
The three Fengyun Sect disciples looked fierce and surrounded Qin Guan like horns. The three of them punched Qin Guan at the same time. The violent energy flashed on their fists, and the power was terrifying!

Obviously the three of them often cooperated and their attacks were seamless, leaving no room for Qin Guan to evade!

Of course, Qin Guan had no intention of evading it!

"Red Flame Slash!"

Qin Guan set his sights on the tall Fengyun Sect disciple, and slashed out with his palm sword in front of him!

"You didn't even hide!"

"It's just looking for death!"

The three of them laughed ferociously, how powerful can a samurai's attack be?

What's more, under the siege of the three of them, this old man is bound to die, and a strike from his palm will naturally defeat him!

At this moment, the Gao Da Fengyun Sect disciple didn't even have the slightest intention of evading, and the force of his punches towards Qin Guan became even more fierce!


Three punches hit Qin Guan at the same time, knocking him away directly. At the same time, Qin Guan's palm knife also struck out!

The flaming palm knife flashed with red light and struck the tall Fengyun Sect disciple accurately, creating a long, inch-deep wound. The flesh and blood were turned out and blood flowed out.


Falling to the ground in embarrassment, Qin Guan felt his body rolling, roaring, and a mouthful of blood spurted out!

"He was attacked by three of us at the same time, but he didn't die. This old man belongs to Xiaoqiang, right?"

A Fengyun Sect disciple had a look of astonishment on his face.

The samurai was so powerful that he could resist the attack of the three of them without being killed on the spot!

It’s incredible!

"Hiss! Kill him!"

The heartbreaking pain in his chest came, and the tall Fengyun Sect disciple took a breath of cold air and glared at Qin Guan.

When the three of them joined forces, they were seriously injured by the old guy in front of them!

It is unbearable!

He must be cut into pieces today!

"How is this possible!"

The Supreme Elder who was halfway through was dumbfounded when he saw the scene in front of him!

"You actually hurt Brother Fei, old man, you're dead!"

The two of them got angry and pushed towards Qin Guan at the same time.

"Look, the jet-black armor he is wearing is actually a spiritual weapon!"

Seeing the black armor through Qin Guan's broken clothes, the two of them had greedy looks in their eyes.

"No wonder you dare to resist our attack. It turns out you have something to rely on!"

"This treasure armor belongs to us today!"

With fiery eyes, the two of them rushed towards Qin Guan and punched each other at the same time!

"Old man, go to hell!"

The two people's eyes flashed with ferocity and ecstasy. After the old man died, this treasured armor would be theirs!

Facing the two attacks, Qin Guan still had no intention of evading, and stood quietly on the spot. When the two attacks were close at hand, Qin Guan struck out with another red flame slash!


One of his ribs was broken, his chest was dented, and Qin Guan was knocked away again. This time the injury was more serious, and his internal organs were in severe pain as if they were being torn apart!

However, Qin Guan had a smile on his face at this moment and struggled to stand up.

Just now, his red flame slash seriously injured a Fengyun Sect disciple again!

"Old guy, you're ruthless!"

Touching the blood gushing out from the inch-deep wound on his chest, the injured Fengyun Sect disciple had an angry look on his face.

Two head-on confrontations actually seriously injured both of them!

They have never seen such a desperate fighting style!

"Damn it!"

Two companions were seriously injured. The last Fengyun Sect disciple became angry, and an illusory tiger suddenly appeared above his head!

It seems to be his martial spirit!

As soon as this fierce tiger appeared, it roared fiercely, stared at Qin Guan, and kept fidgeting with its sharp claws!

"I'll tear you apart!"

The last disciple of the Fengyun Sect roared angrily, and the illusory tiger martial spirit merged with his body. He turned into a running tiger and suddenly rushed towards Qin Guan. Two sharp claws glowing with cold light struck out. Tear Qin Guan into pieces!

"Jin Yuan even used his martial spirit!"

"This old man is at the end of his strength, and Jin Yuan's blow will definitely kill him!"

The two Fengyun Sect disciples who were seriously injured were full of confidence in their companions' violent attack!

"Get out of the way!"

The Supreme Elder's face was full of anxiety. The distance was too far and he had no time to save Qin Guan!

How could Qin Guan, who was seriously injured, still be alive in the face of the strongest attack from the second level of martial arts?


Almost instantly, the tiger had pounced in front of Qin Guan, and the next moment its sharp claws were about to tear his chest apart and dig out his internal organs!


The Supreme Elder closed his eyes unwillingly and couldn't bear to see Qin Guan's tragic death.


At this moment, the Fengyun Sect disciple who transformed into a tiger shouted fiercely.

"You're the one who deserves to die!"

Saying something coldly from his mouth, Qin Guan touched the storage ring with his hand, and a ladder suddenly appeared in his hand!

"Climb the ladder to heaven!"

"Climb the ladder to heaven!"

"Climb the ladder to heaven!"

Although the ladder in Qin Guan's hand was only a few meters long, the three Fengyun Sect disciples still recognized at a glance that what Qin Guan was holding was the Fengyun Sect's most precious treasure - the ladder to heaven!

Wasn't the ladder to heaven snatched away by a witch?

How could it appear in the hands of this old man?

Doubts flashed through his mind, and he looked at the old man in front of him in disbelief!

The three of them understood something in an instant!

This old man is none other than someone else!

It was Qin Guan they wanted!

There was no ecstasy at discovering Qin Guan's identity, but a deep fear arose spontaneously from the bottom of their hearts!

The ladder to heaven is a magical weapon!

Even if the martial artist at the top cannot resist, let alone the three of them?

"Heavenly Ladder!"

The eyes of the Fengyun Sect disciple who attacked Qin Guan were full of horror, and he tried to stop his forward rush!

Facing the Heavenly Ladder, rushing up was completely seeking death!

However, how could Qin Guan give him a chance to escape?

He swung the Heavenly Ladder in his hand directly and slammed it down from top to bottom!


A shaking like an earthquake came out, and the Heavenly Ladder directly smashed a huge pit that was one meter deep!

In the huge pit, the Fengyun Sect disciple who turned into a tiger was smashed into a meat pie, bloody and messy!

Dead as hell!

Staggering for a while, the Supreme Elder instinctively opened his eyes, and saw the scene in front of him, his old face was full of shock!

"What a powerful weapon!"

The Fengyun Sect disciple who was so brave just now was actually killed by Qin Guan with a ladder!

What's going on?

The ladder looked extremely shabby, and there were even several holes on it, and the top was missing a corner, but it actually killed a martial arts master in seconds!

"Next, it's time to send you two on your way!"

After killing one person, Qin Guan walked towards the two seriously injured Fengyun Sect disciples step by step.

"You are not a Yuedan Master at all! You are Qin Guan!"

At this moment, the two Fengyun Sect disciples suddenly realized and looked incredible!

They didn't expect that Qin Guan dared to come to Qingfeng Town under the wanted list of the ten major sects!

And he opened a Danwu Pavilion in a very high-profile manner under their noses!

To do all this, you need such courage!

This is something they dare not even think about!

But Qin Guan did it!

"Yes, I am Qin Guan. But you know it too late!"

Qin Guan snorted coldly, and the ladder in his hand suddenly smashed down on the head of the nearest Fengyun Sect disciple!

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