The greater the crisis, the greater the reward!

Most of these outer sect disciples who rushed into the secret assessment realm have participated in the inner sect's assessment several times. They know that those powerful monsters in the secret assessment realm also mean rich harvests!

At the beginning of the assessment, the exit of the secret realm was not opened. There were only level four monsters and level five monsters, and the inner disciples would not enter it.

This is the time when the outer disciples are frantically earning sect points!

Killing a level four monster that is as powerful as a ninth-level warrior will automatically reward you with 10,000 sect points!

The reward for killing a level five monster is even more generous, reaching 100,000 sect points!

However, the strength of the fifth-level monster is equivalent to that of the third-level warrior. It is so powerful that few outer disciples can be its opponent.

In the dense woods, Qin Guan and Yun'er walked side by side.

"Yun'er, this is your first time to enter the assessment. As a warrior, actual combat experience is very important. Although your cultivation level is improving quickly, you lack combat experience. The fourth-level monsters here are a good opportunity for you to practice!"

Always pay attention to the surrounding situation, Qin Guan said.

"Master, I understand. I will never be lenient when I encounter a monster!"

Yun'er pursed her small mouth with a solemn look on her face, but her small hands were clenched uneasily.

"No need to wait any longer, a level four monster is coming towards us right now!"

As soon as Qin Guan finished speaking, a wild boar like a hill suddenly rushed out from the dense jungle on one side. It had a green face and fangs, and the hair all over its body was like steel thorns standing upside down. It stared straight at Yun'er with a pair of small eyes and a long nose. It made a "humming" sound, and smelly saliva kept dripping from the gaps between its jagged teeth.

"It's a bearded pig! Among the fourth-level monsters, it has weaker attack power and speed, but stronger defense. I'll give it to you!"

Qin Guan took a step back to give Yun'er room to fight. Although this was a bit cruel to a little girl under fourteen years old, Qin Guan had to do it.

If you protect her everywhere and let her become a flower in the greenhouse without fighting ability, then you are not loving her, but harming her!

If you love her, you must force her to grow!

If you love her, you must make her stronger!

Yun'er slowly pulled out the long sword from behind and looked nervously at the hill-like bearded pig on the opposite side. Just as he was about to make a move, the latter made the first move!


The bearded pig roared, ran wildly, rushed in front of Yun'er, lowered its head suddenly, and pointed its long white fangs directly at Yun'er!

Yun'er was so frightened that her face turned pale, and when she was at a loss what to do, she heard Qin Guan's voice:

"Calm down! Don't panic, wait for an opportunity to prick its eyes, that's the most vulnerable part of its body!"

Thinking that the young master was protecting her, Yun'er felt reassured and tried her best to abandon the fear in her heart. As she stepped back, she waited for an opportunity to stab out with the long sword in her hand!


Blood spattered as Yun'er's sword stabbed into Bearded Pig's left eye accurately, causing the latter to let out a heart-rending wail!

Qin Guan's eyes lit up, and he was able to hit the bearded pig's eye with one blow in the first battle. Yun'er's performance was surprising!

It felt like she was born for fighting, with fighting blood flowing in her bones!

"Haha, Master, I stabbed it!"

After a successful blow, Yun'er's nervous little face showed a hint of excitement and she said excitedly.

"Just now you could have killed it with your sword just a few inches deeper, but it's a pity that you backed away! Although you stabbed its eye now, it has become violent and more dangerous than before!"

Qin Guan sighed. The novice was indeed a novice, and his ability to seize opportunities was too poor. Instead, he was forced from an advantage to a disadvantage.

"Ah? Master, what should I do!"

Yun'er's expression froze, and she saw the bearded pig with only one eye, its eyes red, grinning and running towards her like crazy, and her mind was in a mess.

"Dodge, take advantage of it when it is not prepared, wait for the opportunity to stab its other eye, and kill it!"

Qin Guan said in a deep voice.

Yun'er stepped back again and again, and swung the long sword in his hand in panic. This time, it failed to hit the bearded pig's eyes, and stabbed into its hard body. There was a crisp "ding" sound, and only a shallow white streak appeared there. mark.

Bearded pigs have very strong defense capabilities and their fur is extremely hard. Yun'er's sword is like scratching an itch and cannot cause any harm to it at all.


Before Yun'er had time to sheath her sword, the bearded pig roared angrily, its fangs suddenly turned up and stabbed her chest!

"Danger, retreat!"

Qin Guan frowned and quickly reminded him, only to find that Yun'er was standing still, and a cold breath suddenly burst out from his whole body. At this moment, the surrounding temperature dropped rapidly, and the ice-attribute aura in the air quickly gathered towards Yun'er. !


Yun'er shouted low, and a burst of ice spiritual power suddenly surged out of his body, and a small hand suddenly hit the bearded pig!

A steady stream of ice-cold spiritual power penetrated into the Bearded Pig's body from Yun'er's little hand like lightning, instantly freezing it into a small iceberg, still maintaining its previous attack movements.


As Yun'er shouted, the frozen bearded pig suddenly shattered into countless ice shards!

"Haha, how about it, young master, am I awesome?"

Yun'er clapped her little hands and looked proud.

"Awesome! You just killed a bearded pig, and you used almost all the spiritual power in your Dantian. You really killed a chicken with a sledgehammer!"

Qin Guan flicked his finger on Yun'er's smooth and jade-like forehead and warned.

Fortunately, I had warned her not to use the power of the martial spirit, otherwise the noise she made when she used the martial spirit just now would definitely be discovered!

Although Yun'er is already an outer disciple of Fengyun Sect, people's hearts are separated by their stomachs. I'm afraid that even the strong men of Fengyun Sect would be tempted by the ten-star supreme martial spirit?

"Got it."

Touching her forehead that was hurt by Qin Guan's bullet, Yun'er pouted her little mouth, looking aggrieved.

"Okay, continue to find the next monster to practice. Remember, don't use your martial spirit easily unless it is absolutely necessary!"

Qin Guan reminded Yun'er and prepared to move forward to find a suitable monster.

At this moment, suddenly a strong palpitation came, Qin Guan's face changed, and he hugged Yun'er fiercely, fell to the ground and rolled to one side!


A loud noise was heard, and a white giant claw like a sharp sword suddenly pierced out from the ground, piercing the place where Qin Guan and Yun'er were originally standing, and the whole ground collapsed. It is not difficult to imagine that if Qin Guan had not reacted quickly just now, he and Yun'er would have been pierced into "candied haws" by the white giant claw!

"Squeak, squeak, squeak!"

A swift figure suddenly jumped out from the collapsed ground, making an excited sound in his throat, his nose kept moving as he sniffed the air, and a pair of greedy eyes flashed, staring straight at Yun'er!

Yun'er was stared at and felt hairy, her breathing was a little rapid, her chest rose and fell violently, she had a vague feeling that the monster in front of her was very powerful!

"Level 5 monster, God-eating rat!"

Qin Guan's pupils shrank, his face was solemn, and he directly blocked Yun'er behind him!

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