"Huh?! Who the fuck cares about yer' face!" He yelled out.

His words only seemed to further drive the man into nonsensical anger as he roared out, using his one available gauntlet to manifest the massive, astral gong in front of himself as it pointed towards the young man.

"What's that…?" He mumbled to himself.

As he stood himself up straight, he could feel the impact of all the previous impacts he took–they rung through his body, beating his flesh and bones repeatedly to the current state of his entire body ringing in constant pain.

"Die, die, die–!!! Doh will bring yer' death!" Doh roared out as his dreadlocks swayed while he reared his entire body back.

It took a moment for him to realize what the large-set man was doing, who leaned far back before suddenly stomping forward–putting all of his weight into a height against the massive, supernatural gong formed of golden magic.


The aftermath of the heavy blow to the giant, percussive instrument released a sound so jarring and ear-filling, he was left completely still for a moment–stunned by the sheer gravity of the noise before the impact came.

It peeled the paint from the walls, rummaging and tugging at the carpets as they rippled like unruly waves of the sea.

Wha…? He realized.

–It was the vibrations he searched for; they were too numerous, and far too potent–it was unavoidable.


The hall-filling, invisible impact slammed into his body with a force that resounded through his skeletal system, rippling his skin, and hammering his skull.

Holy shit…! Am I…dyin'?! He questioned.

"Giving up already, kid?!"


–It was a rough, female voice that called out, though it was muffled against his ringing ears as he briefly saw them pass his swaying vision.

She was tall, and built with a nice foundation of muscle that accentuated her flowing, golden locks.

Between himself and Doh, the athletic woman stood, already having manifested her [Equip] as she held her giant, dark-red warhammer that had a skull design etched on its blunt side. The uniform she wore was a white tank top with metal bracers on her arms and legs; a flexible outfit that traded defense for swiftness.

"Getting your butt kicked, kid?" Binna looked back at him with a smile.

"--I'm not! Wait, why're ya' here?!"

It took him a moment to come to as the aftermath of the impact left his ears, mouth, nose, and eyes bleeding.

"Huh?! Who the hell wouldn't hear this ruckus?! I was trying to sleep!" She barked back before she set her gaze forward at the faceless man, "...This is one of those player killers, huh? What a time to attack…tch."

He struggled to stand up as his entire skeleton still seemed to be singing the tune of the gong's bell, forcing himself to his feet as he coughed up blood.

"This guy really roughed you up, didn't he?...That's unacceptable," Binna said with a quiet anger as her grip tightened on the handle of her warhammer.

The dreadlock-wearing man scoffed, holding his gauntlets above the astral drums as he looked on with his eyelid-less eyes, "What're ya', his mommy or somethin'?"

A vein protruded on Binna's forehead as she responded sharply, slapping her hand against the torn paint of the hallway wall, "--What's more unacceptable is this mess you've made–!!!"

"Huh…?" Doh let out in confusion.

"Do you have any idea how much work goes into maintaining this damn place?! Hours, hours, and ours–! Every day! Every week! All so your sorry ass can barge in and mess it up?! Hell no!" Binna yelled out, gripping her warhammer with both hands.

"Oh crap–!"

He rushed to his feet, knowing full well what was coming from the short-tempered woman as he ran back while Binna lifted her hammer above her head.

"I don't care if yer' a girl, I'll rough ya' up all the same!" Doh yelled out, smacking the astral drums once more.

But, Binna seemed to only see red in that moment as veins pressed against her arms, wielding her hammer with her utmost strength before slamming it downward, "--Jotun Roar!"

As soon as the blunt side of the massive warhammer met against the ground, the floor itself wasn't damaged, but all of the force propelled down the hall directly towards Doh.

"Wha–?!" Doh let out.

–It directly contested the unseen impacts of his Rock N' Roll ability, resulting in a clash of invisible forces.

Both forces clashing resulted in a cancellation of both forces, dispersing with a blast of wind that filled the halls, both ways.

Wait a minute…He thought.

Jumping to his feet as blood squirted from his ears, he smiled in excitement, "Yer' a perfect match for this guy!"

"Huh? I am?" Binna looked at him, raising an eyebrow.

"Hell yeah! That hammer of yers ain't so different from those drums he uses. Ya' both use shock waves and all that tricky crap," he told her.

"Oh…I see now," Binna grinned, resting her warhammer against her sturdy shoulder, "--Looks like this guy is shit out of luck, then!"

Doh seemed less than pleased to have his ability canceled out, growling and gritting his teeth as he took a lowered stance, beginning to fiercely beat his percussive instruments again, "I've decided now–I'll turn your bones to dust–!!!"

"I decided that the moment I saw your ugly mug-!" Binna sharply yelled back, slamming her hammer against the empty air.

As it crashed against the unfilled space, a large shock wave propelled outward that, once again, nullified the drum-made impacts.

"Grgh…!!" Doh growled in frustration, continuing to slap the drums at a higher rate.

Binna smirked, "I can do this all day, chump–!!!"

Even with the large, heavy weapon she wielded, by spinning it around and controlling its momentum, she was able to strike with it in rapid succession, producing counter forces to the player killer's Rock N' Roll skill.

He was looking for an opening to get closer to Doh, but found it difficult as there was a constant "No Man's Land" where both of the invisible forces clashed–leaving it an untraversable area.

"I can hold him off, kid, so you handle the "kicking his ass" part, alright?!" Binna told him.

Though she yelled, her words didn't meet Doh's ears as the halls were filled with the deafening, repeating sounds of shock waves sounding out.

It was impossible to do what he did last time by evading the blasts; the dreadlock-wearing GOETIA System wielder was so filled with thriving rage that he continued vigorously beating the drums–filling the corridor with a barrage of unavoidable blasts.

"...I know, but how the hell do I get closer?!" He gritted his teeth.

"Use your head for that one!" Binna told him with a smirk.


"You're the maverick of Gangcheori, aren't you? So use that thick skull of yours and find the path to victory–!" Binna yelled at him.

"--" He was left dumbfounded at how unhelpful her words were until they resounded in his mind, prompting a cocky smirk from him as he held his blades up in laughter, "Yer' damn right–! I've got this!"

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