Dual Martial Souls: Becoming Invincible by Killing Your Fiancée

Chapter 178: Those who survive a great disaster will have good fortune in the future

The escape route was blocked. The tenth-level bear demon's violent attack was so ferocious. Although it was seriously injured, Qin Guan might not be able to withstand its attack even if he used the red flame earth fire!

On the line between life and death, Qin Guan naturally could not sit still and wait for death. He instantly summoned his fire dragon martial spirit, struck out suddenly with his palm, and wanted to sacrifice the red fire earth fire the next moment!

However, before Qin Guan could use the red flame earth fire, the level 10 bear demon on the opposite side saw the jade pendant-shaped tattoo on Qin Guan's palm. His original fierce expression was startled, and his two giant palms changed from clapping to grabbing, and directly grabbed Qin Guan. He grabbed it in the palm of his hand and held it respectfully. His attitude changed a hundred and eighty degrees. The huge body lay down, his huge head fell directly on the ground, and a pair of dark bear eyes looked at Qin Guan respectfully. .

"What...what's going on?"

Qin Guan looked surprised.

The level 10 bear demon who had just been so fierce and wanted to kill him suddenly changed his attitude. He actually held himself in the palm of his hand and knelt down with a respectful expression, as if a slave was expressing his sincerity to his master?

I am only at the third level of martial arts, but this person in front of me is as powerful as the peak of the ninth level of martial arts. With its arrogance, it is impossible for it to kneel in front of me!

However, the fact is that the level 10 bear demon who was so ferocious just now is now like a docile little sheep, kneeling in front of him obediently!

There was even a hint of expectation in the eyes looking at him!

The next moment, the giant bear stretched out its two-meter-long red tongue, like a puppy that saw its owner having fun, and licked Qin Guan's cheek affectionately. The foul-smelling saliva covered Qin Guan's face. It almost knocked him out.

Half of his face was the saliva of the giant bear, and half was the blood of the martial arts master killed by it. Qin Guan stayed there stupidly, his mind completely messed up!

Could it be that his domineering power was leaking out? This giant bear felt his domineering aura and instantly rose and fell?

Or is this a female bear, conquered by her handsome appearance, expressing her love for her?

Qin Guan had goosebumps all over his body. He was kneeling and licked by a ten-meter-tall giant bear. The scene was so beautiful that it was hard to look straight at it!

Soon, Qin Guan discovered something strange. Every time the giant bear's eyes fell on his palm, he would show an expression of extreme sincerity and respect!

Turning his palm towards himself, Qin Guan lowered his eyes, and the red jade pendant tattoo came into view clearly!

As his mind wandered, Qin Guan quickly thought of a possibility. Could it be that the level 10 bear demon in front of him was so in awe of him because of the strange red jade pendant he had fused?

At the same time that Qin Guan was stunned, the body of the giant bear opposite him shook for a while, and the pupils of his eyes gradually became dilated.

After fighting for a long time, injuries broke out, and too much blood was lost in the body. At this moment, it finally couldn't support it, its vitality was rapidly drained, and it was not far from death!


Suddenly the giant bear wailed, and the light all over its body surged, gathering all the remaining pure spiritual power in its body into its huge palms!

Then under Qin Guan's shocked eyes, those pure spiritual powers rushed into Qin Guan's body at an extremely crazy speed, nourishing his skin, blood, internal organs, bones, Dantian and other places!

Under the wash of huge pure spiritual power, Qin Guan's strength surged rapidly. The bottleneck that was stuck at the peak of the third level of martial arts was instantly broken, and his strength reached the fourth level of martial arts!

But this did not stop. With the continued nourishment of pure spiritual power, Qin Guan's strength continued to rise, from the early stage of the fourth level of martial arts to the middle stage of the fourth level of martial arts, and then reached the peak of the fourth level of martial arts. Until this time, all the remaining energy of the giant bear was Only then did the pure spiritual power be completely absorbed by Qin Guan!

"This level 10 bear demon actually gave me all its remaining cultivation!"

Qin Guan's mind was filled with incredible thoughts!

This giant bear almost killed me just now!

But now, when it was about to die, it transferred all its pure spiritual power to itself, raising its strength to a higher level and reaching the peak of the fourth level of martial arts!

Good luck!

A blessing in disguise!

At the moment of life and death, not only did he not perish, but he got a great opportunity!

This may be the so-called saying that if you survive a catastrophe, you will be lucky!

Of course, Qin Guan knew that he was so lucky entirely because of the mysterious jade pendant tattoo on his palm!

Qin Guan was even more curious about what secrets there were in this jade pendant tattoo that could make the tenth-level bear demon surrender.

Seeing Qin Guan's improvement in strength, the giant bear showed a hint of relief in his eyes. He turned to look at the black ancient book in the center of the stone room. He opened his huge mouth and spat out a large mouthful of blood. The huge column of blood directly submerged the black ancient book!

After rolling his eyes, the giant bear finally exhausted its last breath. Its huge body fell backwards and fell heavily to the ground. The whole stone room was shaken, and Qin Guan staggered on his feet.

However, Qin Guan didn't care about this, but focused on the ancient black book that was submerged in the blood of the giant bear!

Wu Chong couldn't pick it up even with all his strength. The giant bear's mouthful of blood shouldn't damage it, right?

The entire book was soaked in blood. Even if it was not damaged, the paper inside was probably stained by blood and the handwriting would definitely be unclear!

Something that can be coveted by martial arts masters must be of great value. It would be a pity if it lost its use like this!

Just when Qin Guan was worried, he saw the blood covering the ground gathering into the black ancient book at a speed visible to the naked eye, and soon the surface was filled with golden light!

Not only was the ancient black book not stained by blood, but it also absorbed all the blood, and its surface glowed with golden light!

"Blood Sacrifice!"

At this moment, Qin Guan finally understood that the blood of the tenth-level bear demon before his death was not to destroy the ancient black book, but to use blood sacrifice to help him remove the seal on it!

Looking at the dead tenth-level bear demon on the ground, Qin Guan's heart flashed with a touch of touch.

As the golden light became stronger and stronger, the ancient black book kept shaking, and the next moment it floated up from the ground and hovered in the air, revealing four golden characters on the cover:

The Great Book of Immortal Formation!

This book turned out to be a secret book introducing the formation!

And as soon as you look at the name, you can tell that it also records how to arrange the immortal formation!

The immortal formation is an extremely powerful formation with strong power. When the demon girl Xiaoxiao broke the seal and made a fuss in Fengyun Sect, the "Nine Dragons Locking Heaven Formation" arranged by Fengyun Sect was the lowest level of the first-level immortal formation!

And this lowest-level first-level immortal formation directly scared away the extremely arrogant demon girl Xiaoxiao!

Even the immortal formation that King Wu was afraid of, you can imagine how powerful it would be!

Getting this "Immortal Formation Canon" secret book and learning the formations in it can easily change the current three-legged pattern in the Chaos Domain!

No wonder the four martial spirit masters took such a big risk to find this secret book!

Qin Guan did not hesitate at all, and a suction force came out from his palm, directly sucking the "Immortal Formation Canon" into his hand.

"Haha, I didn't expect such good luck. I chased you two and let this little prince pick up a level 10 bear monster corpse!"

At this time, a young man with a majestic demeanor strode into the stone chamber, and saw the corpse of the bear monster on the ground, and said in surprise.

The level 10 inner elixir of the level 10 bear monster is a priceless treasure, and the various materials on it are extremely precious, which can be used to refine weapons, armor, etc.

Turning his head and looking at Qin Guan, seeing the black and simple book in Qin Guan's hand, Wang Ba's eyes suddenly lit up, and his breathing became rapid instantly!

"It's actually the Immortal Formation Ceremony!"

At this moment, Wang Ba's face was filled with incomparable ecstasy, which was a thousand times, ten thousand times more exciting than discovering the corpse of a level ten bear monster!

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