Being ridiculed by Dandan, Huiying Shen Nian curled his lips and showed a resentful look on his face.

He was once a supreme being, and even the most powerful Emperor Martial had trouble observing him. He didn't expect that today he would be despised by a mere grown-up Taotie Holy Beast. Sure enough, a phoenix in trouble is worse than a chicken.

"Okay, I guess you are... a god. Who are you trapped here by? Why do you want to cooperate with Qing Zhichen? What is your purpose?"

Qin Guan cast his gaze on Gray Shadow Divine Mind, paused, and asked.

"I was trapped... here by... the old ghost of the Xuanyuan family!"

There was endless anger in the voice of Gray Shadow Divine Mind.

Dandan’s eyes lit up.

This gray shadow is just a remnant of spiritual thought but is so powerful, which shows that its actual strength is even more terrifying. If such a strong man can be trapped here, wouldn't the old ghost of the Xuanyuan family be even more powerful?

"The Xuanyuan family?" Qin Guan's pupils shrank instinctively, then quickly returned to normal and asked, "Are you talking about the hidden Xuanyuan family?"

After coming to the big world and getting to know the world a little bit, Qin Guan already knew that her mother came from the Xuanyuan family in the hidden world, but she didn't know if the Xuanyuan family mentioned by the gray shadow mind was the family his mother belonged to.

"That's's...the hidden...Xuanyuan family!"

The gray shadow's mind flashed fiercely and affirmed.

Qin Guan nodded without any trace. Indeed, only the reclusive Xuanyuan family could have such a powerful ability to deal with the gray shadow spirit in front of him.

"Then what's the deal between you and Qing Zhichen?"

Qin Guan asked.

"I made an agreement with...Qing Zhichen...that he would help me...get out of trouble...from here, and I would help him...become...the head of the Qingshan Sword Sect..."

Gray Shadow's mind was slightly startled, and then he slowly spoke.

"That's it?"

A playful smile appeared on Qin Guan's face.

"Everything I true..."

Gray Shadow said seriously.

"What you said is true, but you should be hiding something from me, right?"

Qin Guan stared at Huiying Shen Nian closely and sneered.

Qing Zhichen was the only successor to Senior Qingshan. If it weren't for a particularly tempting reason, he would never have committed the act of betraying his mentor.

Gray Shadow Divine Mind is trapped here, and Senior Qingshan is also framed here. These powerful people come here one after another. It is obvious that there must be extremely shocking secrets in the center of the forbidden area!

Qin Guan can be very sure that the deal between Qing Zhichen and the Gray Shadow Divine Mind in front of him is definitely not just as simple as becoming the head of the Qingshan Sword Sect, but also related to the secrets in the center of the forbidden area!

Gray Shadow was stunned for a moment, and a flash of panic flashed in his eyes as he looked at Qin Guan.

"Be honest, tell me the real secret in the center of the forbidden area and the terms of Qing Zhichen's deal with you, and I will consider letting you go!"

Qin Guan smiled faintly.

What kind of scene has a strong man like Gray Shadow Divine Mind not experienced? Being able to make panic appear in his eyes shows that the secret in the center of the forbidden area is not simple!

"It turns out...from the have never...believed in me...want to know...the secret...of the center of the forbidden area? You...are dreaming!"

As if he didn't want Qin Guan to know the secret of the center of the forbidden area, Gray Shadow's eyes suddenly turned cold:

"Go...die, all...thoughts...will be...annihilated——"

Under the extremely astonished gazes of Qin Guan and Dandan, Hui Ying's mind suddenly opened his mouth and swallowed the red flames that bound him directly into his mouth.

"Damn, I actually swallowed the red flame sky fire, I'm going to die!"

Dandan's eyes suddenly widened and he said in shock.

"No, leave quickly!"

Qin Guan also didn't expect that this gray shadow spirit would be so decisive, and would do such a crazy thing after a disagreement. It was obvious that he would die with him and Dandan even if he fought to the death!

Without any hesitation, Qin Guan and Dandan turned around and fled away.


A stream of crimson flames appeared on the body of the gray shadow spirit, like fireworks, and heart-rending screams resounded throughout the forbidden area. Then the gray shadow spirit quickly gathered, and the humanoid figure curled up, shrinking into a line of red. The colored ball is spinning rapidly, getting faster and faster!

Streams of flames burst out from the red sphere, and the surrounding spiritual energy of heaven and earth was like a giant boiling pot, fluctuating violently, turning into countless terrifying energies, overwhelming Qin Guan and Dandan!

"Bang bang bang..."

Qin Guan and Dandan only escaped for a few miles, but they were besieged by countless terrifying energies. The injured man and the beast were even more scarred and blood-red, which looked shocking.

In particular, the body's balls, which were locked by the God-killing Lock, were dragged down by it, and the speed was slightly slower, and the terrifying energy that bombarded his body was even more frightening.

In just a few breaths, all the snow-white hair on Dandan's body was cut off by Qi Jin, and his bare body was covered with wounds of various sizes, with blood flowing from them and covering his whole body.

If he hadn't resisted with the help of the God-killing Lock in his hand, Dandan might have been dead by now!


Throwing out the God-killing Lock in his hand, he blasted away the terrifying energy rushing in front of him. Before Dandan could even reveal a smile, he suddenly felt an extremely hot energy coming from behind him. The tail trailing behind him took the brunt of the brunt and quickly burned. .

Turning back in a hurry, Dandan was dumbfounded!

The flame ball that the Gray Shadow Divine Mind transformed into after devouring the Red Flame Sky Fire actually exploded, forming an extremely terrifying flame ring that swept towards him and Qin Guan. Its power was hundreds of times stronger than the Qi that blasted at them!

The desperate attack of the Gray Shadow Divine Mind after self-immolation was extremely powerful. As soon as the flame touched Dandan's body, the flame spread rapidly and instantly devoured Dandan's entire body.


Seeing Dandan behind him trapped in the sea of ​​fire, Qin Guan's eyes suddenly widened, gritted his teeth, turned back, and waved his right hand. Dandan's figure, who was trapped in the sea of ​​fire, disappeared instantly and was collected by him in the seed space of the Yuanli World.

However, once delayed, Qin Guan, who was about to escape, was also swallowed by the flame ring that swept out and fell into the endless sea of ​​fire.

"Hahaha... Let's... die together... Be buried with me..."

The entire forbidden area was engulfed in a sea of ​​fire, and a crazy and triumphant laugh echoed throughout the entire forbidden area, like the voice of a demon, extremely harsh.

Half an hour later, the flaming ball completely disappeared, and the flames in the entire forbidden area gradually receded, leaving everything charred black. At first glance, it looked like the Asura Hell.

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