Xue Qianmo has a slender figure, wearing a decent floor-length skirt, which outlines her perfect figure. Her whole body is like a ripe cherry, and her movements give people a very cultivated sense of elegance.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, Qin Guan would never have believed that the woman with good temperament in front of him actually hid a beautiful and vicious heart under her almost perfect appearance, and wanted to put his half-sister to death!

"How can I, a low-level alchemist, know the two daughters of the high-ranking Xue family? I just heard about him."

Qin Guan smiled and shook his head.

There was no news about the number of people sent by Xue Qianmo for several days. She was not worried at all, and she was still in the mood to run out to find King Zhao Dan. It seemed that she should have been prepared. Xue Qianyao had no intention of overthrowing her. So easy.

"He is handsome and speaks so modestly. He is already a second-grade alchemist at a young age. This achievement is beyond the reach of ordinary warriors. It is too late for Xue Qianmo to worship you. I wonder what your surname is?"

Xue Qianmo giggled and looked at Qin Guan with her beautiful eyes. In a few words, she praised Qin Guan to the sky. Her speaking skills were extremely high.

"A good moon, a good conscience, a moon that can be learned from the sun and the moon."

Qin looked at Xue Qianmo, his dark eyes seeming to want to see through her heart.

A flash of surprise flashed deep in her beautiful eyes, but Xue Qianmo quickly smiled sweetly to cover up her abnormality and said with a smile:

"My heart can be judged by the sun and the moon, a good moon, a good moon, a good name!"

On the side, Zhao Guangbing frowned. He knew all the second-grade alchemists in his alchemist guild. It seemed that there was no one named Liang Yue, but just now he clearly said that he was from the alchemist guild?

When Zhao Guangbing was wondering, Qin Guan had already handed the alchemist medal to him, and instantly checked the information inside. Zhao Guangbing showed a look of sudden realization, looked at Qin Guan with surprise in his eyes, and laughed:

"It turns out to be your boy!"

Even I didn't realize that he was disguised. The Yi Hua Dan refined by this boy was indeed extraordinary. If I had the chance, I would ask him for two Yi Hua Dan to experience the feeling of toying with everyone. .

"Stop standing here, let's go to my room and chat!"

He greeted Qin Guan and Xue Qianmo back to his room with a smile. As soon as the three of them sat down, the maid had already brought the prepared spiritual tea.

"King Zhao Dan, I haven't seen you for half a year. I hope you are fine again!"

Qin Guan cupped his hands and smiled at Zhao Guangbing.

"Wherever, a bunch of old bones are being squeezed. The main contestant of this alchemy master competition is an old man. He can't push him away no matter how hard he pushes. I have no choice but to bite the bullet." He took a sip of the spiritual tea. Zhao Guangbing said, "Is it possible that you came to the Imperial City this time to participate in the alchemist competition?"

"Yes. I just wonder if Master Shao Shuai and Dan Master Shao will participate in this competition?"

Qin Dian nodded and asked.

"This kind of grand competition is rare in decades. With Shao Shuai's character, how could he miss it? He and Xue'er are already on their way to the imperial city. I guess this time is almost here!"

Understanding what Qin Guan meant by asking Shao Shuai, Zhao Guangbing laughed and specifically pointed out that "Xue'er" would come to the imperial city with Shao Shuai.

Qin Guan naturally knew it well, and the "Xue'er" mentioned by King Zhao Dan was exactly Yun'er.

"Yun'er will really come to the imperial city!"

Hearing that Yun'er would come to the Imperial City and that he would arrive soon, even though Qin Guan had already had a premonition, after actually knowing the news, Qin Guan still couldn't suppress the excitement in his heart.

After half a year of separation, we are finally about to meet again!

I wonder if Yuner has grown taller? Has your cultivation level dropped? Are you used to not being around me...

A series of questions flashed through his mind, and a smile gradually appeared on Qin Guan's face.

Seeing Qin Guan's reaction, Xue Qianmo frowned slightly. With his reaction, could it be that the "Xue'er" mentioned by King Zhao Dan was his girlfriend?

I've been sitting here for a long time, and Master Liangyue didn't even look at me. The girl who could attract such an outstanding person to him must be a hundred times more beautiful than me, right?

For a moment, Xue Qianmo couldn't help but be curious, wanting to see with her own eyes how beautiful and beautiful the so-called "Xue'er" looked!

"Alchemist Liangyue, anyway, the Alchemist Competition will not start for more than three months. If you are free during this period, you are welcome to visit Xue's house and let me, Xue Qianmo, show my friendship as a landlord."

Second-grade alchemists in their early twenties are all genius-like beings. As long as they do not perish, they will surely grow into fourth-grade alchemy kings in the future, or even become fifth-grade alchemy kings like Zhao Danwang.

The first time she saw Qin Guan, Xue Qianmo had already started to recruit. If such talents could be used by her, she would have an advantageous bargaining chip on the road to seizing power in the Xue family.

"No problem. If I have time, I will definitely pay you a visit. As long as Miss Xue Qianmo doesn't dislike me then."

Qin Guan smiled and answered, there was something in his words.

"Okay, you're welcome at any time." Xue Qianmo looked at Zhao Guangbing with a smile and said, "I'll leave that matter to King Zhao Dan. If you need anything, just ask. Our Xue family will do our best to cooperate with King Zhao Dan! I won’t interrupt you two to reminisce and say goodbye first.”

After saying that, Xue Qianmo bowed to Zhao Guangbing and stood up to leave. When she was walking to the door, she saw an alchemist with two golden alchemy furnaces embroidered on his chest walking in, followed by a similar-looking alchemist. An ugly middle-aged woman with a pockmarked face.

Seeing the middle-aged woman, Xue Qianmo frowned instinctively. How could such a high-end place like the Alchemist Guild allow such an ugly middle-aged woman to come in?

However, the next moment, Xue Qianmo's beautiful eyes widened. As if struck by lightning, she clearly heard Qin Guan's surprised voice coming from behind:

"Yun... Xue'er!"

Qin Guan suddenly stood up from his seat and looked at the pockmarked woman at the door with a look of surprise on his face, his voice trembling with excitement!

There were thousands of words that I wanted to say to Yun'er, but the moment I saw Yun'er, all the words in my heart seemed to be blocked in my throat, and I couldn't say a word.

"What! Is this extremely ugly middle-aged woman with a pockmarked face the 'Xue'er' they call her?"

Xue Qianmo felt like her brain was about to short-circuit!

Qin Guan is so outstanding. He originally thought that the girl he liked must be extremely beautiful and fragrant. Unexpectedly, he liked a middle-aged woman who could be his mother, with a pockmarked face!

"I am rich, powerful and capable, and I am as beautiful as a flower. I am ashamed of my beauty. Instead of having sex with a great beauty like me, I went to have sex with an extremely ugly middle-aged woman with a pockmarked face!"

Xue Qianmo felt that Qin Guan was either blind or his head was kicked by a donkey!

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