Qin Guan was sitting cross-legged in the Jingxin Temple. He was extremely calm around him, but at this moment, his body was filled with qi and blood.

After more than two months of hard training, Qin Guan, who possesses spiritual roots, has made rapid progress in strength, reaching the limit of the first level of the Martial Emperor.

However, no matter how hard Qin Guan tried in the next few days, he was still unable to break through that barrier. Although there was only a thin line between him and the second level of the Martial Emperor, he was still unable to successfully break through.

Suddenly, an extremely palpitating sense of crisis came. Qin Guan's expression changed, and without any hesitation, he tried his best to avoid it.


A raging sound wave whizzed past Qin Guan's body, directly blasting a wing room at the back to pieces. Countless broken rubbles flew and dust rose everywhere.

Qin Guan frowned when he saw the ruined wing behind him.

If he hadn't reacted quickly just now, I'm afraid the blow just now would have directly killed him!

"Huh? It's really strange. Not only did my elder's sonic attack just now not have a backlash on this kid who was practicing, but he was also able to quickly leave the cultivation state and avoid my elder's attack!"

The elder of the Qingshan Sword Sect who took action showed a look of astonishment on his face and said in surprise.

"Members of the Qingshan Sword Sect, three powerful seventh-level Martial Emperors!"

Qin Guan turned his head and focused his gaze on the three white-haired old men. When he saw the green swords embroidered on their gray collars, his pupils shrank sharply.

Only now did he discover that the powerful formation hiding Jingxin Temple had been completely damaged. His hiding place was exposed in the Orchid Valley and was discovered by these three white-haired old men from the Qingshan Sword Sect.

"Fortunately, I was more careful during my previous training and set up an isolation barrier. Otherwise, the sonic attack just now would have been enough to make me go crazy and cause me serious injuries!"

Qin Guan had lingering fears and was secretly afraid.

Of course, at the same time, there was still a trace of luck in my heart. Fortunately, Master Jingxin and Tang Xinran left early, otherwise once they encountered these three powerful seventh-level Martial Emperors, it would have been a disaster!

"Boy, who are you and why do you appear in Jingxin Nunnery? And where are the original nuns in Jingxin Nunnery?"

The elder who was the first to take action cast his disdainful gaze on Qin Guan.

Although Qin Guan had escaped his attack just now, he was only at the first level of Emperor Martial Arts. As a strong man at the seventh level of Emperor Martial Arts, he did not take Qin Guan seriously at all.

Qin Guan ignored the questioning Qingshan Sword Sect elder. He moved and turned into a stream of light and fled away!

The previous killing of Elder Ning relied on the help of Meng Ke's Buddha's voice. Now three strong men of the seventh level of the Martial Emperor who are comparable to Elder Ning have appeared. The enemy is strong and we are weak. Qin Guan will not stay there and wait to die.


However, Qin Guan had just escaped a few hundred meters when an energy wave suddenly appeared in front of him, and the strong resistance directly pushed Qin Guan back.

"Boy, we have already set up a dragnet around Orchid Valley. You can't even think of escaping!"

"That's right! If you just cooperate with us, you might still have a way to survive."

"Boy, are you going to explain now, or are you going to let us take you back to Qingshan Sword Sect and explain it to the acting head in person?"

The three white-haired elders looked at Qin Guan and sneered.

In their opinion, Qin Guan's cultivation should not be the murderer who killed Elder Ning, Protector Luo, and Protector Yue. However, Qin Guan was in Jingxin Temple and should more or less know who the real murderer was. where.

"Go back to Qingshan Sword Sect and personally explain to the acting leader..."

Qin Guan frowned.

He has the mantle of Qingshan and the Qingcang Divine Sword. Once he is caught by the Qingshan Sword Sect, it would be strange for a villain like Qing Zhichen to let him go!

Therefore, no matter what, these three elders of the Qingshan Sword Sect cannot be allowed to capture him and bring him to the Qingshan Sword Sect!

"Soul contract!"

Qin Guan instantly made up his mind and prepared to use the soul contract with Xiaoxiao to teleport to Xiaoxiao and escape.

However, this time Qin Guan's body just disappeared from the place, and the next moment it stopped somewhere several miles away.

"The space is blocked and there is no way to escape using the soul contract!"

Just as his body felt like it hit a steel plate, Qin Guan's figure appeared, his brows furrowed!

Unexpectedly, the first time I used the Soul Contract to teleport, I failed. This was such bad luck!

"Boy, don't waste your efforts! We have already made adequate preparations around you. You can't escape today, so you'd better just surrender and be captured!"

The three Qingshan Sword Sect elders looked at each other, shook their heads and sneered, already considering Qin Guan as their target.

"The surrounding escape routes have been blocked by them, and I have nowhere to escape!"

Qin Guan's heart sank. Now he needs to face three powerful seventh-level Martial Emperors alone. It seems that this time he is in danger!

If it weren't for Meng Ke's help, he almost fell into the hands of Elder Ning. Now he has to face three powerful seventh-level Martial Emperors at once. Even though his cultivation level has been promoted to the peak of the first-level Martial Emperor, he is definitely not three powerful seventh-level Martial Emperors. The opponent!

"Okay, I admit defeat. If you want to know anything, just ask."

Qin Guan sighed deliberately and looked helpless, but he quietly took out a formation flag in his hand.

"You're a wise boy."

The three Qingshan Sword Sect elders smiled proudly, and the first elder asked:

"Boy, this elder wants to ask you, do you know who killed me, Elder Ning of Qingshan Sword Sect?"

"Are you talking about the middle-aged man with starry eyes and sharp eyebrows?"

Qin Guan pretended to be in deep thought and thought for a moment before speaking.

"Yes, he is Elder Ning of our Qingshan Sword Sect! Tell me, who killed Elder Ning?"

The three Qingshan Sword Sect elders looked at each other, their eyes lit up at the same time, and they asked.

"The person who killed him was none other than me!"

Qin Guan had a smile on his face and answered slowly.

"What did you say? Did you kill Elder Ning?"

"Are you kidding? With your mere cultivation of the first level of Martial Emperor, you are not even qualified to carry Elder Ning's shoes. How can you possibly kill Elder Ning!"

"Boy, if you keep talking nonsense, the three of us will definitely make your life worse than death!"

The three Qingshan Sword Sect elders seemed to have heard the big joke and sneered with disdain.

In their opinion, Qin Guan's first-level martial arts cultivation was completely different from Elder Ning's seventh-level cultivation by six levels. Even if they were killed, they would not believe that it was Qin Guan who killed Elder Ning.

"It's true that I killed Ning, why don't you believe it?"

Qin Guan spread his hands helplessly and shook his head.

"Boy, you think it's a sense of achievement to play with us, right? It seems like you won't tell the truth unless I give you some punishment!"

The elder of the Qingshan Sword Sect at the front darkened his face and showed a sulky look. He moved and rushed towards Qin Guan!

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