The students in the advanced class seemed like they couldn’t believe their ears!

Faced with the challenge of the top ten students, Qin Guan was not afraid at all, and even threatened the losers to withdraw from the assessment!

What an arrogant tone!

Is he so confident that he doesn't even look at the top ten students in the advanced class?

"Hmph, I promise you! If I lose to you, I will give up this test! If you fail, get out of my Tianji Academy!"

Zhao Jiahui took a step forward and snorted coldly.

Wu Jianghai and Bai Wansheng were about to step forward, but instructor Mu Xue frowned and said coldly:

"Do you still think of me as your mentor? Who asked you to stand up? Get back to the team immediately!"

Qin Guan's defeat of Meng Qingshan had already surprised her. She didn't want another accident to happen. Once the three people who stood up were defeated by Qin Guan, it would be small for the three of them to lose the chance of assessment. Her mentor Mu Xue's Your reputation is ruined!


Zhao Jiahui and the other three curled their lips and reluctantly walked back to the group of students.

"And you, stand at the back of the team and get ready to take the assessment!"

Mu Xue rolled her eyes at Qin Guan angrily and said coldly.

"Thank you very much, Teacher Mu Xue for your love!"

Hearing that the assessment was about to begin, Qin Guan's eyes lit up, he smiled and nodded to Mu Xue, walked off the platform, and walked towards the end of the student team.

"Let's go to the college assessment room!"

As the two students who sent Meng Qingshan to the infirmary returned, Mu Xue gave an order and led the four hundred students from Tianji Academy's advanced class to the Tianji Academy assessment room.

"Look, they are the elite seniors from the advanced class!"

"They are going to take the final assessment in the assessment room and compete for the four places that will eventually go to the Tianji General Hospital and go to the wider Tianhuang Continent. Just thinking about it makes people envious!"

The students walking around in twos and threes immediately started talking when they saw the team led by Mu Xue, and they all cast envious glances.

Being stared at by the fiery eyes around them, many students in the advanced class couldn't help but have confident and proud smiles on their faces. Their bodies became taller and taller, and they rushed to the Tianji Academy assessment room with high spirits.

Half an hour later, Instructor Mu Xue had led four hundred students to a tall, simple building covering an area of ​​several thousand square meters. On the front door were written several powerful, flying and phoenix-shaped characters - Tianji Academy's Ultimate Assessment room!

"Mu Xue, the instructor of Tianji Academy's advanced class, brought four hundred elite students here to take part in the assessment, and also invited the elders to open the ultimate assessment room!"

Mu Xue shouted respectfully in a cute voice.


As Mu Xueyin fell, the dark and thick doors slowly opened to both sides, and a golden passage appeared in front of everyone.

"Is this the passage leading to the ultimate assessment room? It's really exciting!"

All the students looked forward to it and looked excited.

"Follow me closely and don't move around at will. There are many traps here. If you make a mistake and trigger the trap, even my sixth-level Martial King will not be able to save you!"

After specifically warning the students, Mu Xue took the lead and walked into the splendid passage. The students were both looking forward to it and nervous, following closely behind Mu Xue.

After walking forward for about ten minutes, Mu Xue stood in front of the first thick stone door, pressed her palm on it, and a majestic spiritual power was activated. The thick stone door opened, revealing a secret iron door inside.

He took out a half-finger-sized token from the storage ring and inserted it into the groove of the secret door. Suddenly, there was a harsh creaking sound. The secret door slowly opened, and Mu Xue led four hundred students in one after another.

Inside is an extremely spacious hall. Although there are four hundred people inside, it does not seem crowded at all, but is extremely spacious.

"Did you see the red gate on the opposite side? That is the starting point for the first level of your assessment!"

Mu Xue pointed to a formation door on the opposite side of the hall that emitted a dazzling red light, and said,

"Inside the formation gate is an extremely complex attack formation. As you move forward, you will encounter sword formations, knife formations, wind formations, thunder formations, sea formations, confusion formations, beast formations, and seven formations. At the specified time, If you pass all the tests successfully, you can take the second test! Now you have five minutes. If you have any questions, please ask me and I will help you answer them.”

"Teacher, what level are those seven formations? Are they powerful? Do the more powerful students have a greater chance of passing? And will we be attacked and die inside?"

A petite girl asked.

"Wang Lin asked a good question." Mu Xue nodded, "These seven formations are generated by sensing the strength of the assessor. The stronger the strength, the stronger the formation, and the weaker the strength, the weaker the formation. Therefore, regardless of strength, Strong or weak, the probability of passing is theoretically the same.”

"As for the attacks within the formation, once you are attacked before fatal wounds occur, the formation will teleport you back instantly, so you don't need to worry about your life safety, but that means your assessment will end in failure. You were eliminated at the first level!"

"Instructor, can you tell me what the passing rate will be for this first level of assessment? Is it difficult?"

A male student asked curiously.

"The specific passing rate varies according to the overall strength of the students each year and is not fixed. However, in the past ten years, the senior class students with the best grades have the highest passing rate, reaching a full fifty percent!"

Mu Xue replied.

"The best pass rate is only 50%! Doesn't that mean that at least one of the two people will be eliminated in this first round!"

The students were secretly shocked. The elimination rate in the first round was so high. Wouldn't the difficulty of the subsequent assessments be even greater?

"Okay, the question time is over, and the first round of assessments officially begins!"

Mu Xue's voice suddenly increased, and said,

"The first round of assessments will start with the top-ranked student! Liu Han, step out!"

"Yes, instructor!"

A very capable boy walked out of the crowd.

"You are the first to pass the level. I wish you good luck and give everyone a good start!"

Mu Xue's eyes fell on Liu Han, and he said with expectation.

"Thank you instructor, Liu Han promises that he will not let you and everyone down!"

Nodding, Liu Han rushed directly into the red array gate and disappeared. At the same time, a huge array screen appeared in the center of the hall, showing everything Liu Han encountered in the array.

Dense sword array!

Knife array with sword energy!

Wind array with raging wind!

Thunder array with lightning and thunder!

Sea array with mountains and tsunamis!

Mysterious and strange maze array!

Longevity roaring beast array!

The seven arrays are different, but the only thing they have in common is that they are full of dangers!

Even though Liu Han is the number one student in this class and is extremely outstanding, he is like a lone sail floating on the endless sea in the array, full of dangers at all times and may be eliminated at any time!

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