.

"Xiaoxiao, please help control the spaceship. Don't worry, I'll be fine."

Qin Guan waved his hand and smiled, gave Xiaoxiao a reassuring look, and then motioned to Empress Gushe to take him down.


The Empress Gushe grabbed Qin Guan's hand directly, jumped down from the spaceship, and rushed towards the puddle of Changqingzhuojiu.

Although the surrounding Five Elements aura was extremely violent, under the protection of their spiritual roots, Qin Guan and the Empress Gushe were safe and sound, and easily walked to the blue puddle.

Following the instructions of Empress Gushe, Qin Guan used his soul power to wrap up the blue puddle and completely isolate it from the outside world to prevent it from being disturbed and destroyed.

Empress Gushe moved quickly and carefully collected the Changqing Zhuojiu in the blue puddle into the crystal bottle that had been prepared.

"Hahaha, more than twenty drops of Changqing Zhuojiu are definitely enough for me to activate the spirituality of my spiritual roots!"

Empress Gushe put away the crystal bottle in her hand, with a sneer on her face. The next moment she moved, she gave up on Qin Guan and flew backwards, completely exposing Qin Guan to the violent aura of the Five Elements!

"If you dare to threaten this emperor, enjoy the violent aura of the Five Elements!"

The cold laughter of Empress Gushe fell into Qin Guan's ears.

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